All Things Wrong

Chapter 2779: Giant wolf

The loud noise of "砰", Li Huailin’s words just finished, the Banrush here is directly raising his hand. It is really unceremonious to take Li Huailin directly with a paw. Because the other party's action is too fast, Li Huailin certainly did not even have the reaction time. It was like a stone that was directly beaten and flew out.

"Boom" is another loud noise. Li Huailin’s figure stopped very quickly this time. The reason is very simple, because Li Huailin’s body is behind the altar, and he also said that the material used in this altar seems to be the pyramid next to it. The same material used, although I don't know what it is, but it is very sturdy. Even Io'am's skills are on it, leaving a small mark, so Li Huailin will stop and of course stop. If it is a general kind of wall, Li Huailin doesn't know how many faces to break.

"Zizi..." Banrush, who saw this situation, couldn't help but sneer a little. He thought that the other party was hanging, but he dared to single-handedly. Is the result just this level? It is not enough to see at all.

As a result, when he thought about it on this side, Li Huailin’s voice was also passed from the front: “Is this level only? I thought that you have more hangs, it is not enough to see.”

"Well?" Banrush looked at the front for a moment. As a result, he just saw Li Huailin standing up from the ground without an anecdote. There is a law of eternal life on his body. Li Huailin certainly cannot be hanged. Listening to his words seems to let the other side attack the feeling of trying to attack each other. This originally saw that Li Huailin was shot at once, and Li Huailin’s men were very worried. Of course, I heard this. I am also relieved, so it seems that this wolf can not put any pressure on Li Huailin. Yes, they didn’t come up to help this time, because Li Huailin’s own heads-up, they certainly have to listen to orders, can’t help.

Of course, the only person who knows what he really wants is to summon the Jade Emperor, so the summoning jade emperor next to him is also pumping his mouth, and the goods have to start to be forced.

Sure enough, I saw Li Huailin’s calm wave, and arrogantly said to Banrush: “I just heard that Iofam said that she still played with you. It is said that the outcome is not the same, so I am still looking forward to yours. Performance, it seems to be like this now..."

"Iopham?" Banrush suddenly heard a familiar name, saying that it happened to be a nose, but when he first came here, he felt a familiar taste, but time passed. For a long time, it can't remember who it tastes, but after Li Huailin's reminder, it remembered, isn't that the taste of the white dragon?

Following the taste, it immediately saw Iofam, who was still standing on the altar. It was also because the other party was now in a humanoid state, so he did not see it at all. Of course, I have noticed now that Banrush is of course seeing the identity of Iopham in an instant.

"Have you been resurrected?" Banrush said directly to Eofarm.

“Why do everyone think that I am dead?” Eofarm said a little uncomfortable. “Listen to a stupid dog. Our dragons can live longer than you think. Don’t use the age of your silly dog. Measure me."

"You are still so daring." Banrush also responded bluntly, and it really didn't have to worry about Iofar. "You forced my brother..."

"Shut up!" Eofarm shouted directly.

"My God..." Although Banrush hasn't finished, but Li Huailin probably knows the situation behind, so it seems that Ioofam really did not mate with this Banrush, but his brother... it is still awkward to go to Iofam.

"How come you are with these humans?" Banrush did not entangle his brother, and asked directly to Iofam.

"My business is not going to take care of you." Iofarm here is also rude, "I think you are still worried about yourself..."

"Do you mean that I am not as good as this human?" Banrush, of course, directly heard the meaning of Eofarm. This is a bit strange. It is a long time to know Eowomam. The two have not only played once, so they are relatively familiar with each other's strength. So, Iofarm sees this human strength very much? So, is it because of this human being that Iofam is staying here on this side of humanity? Does this human being have the power to compete with them?

Banrush is really a little unbelievable, because in their time, human beings were the weakest races, basically equal to food in his eyes, or emergency food when there was nothing to eat, because it was more difficult to eat. Well. It probably knows the current situation now, and the current time has been thousands of years since their age, but the weakest race can turn this time into a powerful race? This makes it unbelievable, just like a group of rabbits you have said for thousands of years... Isn't that still a rabbit? Can you still eat wolves in reverse?

"Human... are you strong?" Banrush’s attention shifted to Li Huailin’s body again, and looked at Li Huailin, Banrush asked.

"Generally, but there is nothing wrong with playing you." Li Huailin said faintly.

Banrush is a bit irritated, because the other party does not seem to give himself a face, obviously a weak chicken, actually said to beat himself? So Banrush’s side also looked directly at the number on Li Huailin’s head and said, “Why do you write 5 on your head?”

"You don't understand this. Although this is written in five, it is invincible. Just like a wolf like you is too short, don't you know that the five people on the head are monster-level?" Li Huailin It is also ridiculous.

"Seeing is short-sighted?" Banrush really couldn't help but get angry. What happened to this cargo? This man is at most 20 years old. He said that he has been a short-lived guy who has lived for thousands of years. Although thinking of the other person may be ridiculing, but Banrush is really angry.

"Awful guy, I want to eat you! Crush your body! Crush your bones!" Banrush shouted directly.

"Eat?" Li Huailin took a brief sigh, and then suddenly a flash of light thought of a good way, "You want to eat me, just wait a little while, I will come back soon."

After talking about Li Huailin, there was also a flash of white light, and then disappeared directly into the place. Yes, of course, I went back through the temple. Now Li Huailin has opened two doors, so there are more places to move.

Of course, the people who stay here are all awkward. In this case, Li Huailin really left when he said that he did not know what happened. The opposite of Banrush is also a look of embarrassment, what the **** in this cargo, Ban Lusi really does not understand this guy.

"Running?" Waiting for a while, Li Huailin still did not appear, Ban Lush realized that the other party is running directly, of course, it seems that it is possible for the other party to run, after all, facing themselves what. However, Iofarm shook his head very quickly, because she felt that Li Huailin didn’t need to run at all. This is not just a guy who just got back a 100-pointer. Banrush is 96 points. It is necessary to run. ? But she also can't understand what Li Huailin is doing.

"Since your leader has ran, then you are..." Banrush has just turned his intentions to Li Huailin’s men’s side. As a result, he hasn’t finished talking. The white light flashed and Li Huailin appeared again.

"I am sorry to wait for a long time, ready, you can eat me." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"..." Everyone doesn't know what the situation is. What is Li Huailin doing? Then come back and let Banrush eat him? Still playing really, what does this mean? I have to say that the actions of their majesty before they let them not understand at all, now it is even more difficult to understand.

"Come and come, the people on your side are slightly retreating." Li Huailin suddenly pointed to the few men on his right. "Yes, go back a little."

Although I don't know what the situation is, the people under Li Huailin certainly took a few steps back from Li Huailin's order, but I still don't know what Li Huailin is doing.

"Come, eat me." Li Huailin turned his head and said to Banrush, a provocative look.

"You are a hateful human!" Banrush was really irritated, and the attitude of the other party was too much to take himself seriously, as if he had not threatened him at all. In the face of the provocation of the other side, Banrush decided to eat this abominable guy.

"砰", Banlush here a slamming ground, directly launched an attack, between the electric light and the flint, the huge body has appeared in front of Li Huailin. This speed is really a bit too horrible. I can't think of such a large-sized thing moving up so fast, not only Li Huailin, but even a few holy levels can't quite see the other's way.

And the moment in front of Li Huailin, the Banrush here opened his mouth and bite Li Hualin.

"咔嚓", Li Huailin did not evade the action after the money, directly bite the upper body by a huge wolf mouth. Banrush is also a little surprised that the other side has not moved, but the mouth on the mouth is not slow, directly "kakakaka" with a bite of teeth, and then a little up, directly in the mouth Li Huailin swallowed it.

"Oh... squat!" Although it was still very calm before, but seeing that Li Huailin was really swallowed, this group of men could not calm down.

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