All Things Wrong

Chapter 2800: Repression

"Hot Miller?" Along with the sound, a huge figure fell directly to Li Huailin's side. Li Huailin looked up and saw that it was of course Iofam, and it seems that Iopham still knows this. Black dragon.

"Iopham?" Hort Miller was a little awake, looking at the emergence of Iofam. It is obvious that Iopham has already dealt with those in the west, and of course he will come back directly.

"How do you know each other?" Li Huailin helped the amount. "This will not be your old one."

"That is the mating object, I will say it again." Iofarm said, it seems that he did not deny that he had mated with Hot Miller. Li Huailin said that Iofarm likes to mate in the end. Seeing that everyone has been mated together?

"Iopham, what is this guy going on? It must be that you helped this guy? Is it magic?" Holt Miller still doesn't believe that Li Huailin will be better than his dragon. I think the reason is on Iofar, but this time I did not say that Ioofam loaned his energy to Li Huailin, but used what magic to enhance Li Huailin's strength.

"Hot Miller, you haven't seen it for many years, you will be so arrogant." Iofarm said, "If the dragon is really so strong, it will not fall to the present level. The current ancient dragon is alive. That's left me, and your Huanglong family has long been extinct..."

"Damn, I don't believe it!" Houtmiller shouted. "The ancient gods will forget. This human being cannot have such a powerful force. You must have used what means..."

If it is the previous situation, then what Holt Miller said may be really reasonable. Unfortunately, Li Huailin really relies on the other side to die, so Li Huailin is not empty. Listening to Hot Miller’s words, Li Huailin smiled a little: “What do you mean by me? The means is to have money. You can throw away your power and throw you to death. Don’t be convinced.”

After talking about Li Huailin, I also looked at Iopham next to me: "Can I do it?"

Iowamu thought a little bit here, and said to Li Huailin: "The strength of this cargo is not bad, maybe it will be useful when dealing with the king of God."

After that, Iofarm also said to Hotter Miller: "Hot Miller, do you want to join me? After all, the ancient dragon species are almost extinct. I heard that you are resurrected and the sacrifices are completed. Can really resurrection, if you promise to make a **** vow, I will let you sacrifice."

"Dragon blood vows? What is that?" Li Huailin asked.

"Simply speaking, the dragon must fulfill the contract. Although there is no special binding force, the betrayal will be regarded as abandoning the identity of the dragon, so it will generally be performed." Iofar explained a little.

"Oh." Li Huailin probably understood, that is, swear, but it seems that the dragons are more valued about the oath, and it is not like he can come with it.

In the case of Iofar’s proposal, Li Huailin is not really opposed. Yes, after all, the resurrection of the guys, even if the sacrifices are successful, should not be considered as participants will participate in the next round, their "prizes" is just a complete resurrection. So in fact, the problem of Holt Miller's death is not very big. If the other party really wins and surrenders himself, the income will be collected, but I always feel that this guy is not so good.

Sure enough, I heard that Iofarm’s proposal, Hult Miller here directly laughed: "Dragon blood vows? Iofam, you want me to obey you? I Hort Miller, the greatest great How can Black Dragon surrender to people. Iofam, you will pay for your arrogance!"

"Sure enough, I didn't convince so well." Iowam seems to have expected this result. There is nothing to pity. Of course, it doesn't mean anything about Hot Miller. "In that case, you can only die once again!" ”

"It’s really a bit quick to talk about the collapse." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I just got a temporary start. I want to collect the dragons of various colors and sit as a mount. It seems a bit troublesome."

Eofarm took a look at Li Huailin directly, because Li Huailin’s words seemed to count her in. Of course, Iopham also really carried Li Huailin, of course not as a mount. Originally, Iofam was quite angry when he heard it, but the two people’s feelings were still high. Iofam was also a joke, not really serious. Of course, the other party really took it seriously, that is, it added a good feeling. Only then, Li Huailin is not worried at all.

When Li Huailin was talking, there was a hurricane in front of him. Li Huailin looked up and saw that Hot Miller in front of him began to flap his wings, as if he was ready to take off. After all, the dragons were born with flying ability, and the air was the best battlefield for strength. The other party did not expect to run directly. It is ready to fight hard.

However, Li Huailin had a headache. Because he had turned over the skill ball in the Divine Institute and did not find a magic similar to flying, Li Huailin still could not fly. When this made Hotmüller fly, Li Huailin said that it was a bit difficult to do, so Li Huailin decided to start directly, while the other party had not taken off.

As soon as he raises his hand, it is also the direct release of the soul precipitation skills. After all, this skill has a hit correction. Although he has money, but Lieulin is still a little bit painful if several million of his powers are directly emptied. Of course, Hot Miller also noticed the action of Li Huailin. When he saw Li Huailin’s skill shot, the other party turned his head and spurted directly into Li Huailin’s side. In a flash, the fire once again engulfed Li Huailin.

However, in Hot Miller's dragon's breath, a small black sphere is still moving in the direction of Hotter Miller's faucet, and the fierce dragon's interest does not seem to prevent the speed of the ball. This is the soul-precipitating skill released by Li Huailin. It flies directly toward Hotmüller’s mouth directly against the flame, and when Hotter Miller’s reaction comes over, it’s too late. The black ball is directly from Huo. Tamil's mouth flew in.

A loud bang, the explosion was a bit strong, and it exploded directly in Hotmüller’s mouth. After the loud noise, Li Huailin saw a lot of strange things squirting around, and looked at it and found that it was like a fried piece of flesh.

Looking up at Holt Miller in front of him, the whole faucet of the other party has been covered by black smoke. Later, the black smoke slowly dissipated, and Li Huailin saw the upper part of the whole faucet of Hot Miller. It seems that they have all been flattened, and the part that is smoking, only one chin is left.

Holt Miller's huge body suddenly seemed to lose support, and then the whole fell to the side, the loud noise accompanied by the huge vibration of the ground, this black dragon completely fell in front of Li Huailin.

"Where?" Until Hot Miller fell Li Hualin, he reacted, and he actually took the other hand directly? Really, Li Huailin did not think that his own attack could directly kill the opposite side. After all, the value of the other party is 99. This is the same number as Eofarm. Although he has ten levels of divine power skills, it is still a little difficult to get Eofarm. I have seen the battle between Eopham and the upper **** before. There seems to be no such difference between the two sides.

But after thinking about it, after all, this number is estimated to be the level of display. I wrote 5 on my head. In fact, how can my combat power be 5, so although the numbers of Hot Miller and Iofar are the same And thousands of people may still play similarly thousands of years ago, but after all, Iofam has lived for thousands of years, and the strength of Hot Miller is only in the state before the millennium, can not fully reflect the actual Combat ability.

Looking at the dragon corpse that fell to the ground, Li Huailin considered it a little. Yes, he also has a skill that can directly resurrect people. If you need to, you can still pull Holt Miller up. But after thinking about it, first of all, I already have a bone dragon, and then I tested it before. When the resurrection ability of the Excalibur is revived, there is a chance to lower the level of the blame. Simply put, the boss is turned into a business level. Li Huailin had a little test before, although the skill description gave a chance, but Li Huailin found that the resurrection of the corpse was basically the original level, and the corpse was incomplete and lacked arms and legs, and the resurrection would generally lower the level. This may be a hidden setting, just like the power affects the repelling.

Now, in the case of Hotter Miller, the head is directly blown up. Li Huailin feels that it is an elite who is resurrected. Whatever is without a skull dragon, it is not handsome at all. So Li Huailin just thought about it a bit and gave up on this plan.

"You are really getting more and more abnormal." Iofarm next to him was a little surprised, and then said to Li Huailin, "It seems that after you ruined the temple, you still have the power of the Protoss."

It is not surprising to be discovered by Eofarm. Of course, Li Huailin does not have to hide anything. Li Huailin did not answer Eofar, but looked at the only guy left on the court. I didn't pay attention to it before, but I saw this guy's look. Li Huailin smiled directly. Yes, this is a guy in a robes. It seems to be a mage. The body is slightly wrapped and not very clear, but as long as it is worn. The person in the robe, Li Huailin is of course casual.

"You..." Li Huailin looked at the other side and said nothing, and the other party was directly paralyzed.

"I am willing to surrender."

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