All Things Wrong

Chapter 2776: Sneak attack

"Don't be angry, have something to say." Although Li Huailin said it was very polite, but he really did not intend to reconcile with Donskoy. Yes, the situation he wants to know now is almost understood. The rest of the work is of course to turn Donskoy directly into his own sacrifice point. Yes, the demon family is still revival or not. This is of course not related to Li Huailin. The current situation Li Huailin must hurry back to tell other people about the current information.

Donskoy this guy, originally Li Huailin is going to give up, after all, this guy is really a little hanging. But now Li Huailin decided to take the brush directly for him. The reason is very simple. Is this guy doing his own death? According to the original situation, Li Huailin is really impossible to be killed by the other party, but if he really wants to leave, he will not be able to stay. The sneak attack of the light does not know that Donskoy has no reaction here, but there are quite a few masters who can find the situation of the light in a flash. The other party will go directly, and Li Huailin can't stop him.

But the situation is different now, because this guy just had a bad brain, actually slammed Li Huailin directly. Of course, the focus is not on Li Huailin’s side, but that Li Huailin touched the guy’s body. Yes, now Donskoy has been filed in the temple of Li Huailin, so Li Huailin can use extraordinary means.

On the side of Donskoy, of course, he has lost patience. Li Huailin is completely playing with him. This guy who claims to be a Saltstone is obviously a group with Li Huailin. Of course, he was still a bit curious about the mysterious power of Li Huailin, but he did not want to talk to Li Huailin. He was directly prepared to take Li Huailin and then slowly asked.

"唰", Donskoy suddenly disappeared in the same place, Li Huailin certainly did not have any reaction at all, but there is still a little reaction on the side of Saltstone. Yes, although the side of Saltstone has lost the power of the temple, but it is still a master, so Donskoy’s action he saw a little, but the problem is that although he saw it, he did not know Duns. Why did Coy attack them, why is this angry?

The loud noise of "砰", Donskoy hit a direct hit on the face of Saltstone, here the Selston did not make any defensive action, and then the armor of this set also said It was temporarily found, so it was not a matter of artifacts and the like. The defensive ability was also normal. After a punch, the armor of the chest bursted all the way, and the whole of the race was over, and then the shells flew directly toward the rear. Going out, almost disappeared in the eyes of Li Huailin.

"The really want to extinct your own people." Li Huailin said faintly, then looked at Donskoy, who appeared in front of him.

"Human boy... tell me what is the secret of your body, maybe I can spare your life." Donskoy looked at Li Huailin here, said gloomyly.

"You... don't even know what the adventurer is." Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Adventurer?" Donskoy is obviously a glimpse.

"What about the winners?" Li Huailin asked again.

Donskoy here still doesn't know what Li Huailin is saying. It seems that there is no concept of a natural selection when the other party dies, so the other party does not even know that the player will not die. Li Huailin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. He said directly to Donskoy: "Do you want to know what is the secret of me? So, I will give it to you directly."

"Well?" Donskoy was a little stunned. The other party actually said, and thought that he would directly confess. At the next moment, Li Huailin’s “唰” disappeared directly in front of him.

"What?" Donskoy directly glimpsed, the disappearance of the other side is the kind of disappearance without warning, completely did not see the magic of the other side of the fluctuations, he directly disappeared, this is simply impossible to prevent.

"Damn, it is a despicable human." Donskoy certainly thought that Li Huailin ran directly with his special ability, but also immediately smiled. "Do you think that you can run so easy? I have already remembered On your body..."

The words have not been finished, suddenly a flash of white light, Donskoy he was actually transmitted directly. Yes, Donskoy did not respond to what it was, but in the next second he had already appeared in a very strange environment, surrounded by white, and then a building that he had completely seen before. When he turned around, he immediately saw Li Huailin standing on the side of the table.

"Here is..." Donskoy is still very calm here. After all, he is strong. Although it may be Li Huailin's tricks, he is not worried. Instead, he calmly observes the situation around him.

And Li Huailin certainly continues to operate here. The first is to bring Donskoy into the temple as a tourist. After all, the door to the deep point is here, so it is no problem to pull in directly, and then forcefully change the identity of Donskoy into his own servant. This is because it is forcible, so it was originally deducted, but Li Huailin added a lot of energy points to the character bug. After these operations, Li Huailin also directly dismissed his position. The next moment, Donskoy, who was still observing the surrounding situation, was kicked out directly.

"Get it, there is no problem." Li Huailin is the first time to do this. It really works. Before I tried to force the tourists into servants, it is indeed possible, that is, to pay a "fine". This fine can also add a little to yourself, but there is not much to add. Otherwise, Li Huailin is prepared to use this method to raise the level of the eye of God.

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin returned to the mainland of the ice field again, and the person who appeared in front of him, of course, had already fallen to Dunskoy on the ground. Yes, before Li Huailin was tested, if he directly expelled his servant, the other party would become a weak state, as if remembering to deduct at least 90% of the full attribute. For the npc, this weak buff has a special effect, which is to make the other person feel weak.

"What..." At this time, Donskoy’s face changed. Yes, of course, he noticed the change of his body. I didn’t expect this human to actually know how to make it so big for himself. Hurt, what the **** is going on? What is this magic? Donskoy said that he did not understand at all. Did he die for so many years, what strange magic appeared?

"Do you feel that the body is hollowed out? Is it kidney deficiency, do you understand?" Li Huailin also walked over to Donskoy while talking about the slogan. "Before you said, you guys of this level, Do you think that I really marry you? I don’t know where the superiority comes from. Now is the age. Your time has passed. Since it has already died, I will let you rest in peace."

I was getting ready to do it. I didn’t expect that Donskoy on the ground suddenly turned up and straightened up. It was a foot to Li Huailin. Li Huailin did not expect that the other party had not counterattacked at this time, because the former buffs of the protoss were basically lying on the ground and lying on the ground, there was no attack at all, and Donskoy could actually counterattack. ?

Under the circumstances, Li Huailin was hit by a short foot directly by Donskoy. Of course, Li Huailin’s blood volume is still very worrying, but the law of eternal life is still there. There is no danger, only people are kicked out directly. . Fortunately, the strength of Donskoy was obviously weaker. This foot Li Huailin just slipped a little on the ground and immediately stood still.

"Just attack? Your previous attack is to give me a massage, what is it now? Do you think it can pose a threat to me?" Li Huailin said faintly.

"Damn!" Donskoy really did his best to attack this time. Before the attack, he intentionally stayed behind. After all, he didn't want to kill Li Huailin. He also knew the secret of Li Huailin, but this time he was Full of shots, I did not expect the weakness of the body beyond his imagination, the effect of this shot is really very touching.

The next moment, Donskoy here turned a corner and then started running backwards. Yes, it is obvious that now I don’t know what spells are weak. Donskoy is not an idiot. Hurry up and leave Li Huailin first, and then find a way to lift this spell and take revenge. But the problem is that the speed of Donskoy's before Li Huailin couldn't even see it. Now that the speed of 90% has been weakened, the speed of Donskoy is just like that. It's still very fast, but Li Huailin can already see it. Come and catch up.

"Frost Heart." Li Huailin is also a direct-starting acceleration skill. He took two steps directly, and then he appeared in the position behind Donskoy. He was on the side of Donskoy and played. It just happens that the other party has just kicked his position.

"砰", the Donskoy here flew out directly, and squatted on the ground for two laps before stopping. Yes, Li Huailin’s strength is not small, at least the current Donskoy can’t resist. On this simple foot, Li Huailin directly kicked off 10% of the other party's blood, after all, the other party has no attributes.

"Cough..." Donskoy directly carded a blood, looked at Li Huailin who came over and said, "You mean this guy..."

"Well, I don't have time and you talk nonsense, now I have to go back soon." Li Huailin said that he was directly slap in the face of Donskoy, and he was attacked by the intelligence.

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