All Things Wrong

Chapter 2837: guess

The second person completed the task, and the first reaction in Li Huailin’s mind was the **** king. Yes, summoning Jade Emperor and Heaven have not contacted each other, so it should not be completed yet. Therefore, from other people’s considerations, the strongest person is of course the **** king. Li Huailin now clearly knows that Shen Wang has participated in this. Trial, so his possibilities are the biggest.

So now if you match directly, you may be able to directly encounter the king of God. The person Li Huailin is looking for is the king of God. Of course, it is best to meet him directly. However, if you can't touch it together, it seems that you still have to look at this matching mechanism. Li Huailin doesn't quite understand how this match is calculated, because there is no way to disclose the screening. In the end, let's look at the problem first.

So Li Huailin is also directly close to the ball of light. The ball of light here seems to feel that Li Huailin is coming. He goes straight to say: "Through the last round, you should have learned more about yourself. Then please ask again now, you really Want to be a choice?"

"Yes, yes, really." Li Huailin’s support, this question has been asked last time, so the question of this match is the same as the last question?

"So why do you want to be a choice?" Sure enough, the second question was also the question that Li Huailin had heard. Li Huailin really only repeated it again: "So I said, being a choice is my childhood. Dream, you have to believe me."

"So, what is the motivation to support you to continue to act? A dream, b hate, c羁绊, d ambition, e faith, f is not above." The light ball suddenly asked.

"Ha?" Li Huailin directly glimpsed, and thought that this thing will be asked in the same way as the third question before, so that you can arrange your own talents again. As a result, a new problem is raised.

Although a bit sudden, but Li Huailin immediately considered this issue. First of all, according to the normal situation, if you do not consider the normal answer, the answer to this question should be...f. Yes, Li Huailin thought a little, first of all, he didn’t have a dream, and then hatred...and no, after all, those who offended themselves died. Uh... Sorry, Li Huailin said that his parents are both dead and that they are not hungry when they are full. Ambitions... all that can be achieved is achieved. Faith, that is an atheist, and there is nothing particularly convinced, so I ruled out that my answer is f.

But can you answer f directly? There are two problems to be considered here. The first question is that my current goal is not to answer this question, but to match the king of God. How can we match it together? According to the experience of the previous round, It should be that the more similar people who answered the questions will match together. Both Hops and Hope should be ranked first in leadership, so they will directly collide with each other.

So what do you think you should find the same option as God King? However, the problem is that I don’t know the king of God. I can’t guess what the king of God would choose, but there is a way for God to know himself. This is what Hops said, and the other person should also want to match himself. If you choose it in the normal way, you should be able to meet the king of God.

But the problem is coming again. This **** did not match himself in the first round, so he said that the other party should have guessed his own options. Now that the second round is over, the other party will guess wrong and say that he feels himself. The first round was wrong. In the second round, I tried to change the next. This kind of thinking is a bit complicated. Li Huailin said that he has already guessed the choice of the king.

Of course, in addition to this, there is a more bitter problem, that is, Li Huailin’s previous answer. Yes, in the second question, this light ball asks why he wants to be a choice, and his answer is to become a dream of being a small person. Yes, this is completely nonsense. Li Huailin didn’t care to sell it all at once. I didn’t expect him to actually ask this. According to the normal logic, you should answer a dream now. After all, you are not saying that the dream from small to large is to become a choice.

Li Huailin didn't know what would happen if he randomly played this system. He knew that it would ask him that he would not talk nonsense. It’s too late to say anything now, and answering the question in the future is really a matter of serious thinking.

Thinking a little, Li Huailin still chose to answer a. Yes, he thought a little. First of all, the king of God is really too difficult to guess. He can't cooperate with him. He can only cooperate with himself. If he really can't meet it, It can only be said that the fate has not arrived yet. Secondly, Li Huailin has something to meet, and he does not want to meet it. Yes, the person he does not want to meet is to summon the Jade Emperor and Heaven. It is of course the most stupid situation for oneself to eliminate oneself, so Li Huailin deliberately avoided the two.

A little thought, according to Li Huailin's understanding, summoning the Jade Emperor will answer yes, and each side of the day should answer the faith, after all, is the messenger of justice, only believe in the righteous guy. Then answering a should be able to avoid the two directly, which is still very good.

"a dream." Li Huailin replied.

"So what is your dream?" asked the light ball here.

"Where, I am going to make a tragic story?" Li Huailin always felt that this question was a bit familiar, as if it was often heard in variety shows.

Of course, with the above lessons, Li Huailin decided not to mess around, try to reduce a bit of nonsense, and the province itself will not come back. So soon he also replied: "My dream is to be a choice."

"Would you like to give everything to your dreams, even your life?" asked the ball of light here.

"..." Li Huailin lifted the amount, and the ghost was willing to give everything. Is it useful to ask you, isn’t it just to confirm? So can you just go to a button like OK? Of course, if you think so, the answer is to answer directly, "Yes."

"It turns out." The light ball here seems to have been asked. He paused for a while and then said, "As a decision, your beliefs are very important. You can see your attachment to your goals, but Is this persistence true? Or are you not strong enough?"

"God tn is persistent." Li Huailin lifted the amount, not at all obsessed? Is this really a random mess? Of course, he will not say so directly.

"Unfortunately, you have not found a suitable opponent at present. You have already joined the waiting queue. When your opponent appears, you will receive a prompt." The ball of light here said.

"Hey... didn't match?" Li Huailin had a slight glimpse. It was obvious that the second person who had completed the task had already appeared. Otherwise, there would be no matching options, so I said that I didn't match the opposite? It seems that the choice of the other party is different from that of the other party, or that the other party has not yet completed the selection? According to the hint of this thing, if your opponent appears, this thing will prompt you. Right, Li Huailin thinks about it, and he can do it. At least now, I don’t have to wait here all the time.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to go out and see what happened under his own hands. There is nothing to do here. So Li Huailin also directly touched the ball of light here.

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin felt the light around and looked around. As a result, he appeared outside the pyramid, because there was a dark state inside, and Li Huailin was not used to it for a while. Waiting for a while, Li Huailin's eyes gradually adapted, and then Li Huailin directly rode Xiaomi, and then began to hover around the pyramid.

Yes, Li Huailin did not go to his own hands in the first place, but turned around slightly. He thinks that another person who has already completed the task may come out to see the situation after the selection is completed. Of course, the best person is the king of God, so that he can find each other without further trial.

But after a slight turn, Li Huailin did not see other people, and the other party did not seem to come out. Then Li Huailin couldn’t wait any longer. After thinking about it, Li Huailin flew directly to the west.

Soon Li Huailin came to the nearby altar and soon saw the place where they were attacked. There was a huge crack on the ground, and the surrounding trees were blown away, very obvious. However, Li Huailin did not see anyone around. Of course, this is normal. Even if someone is here, they will not stand in such an obvious place. Isn't this someone going to attack them? Is standing in this place ready to die?

Li Huailin turned around a little, and he heard a loud noise next to him. Li Huailin looked up and found that it was actually the fireworks of his own badge. Yes, this is the signal bullet of the contact that was prepared before. Li Huailin certainly knows that this is his own man who saw himself flying in the air, so he immediately sent a signal, and Li Huailin immediately flew in the direction of the signal.

The location was a forest, Li Huailin landed directly, and some people immediately greeted him. Li Huailin looked and found that the person who greeted him was Reg.

Regg here should be impossible to complete the task, so it seems that the other party may not have participated in the task, just waiting here, Li Huailin looked and found that Regg was injured here, especially It was his right foot. The injury was a bit serious. It seemed to be difficult to move. Now he is walking with a wooden stick.

"His Majesty."

"How is the situation?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

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