All Things Wrong

Chapter 2783: Intruder

"Hey?" Li Huailin looked around, but there was no one around him. He and Iofam came in at almost the same time. The other party could not say that they came in and left, that is...

"Is there an accident?" Li Huailin lifted the amount. Before Iofam said that this was the first time that an accident might occur, so is it an accident now? The trouble is that Li Huailin still doesn't know what kind of accident this accident is. Iofam is now in the temple, but the difference between the two is different, or Iopham did not come in.

If the landing is different, the problem is not very big, but if Iofam is not directly involved, then the problem is a bit serious. The biggest question first is... how should I go out? Yes, Li Huailin originally let Eofarm draw a magic array here and then go straight out, but now the Iofam is gone, who will draw the magic array? Is this problem serious?

I thought that Li Huailin also tried to open his own temple to see if he tried to open it, but it did not react. Yes, this has already been thought of before, and it would be strange to open the door of another temple in the temple. Sure enough, this is really not possible. As for the transmission of the necklace, Li Huailin had already marked the Protoss before, but could not be sent in. I tried it and could not transmit it.

This is really a bit of a headache, and it seems that I really can't get out. However, I thought a little about it. Li Huailin didn’t have such anxiousness. First, if Eofarm had already been sent to it, then it should be able to meet with each other for a while. If it didn’t come in, then Iofam should also I will think of ways to come in again, that is, to use that transmission array, so in theory, I don't have to worry too much.

I thought that Li Huailin turned his attention to the front. There is no doubt that this should be the shrine of the Protoss. Li Huailin has been here more than once, but this time Li Huailin came here really is a little bit unrecognized. The change of the temple is really a bit too big. The most obvious change at first is that the entire temple itself is completely gone. Yes, the platform that stands on the same is the same. The whole right side feels like the one that has been cut, and the knife is still the one from the beginning. You can even see that some palaces are directly Cut in the middle.

This was of course the result of Li Huailin’s action of pulling the temple. Before Li Hualin pulled out the half of the temple with the birdman’s artifact and directly destroyed it, so this situation will appear. Of course, from the current situation, the remaining half of the temple is still very large.

However, although the scale is very large, Li Huailin found that the palace inside was reduced. This is of course caused by Li Huailin. Most of the palaces were directly pulled by Li Huailin to his temple, so the size of Li Huailin’s shrine is now larger than The palace of the Protoss. The main remaining facilities of the Protoss Palace are estimated to be some public facilities. The remaining sporadic palaces can only be said that the level of light is not very advanced, because the upper gods have basically been Li Huailin. The light is processed.

When Li Huailin was observing the temple, more and more Protoss gradually came out and appeared in Li Huailin's field of vision. Yes, of course, they have already noticed this person who suddenly appeared in the square. It is obvious that this person is not a protoss, and the probability is illegal. The Protoss had actually encountered illegal intrusions before, but it was basically an accidental event. Once this happens, there will be people from the Temple Law Enforcement Team who came to deal with it immediately, but now the situation is that the Temple Law Enforcement Team Captain St. Iloci has been killed by Li Huailin, and now the entire law enforcement team is basically in a state of paralysis, coupled with the constant and the main **** level people are killed, so the current temple is a messy situation, and at this time There are people who invade the temple, it is really worse.

Of course, it is impossible to completely ignore it. Most of the remaining Protoss in the temple are not in the combat system, and most of them are lower gods. The more the number is the level of the servant. In fact, if you say it accurately, they don’t even count the servants. If you want to be a servant, you must first have a **** of service. But the problem is that there are many temples of the Protoss that have now been moved by Li Huailin. The servants in the shrines that were removed from the temple will not follow the temple. This Li Hualin has already tried, so after the temple was removed, they of course automatically canceled the identity of the servant.

This situation is of course to make the Protoss more chaotic. Originally according to the classification of the Protoss, they have the main **** level, the servant level, and the general Protoss. The position gap between the three is very obvious. But now that a large number of servants have lost their position in the temple, then of course they have become the third person. This is inexplicably turned into the third person. Can they be convinced? But the general Protoss have always been very upset about them. Yes, these servants are always arrogant because their status is higher than them. But now they have lost their position as servants, and they are theoretically equal to them.

The current situation is like an aristocrat suddenly lost his own title, then he should be a civilian, but the problem is that he does not regard himself as a civilian, still feels himself high, so the contradiction also occurs here. . Now the situation of the Protoss is already very bad, and the contradictions have always been there, but it has not broken out because there is absolute force, that is, those who are at the main **** level support, but now the main **** level people disappear one by one, left The ones underneath are basically not in charge, so the order of the entire temple is more chaotic.

Now this group of protoss is onlookers here. Yes, this situation is completely impossible before. Even if there are intruders, there is no big relationship with them. There will be law enforcement people to deal with it. Now this In the chaotic situation, almost no one has taken care of them.

“Invaders? It seems to be a personal class?” Several protoss looked at Li Huailin, who stood in the square.

"This human being seems to have seen it."

"Now there are intruders in this situation, what should I do?"

The Protoss looked far away and whispered, but no one dared to come over, or no one thought they should take care of it. After all, this was not their job. As for who is going to manage it, there is no saying above, they don't know.

The Protoss did not come, Li Huailin did not go to them, yes, he was waiting for the movement of Iofar. Because if Eofarm has come to the temple and just walks away, it is estimated that her situation will soon become louder, and if it is not transmitted, then Ioofam should come over again, so Li Huailin still Slightly wait.

Yes, Li Huailin, who originally came here, did not intend to work directly with the protoss. I said before that I couldn’t open the door of the temple. So even if Li Huailin met the Protoss, he couldn’t return to the temple to pull them in the first time. It’s too much trouble to deal with the Protoss. The way is to use the magic skills directly, but your own power can not be restored. Therefore, Li Huailin wanted Eofam as the main output from the beginning. Anyway, she also likes to work with the Protoss. According to the ability of Eofarm, it is no problem to eliminate these ordinary Protoss casually, and you can kill a few powerful Protoss by yourself, saving time and effort. But what I didn't expect was that the Eofams were gone now, and Li Huailin certainly didn't want to play directly with the protoss.

So the two sides looked at each other for a while from a distance, as if nothing had happened. However, Li Huailin has not waited for the reaction of Iofarm, and the opposite movement has already occurred.

"St. Cudas is an adult." Suddenly there was a person in the Protoss on the side, and when he saw this person, the other Protoss immediately saluted him. Yes, it is obvious that this guy is a master **** level. It is estimated that this is also the case.

"St. Cudas, the intruder is there, what should I do?" Other protoss don't know how to deal with the current situation, so of course they can only listen to the only one of the main gods. However, they don't know what to do. Does Saint Kudos know what to do? Of course, he didn't know. He didn't manage it after all. The temple enforcer didn't take him to deal with it, but now the temple law enforcement team has exploded. This is...

"I will take a look..." St. Kudos thought about it. Yes, although this matter is not under his control, the problem is that he is a god-level after all. There are so many people watching him here. Does he say that he is not in charge of me? Then leave the intruder alone? What is the majesty of this Protoss, so it is only for the majesty of the Protoss, he also has to manage this matter.

After talking about St. Cousins, he flew directly in the direction of Li Huailin. Of course, other Protoss were watching behind. As a result, St. Cudas had just flown halfway, and suddenly the guy in front of him seemed to be familiar with it. He paused a little, and then St. Cousins ​​suddenly remembered who Li Huailin was.

Yes, he had seen Li Huailin not long ago, and at that time, Li Huailin took a group of old people to invade the temple and pulled out half of the temple.

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