All Things Wrong

Chapter 2803: Worry

When Li Huailin woke up, of course, it was the next morning. After a little washing, Li Huailin looked at the game forum while eating breakfast.

The current forum, Li Huailin's task is not a hot topic, the reason is actually very simple, because most of the people have been eliminated, since no one is doing this task, of course, the heat will come down. Li Huailin also occasionally saw a few people are also asking who is doing this task in the end, what is the final reward, but no one answered, after all, those players who are still in trial have no time to answer Their problems were later eliminated by Li Huailin, and they didn't want to say anything. This is not a matter of losing face.

So what are the main topics they are discussing now? In fact, it has a relationship with Li Huailin. Yes, they are discussing the invasions that occurred on several continents yesterday. When Li Huailin saw the invasion, he never looked back. He thought that something special happened again, so he immediately looked at it seriously. After all, it is a special period, no matter what special happens. It may be an important reminder, but a little look at Li Huailin found himself posing an oolong, because it seems to be his order, and then he has forgotten.

Yes, just before taking part in the trial, Li Huailin compiled a team of the Protoss received from the second round and asked them to deal with other things that have not yet surrendered to the mainland, so as to avoid the second round. The kind of people who give themselves a mess. Of course, Li Huailin just said it casually. After that, Li Huailin quickly put all his attention on the trial and dealt with the Protoss. This matter did not pay attention to it. Now I see the contents of the post. There is such a thing up.

How is the gang of prostitutes doing? Looking at the post, Li Huailin is also confused. Yes, because these posts are not very complete, this is originally a forum in China, and this intrusion has nothing to do with the Huaxia District. It is played in the European Union, South Asia, and Africa. The posts in Huaxia District are basically just transferred from the forum over there.

The players found that something was wrong because the countries on their side began to publish strange announcements, and a lot of strange things happened. Yes, Li Huailin told the protoss that the plan was to let them deal with the sacred alliances there, and then solve the sacred alliance and let the people of these sacred alliances to suppress the following people, so the current situation will appear. At present, this plan is obviously still under implementation, so this group of people have not officially announced to join Li Huailin's mainland alliance, but these signs have been noticed.

The action is so big, it is impossible to completely hold it. After all, there are too many people involved. One of them reveals a little and will spread it soon. At present, the players know that it is not clear, mainly because the current affairs are important in the holy level, but they also found some information through some means.

The current emergence of these signs of course makes them very worried, and now players certainly know what the Holy Alliance means, although they do not participate in the mainland's rule, but it is the highest fighting power of the entire continent. To make an analogy, that is nuclear weapons, that is, because every continent has it, so there will be a balance between them, and now the holy level is said to have received an attack? Once this nuclear balance is broken, it will be a big deal.

Of course, there is no clear evidence in the current situation that Li Huailin did this, but the problem is that... many players have already guessed it. The reason is very simple. This is not the first time such a thing happened. It has not happened before. Why do you think that this kind of player in East Asia is not free to go online? This is not a good thing for Li Huailin. And things have been going on for so long, and the players gradually understand how Li Huailin did it at the time, that is, by ignoring the sacred alliance in East Asia by knowing what means, and then controlling the East Asian continent through them. Various forces, then use these forces to smash players.

Of course, they also knew what the situation was at the time. It was not that the people in East Asia did not know why they first invaded the mainland of China. Li Huailin’s repelling the other side and then retaliating led to it. They also laughed at the people in East Asia who stole chickens and did not erode the rice, but now this happened to them, that is a big deal.

Yes, who knows that Li Huailin is doing what they want to do with the Holy Alliance on their side. If the things to do are the same as those in East Asia, isn’t this a pothole? So as soon as the news came out, people in all other districts were very nervous. Then there are people who want to blame this thing, so there are also a lot of posts that are obviously on the fire.

The people who made these posts are actually very obvious. Of course, they are from East Asia and Magnesia. Yes, they can all live in the hot water now. The people in Magnesia are inexplicably obsessed with the high price of metamorphosis. The people in East Asia can’t even get on the line. It’s called Grandpa Li Huail, what is Grandpa? It is possible to get the number of places on the line, which is simply not tolerable. Now, I see that Li Huailin seems to be working on several other continents. Of course, it is to launch them to deal with Li Huailin. The strength of the people is great, although there is no clear evidence that this is really what Li Huailin did. However, this is not important. Anyway, I will speculate on this matter first.

Therefore, although the forums in China are still very high, the other forums actually have a very explosive atmosphere. Because of the fear of the situation in Magnesia and East Asia, players are trying to avoid this happening. Some people smashed Li Huailin on the Internet. Others said that they would like to find a game company to protest against this incident. Others said that they should let everyone unite. In short, there is a feeling of doing something big.

Of course, in the face of this seemingly terrifying situation, Li Huailin is not worried at all, because now the players have done this, isn't the people in Magnesia and East Asia not done? Yes, they have all tried, but the problem is not useful. Li Huailin, who slandered what he did, didn't care. After all, it was really nothing to smash. Li Huailin said that I recognized it. And Tianyu company they could not manage this matter, they did not have such a large modification authority in the game. As for what united to fight? Sorry, this Li Hualin is just listening to a smile.

The only way is that you don't play, but is it easy to play without thinking? If you really don't want to play, you can't just go away. It's a screaming person who wants to fight against Li Huailin. People who want to continue playing will be so threatening. This game has become like a second world. The existence of this, this suddenly let them give up one of the world, how many people are willing?

So Li Huailin looked at it a little and then went straight to the line. Yes, it is better to go online to see the forum than to ask questions directly. They know that after all, they are limited. If you go back and ask, you can know what progress is now.

Li Huailin is very early on the line. After all, it is necessary to continue the mission of the world at noon. Li Huailin came here early to stay here, because he wants to know who the so-called invitees are, whether there is a **** or not, and the best way, of course, is waiting here. Yes, now Li Huailin’s place is naturally next to the pyramid. The meeting place is here, so the participants will come here sooner or later, just waiting.

Of course, the rest of Li Huailin’s men are waiting here. Although the task did not require them to leave, they just waited for one night. They also received an order from Li Huailin to stand here and see if anyone else arrived. Li Huailin looked at it, npc is there, but both the day and the summoned Jade Emperor are still not on the line, and there seems to be no other person besides them.

"Your Majesty, no one else has come here." Regg also went to Li Huailin's side to report.

"Know it." Li Huailin nodded. "You keep watching. I will go back to the temple. If something happens, you come in and look for me."

Yes, Li Huailin also gave Regg a status to enter the temple. If something happened, Regg could come in directly. Now there is a lot of space in Li Huailin’s temple. It’s not as nervous as before. The rest of the holy level here. Li Huailin has already arranged it, after all, this can also increase their combat effectiveness.

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin also came to the temple, and then went to the main control station, and soon forced a large number of people directly. Yes, this large group of people is of course the protoss that Li Huailin sent before to attack the holy ranks of other continents. Li Huailin asked the progress of the incident and directly forced them into the temple to ask questions.

Seeing Li Huailin, the eyes of the protoss have obviously changed again. Yes, their eyes were just fears, but now they are awe. Seeing each other's expressions, Li Huailin probably knew that they had already returned to the temple, and Li Huailin had destroyed their temple before, and they seemed to know. From the news of other Protoss, it is said that the King of God has been defeated by Li Huailin. Although this is a fake, the protoss do not know.

"The King of God!" At this time, the protoss also looked at each other and then bowed to Li Huailin.

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