All Things Wrong

Chapter 2773: monster

After a little scrutiny, Li Huailin felt that his plan should be no problem. So I discussed it with my own people a little, mainly to explain with Io Fam. After all, I have to go out and rely on Iopham to guard this side.

"Of course, there are no problems with a few Protoss. After all, the remaining Protoss should also be the next god." Iofarm said, "Reassure, I am not as weak as you think."

Li Huailin said that of course, after all, you wrote 99 on your head, which is much more powerful than your own battle. And now Ioofam seems to be a bit curious about this altar that can be started without a magical array, and is preparing to study it, so I am willing to stay here.

After the consultation, Li Huailin is ready to start the action. This action is really Li Huailin alone. Iofamu wants to look after the family, and Li Huailin, who calls the Jade Emperor, also let her look after her. After all, my team now. There is a player left in it, and if something unexpected happens, summon the Jade Emperor to contact himself. For other holy levels, Li Huailin is not prepared to take it away, because Li Huailin is ready to use the Necromancer Aura or the Law of Withering to solve the strangeness found, so he has trouble with his own words.

Yes, Li Huailin is looking for a monster above 81. The level of the opponent is definitely very high. It is estimated that the character of the old **** level with Eofarm, Li Huailin must defeat the other party with special means. It is impossible to say that the direct slashing and hacking, so I decided to solve the problem with the glory at the beginning, it must be a convenient comparison of one person's actions.

After determining the tactics, Li Huailin began to find the target. Of course, the method used, or the eyes of God, who called this thing easy to use. It is a pity that the eye of God cannot see the exact score of the target, but Li Huailin can estimate it.

First open the map of the Eye of God and use the filter to select a stronger target in the visible range. Although the scoring standard of this trial may not be the same as the scoring standard of the Eye of God, the strong people will also have a high score. That way, Li Huailin quickly discovered the stronger people on the island, but the problem is that I don’t know how to filter the scores. Some targets may be strong, but only 80 points, then there is nothing. It is necessary to play. At this time, Li Huailin can only judge with his own naked eyes.

There are two selection criteria for Li Huailin. One is that the score of the other party is higher. It is better to be 81 points. It doesn't matter if it is a little more, but it can't be too high. Because people who are too strong may not die, the other party will not be wasted. Is it strength? The second criterion is that the volume of the other party must not be too large. For example, if you find a guy who is the size of Iofarm (Dragon form), you can’t move it back. Even if you can move it, it will take a lot of time. The most important thing now is the time issue.

In summary, Li Huailin began to find people in the target of the map screening, that is, to draw closer to see those more highlights, to see what at least looks suitable. Looking a little for a while, Li Huailin found a seemingly more reliable target.

"There are still humanoids. "Yes, Li Huailin actually found a humanoid creature. Of course, the other party is obviously not human. This guy is all black skin, and it is not the kind of human skin. It looks like a comparison. The hard one seems to be the skin of the outer shell, and there is a sharp corner above the forehead. This appearance looks a bit like...the demon family?

Yes, when Li Huailin saw this guy, he remembered the demons. Of course, the devils were so strange that they were more like humans than Cerston, and there was nothing like Maddot. Guy, so it is still a matter of discussion about whether the guy is a demon or not. Maybe it is possible to mix. And Li Huailin chooses the other side. First of all, the other party is very light. The size of an ordinary human being is that he should be moving. Again, the other party is 100% creature.

Yes, when I saw the appearance of humanoids, Li Huailin’s choice was one more, that is, he could only choose the soul. If it was the undead that did not eat the aura of the dead, or the mechanical creatures, elemental creatures, etc., Li Huailin It really can't be dealt with. However, this guy is not the above creature, it should be able to deal with it.

So the first Li Huailin chose this guy for the time being, saying that it is for the time being, of course, because he has to go through the numbers on the other side first. If it is below 80, then hurry to find the second one. Don’t be on this guy. waste time.

After selecting the target, Li Huailin directly used the transfer function. Yes, this cargo is still a little away from its current position, so Li Huailin directly used the transmission of the eye of God to calculate the past. Of course, before Li Hualin set up a sign of God in his place, if it was not possible in a while. I will go back straight and not waste too much time.

Of course, the transmission of Li Huailin can not be directly transmitted to the other party's face is so exaggerated, although Li Huailin will not die now (yes, this call to the Jade Emperor will throw the law of eternal life directly on Li Huailin's body, after all, there is no need to protect the object) But the strength of the other side, it is better to sneak a wave of better. So Li Huailin is directly transferred to a position that is a little closer to the other party, and then go directly to see the situation.

Unexpectedly, Li Huailin just landed, and a figure appeared directly in front of Li Huailin. Li Huailin is also a little bit stunned, because the person who appears in front of him is the black guy he just observed. The other party has just noticed that there is still a long way to go. The result is that in the moment of their own transmission, the other party appears in front of themselves. It is obvious that the other party is not only very fast, but also finds himself far away.

"Human?" I didn't expect the other person to actually speak, and Li Huailin actually understood it. "It's a very strange way of transmitting. The person who just looked at me is you."

I did not expect the other party to actually find the investigation of the eye of God? Li Huailin was also quite surprised, but he did not forget his purpose. He looked up directly at the number displayed on the other side of the head. The result was really shocked because it seemed to be written on the head of the black guy. One hundred.

Yes, it is indeed 100. Li Huailin didn’t expect this to be a 100 guy. I have to know that Iowam is only 99 points, so this one is a guy who is more powerful than Iofam? Really, I don’t see it at all. Li Huailin thought that the size of the old god’s strength level should be very large. Although this product is very powerful at first glance, it is estimated to be more than 80, so Li Huailin will Choosing this guy, the result is actually 100 full value people? This can be a bit of a hassle.

"5?" And just then, the opposite guy actually looked up and looked at Li Huailin, and then directly reported the number on Li Huailin's head. Li Huailin was even more surprised. Why did this guy see the numbers on his head? Obviously, this product is not a contestant. The characteristics of the contestants are still very obvious. After all, they have competitors on their hands. Mark, this mark can't be covered with gloves and the like, Li Huailin also has, and the black guy in front of him is not. By the way, when Li Huailin saw the other party's numbers, of course, he also saw the name displayed on the other side's head. This black guy is called Dolan Dunskoy, and of course the direct name is red.

"Sure enough, is it a weak human?" Donskoy nodded here, seemingly understanding the meaning of the numbers on his head, which made Li Huailin even more surprised.

"Can you see the numbers on my head?" Li Huailin was a bit curious. After all, it has already been discovered, so simply talk to the other party and see what information can be obtained.

Donskoy here directly turned his eyes, meaning that it is said "nonsense." However, he did not say anything. He looked at Li Huailin and asked Li Huailin: "Although I feel another powerful force in you... What is it? I am very curious."

"Well?" Li Huailin showed a glimpse, and then suddenly realized that the other party might be an Excalibur, because he usually carries the roots on his back. After all, you can add attributes. The halo is not very pitted. The other party may be aware. It is the power of the Excalibur. After thinking about it, Li Huailin said: "It’s very curious, no problem, I can satisfy your curiosity, but I have some things and curiosity here, or how about the two exchanges of information?"

Li Huailin's consideration is originally intended to give up this guy. After all, the other party shows 100, that is, the monster level, there is no need to play with him, or find a slightly weaker guy to brush 100 points. But when I heard the words of this guy before, Li Huailin felt that there was something he didn't know. It would be worth a little waste of time here. Of course, it would be better to get the information first and then solve this guy. .

"Exchange of intelligence?" Donskoy showed a glimpse here, and then suddenly laughed. "Ha ha ha ha, interesting, humans, actually dare to exchange information with me? It seems that you have not understood your position yet. The words that Dolan Dunskoy said are orders, what do you want me to say, what are you going to say!"

"Md is another guy who studies Protoss..." Li Huailin helped the amount, "Okay, then I don't say, what are you doing?"

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