All Things Wrong

Chapter 2839: call

At present, Li Huailin knows that the person who steals the power of the Excalibur is three people. The names of the former masters of the Excalibur are not known. The other three people certainly do not call this name. So this Hollaps is the name of the former owner of the Excalibur, or another person. Yes, Li Huailin is also considering that there are other people on the other side of the king who participated in this trial. After all, the other party knows how to get the number of invitations, and the number of this place is not very clear at present, so there are several more. The enemy is also a normal situation.

At present, the situation is a bit pitted. After all, some enemies are inexplicably, but I also sent a lot of information to Li Huailin. To be honest, these enemies are not very threatening to Li Huailin. According to the current level of Li Huailin, the holy level is nothing.

"Mantana, if we take this guy..." said a man next to Matan, pointing to Li Huailin.

"This guy can't deal with it. If it's so simple, the King of God will not set up our Salvation Army." Ma Tana said here. "But since I met here, we certainly have to Try it..."

Yes, Matan is also calculated. Of course, he also knows that Li Huailin is very difficult to deal with, but the situation is different now. First, several people around Li Huailin have been seriously injured at first sight. Although these people are holy, It’s all cumbersome now, it’s easy to deal with, maybe you can help them. Secondly, Li Huailin should not know their power now... This wave of attacks should be more unexpected.

"Oh, it’s really a big deal." A holy level around Li Huailin suddenly spoke up and pointed to Matanna in the sky. "How many of you want to deal with us? Even if we are not the best now, but you A few...not enough."

Li Huailin looked at this holy level with a little surprise. The other 11 people, all of them are holy. There are 7 people here, five of them are seriously wounded, and there is a holy class that is not still injured. Add oneself. This guy is really confident to say this.

However, seeing Li Huailin’s doubts, the holy level here also immediately whispered: “Your Majesty, you didn’t find it? These guys actually don’t have the level of the holy level.”

"Ha?" Li Huailin said a little. "Are they not flying?"

"They can fly, and the one that depends on them should be the magic device behind them." The holy level here said.

"Oh?" Li Huailin took a look, then looked at the situation above. Yes, there were 11 people in the opposite side, and the 9 people wearing the lower-level costumes had a small backpack-like thing behind them. Listen to this holy The meaning of the class, this thing seems to be similar to the flying props of the jet pack, and this high-tech gadget? Of course, Li Huailin didn't see it. After all, he couldn't tell the other's level. Just look at the other side and think it is holy.

But the front two are wearing high-class costume guys, Matan and the one next to them. There are no devices behind them, so it is obvious that the two are really holy. If you look at it, the other side has two holy levels and nine people who have not reached the holy level. The five holy levels here are injured, but they can still be beaten. This holy level is true. Not too exaggerated.

However, this is a bit strange. I don’t know if the other side is a holy class. The other party should know that some of his priests are injured, but you don’t even have a level at the holy level. It’s a bit arrogant if you have a fixed look. These injured holy levels are not necessarily dealt with, and then they also counted themselves into it, which is a bit too much.

Of course, it may not be arrogant, but what do you rely on? Li Huailin didn't take it lightly. What happened to the province? I can still participate in the world trial now. I really can't cry when I cry.

"Prepare for the attack." At this time, Matanna in front also waved directly, and the nine players in the rear began to act. It seems that the other side is going to attack. However, Matanna and the two holy levels around him did not move. It seems that he wants his younger brother to go first. It is estimated that Li Huailin’s bottom is not known. Let the men explore the road first.

And Li Huailin did not directly act here, no order, five holy levels have come to him, ready to deal with the opponent's offense. What they didn't expect was that the Salvation Army opposite did not directly rush, but everyone did a strange move.

Yes, the above nine people all came together with a small ball that flashed, and then began to input magic power against the ball. Of course, this situation has been noticed by several holy levels. One of the holy levels is also whispered: "What is it, magic props?"

"I haven't seen it." The holy level next to him replied, "Let's see the situation."

A few obvious lights illuminate in the air, just as they speak, the guys in the sky seem to be ready for work, the things in their hands are waving, and the light shines directly on the ground, but not toward a few Going in the direction of the holy level, but the position under their feet.

"叮", nine lights directly on the ground, and then formed a strange magical array, Li Huailin can not understand what the situation, after all, is not familiar with magic and the like, but the previous holy level has One is a holy master.

"It seems to be the summoning type of magic." The holy master here said, "Although I have never seen this magical array, it should be the summoning system."

"Summoner?" Of course, several holy levels also understand what is going on. In fact, there are also summoners in the mainland, but the number is small. The more common summoner is the variant of the warlock, the summoner who summons the demon (the devil here refers to the demon, not the demon.) Other summoners are rare, and there are no particularly famous characters. And there are nine at this moment, obviously not quite normal. Yes, several holy levels are seen. This is not the nine people who practiced summoning spells, but they are summoned by magical props. It is obvious that the light ball they used before is the summoning prop.

"It's a little bad." Several holy grades frowned slightly, and they suddenly realized that things were a little bad. Whether summoned by his own magic or summoned by magical items, the summoner has a very fatal weakness, which is that he is particularly weak. Your summoned beast is stronger, your body is second, and the connection with the summoner will of course be interrupted, so this profession is not easy to mix, no one is practicing this is the reason. And there are no particularly powerful masters.

The current situation is that the holy level on your side is ruined, and the action is a bit difficult (the active people have already gone to the pyramid, and several of them are injured and difficult to act), and the opposite? They will fly. Yes, now they also know why these people are equipped with flying devices, because they want to protect the summoner itself, the body of the summoner flies in the air, and the summons fight on the ground. This combination is below the holy level. The battle is really very dominant. But now it is a holy battle, but they are hurt again.

When I was having a headache, the other party’s summoning circle seemed to have been completed. A few loud roars came out of nowhere, and everyone’s attention shifted to the front of the circle.

In the middle of the array, several giant shadows appeared slowly. Li Huailin also looked carefully and found that these things appeared to be like a few giants, but the other person's skin was very reddish-brown, and the figure was bigger than the Titans that Li Huailin had seen. Green face fangs, there are three strange sharp corners on the head, so it looks a bit like the demon family, and the strangest thing is that the other side is very large, but there are two relatively small flesh-wing feelings behind, Li Huailin Very strange, because looking at the other side of the body, the pair of small wings can not fly.

"What?" Of course, several holy levels also saw what the summoned things looked like, but it was strange that the reactions of several holy levels did not seem to be known. This is also quite strange. After all, the Holy Level has a relatively wide range of knowledge. What they have not seen is generally very special, and it is very difficult to do. In addition, it is estimated that it is strong in the body and the momentum of the thing that it is called.

More surprisingly, however, Li Huailin actually vaguely remembered that he was a little bit impressed with this thing, but in the end he was there to see it. Li Huailin said that he really couldn’t remember it. This is a bit strange. Where have you seen such a strange thing?

I haven't waited for Li Huailin to think about it. The monsters that have appeared here have already launched an offensive. These nine monsters look like the same length, and the body size is slightly different. The one with a smaller body seems to react faster. When they see Li Huailin, they immediately rushed over here.

"Let me try." Li Huailin saw a situation in front of a Juggernaut and said that he would take the initiative to say it, and then directly rushed up the sword. It is obvious that the situation of the other party is very bad, because the speed of this action is a bit slow, even Li Huailin All feel slow, and certainly cannot reach the level of the holy level.

However, his sniper is still very powerful. He has not yet shot Li Huailin and feels the sword of the other side. The distance between the two is also rapidly drawn, mainly because the opposite monster runs fast, and the face of the moment, the sword The holy sniper also flew out directly.

A loud bang of "Boom", Li Huailin saw a figure flying directly from his side, turned around and saw that the holy level that had rushed out was already behind him.

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