All Things Wrong

Chapter 2848: Li Huailin’s summons

At this time, the situation outside is a bit uncontrollable. Yes, although Hoplas is also strengthening his magic output, he still can't stop the action of these huge hands to open their own devil's mouth. Hoopers is very anxious now. If you add more magic output, your magic will not be able to hold on to continue to trap Li Huailin, but if you don’t do this, you don’t know what to force. Now, he has a little bit of wondering what to do.

"What the **** is this?" Hopras insisted on his teeth, but there was a feeling in his heart that still had to be felt, but he didn't know what to do now.

At this moment, the huge hand here increased the strength again, and both hands jerked, and the white mo god’s mouth was all supported, because the guy’s mouth was very big, this whole The body feels almost pulled in half, and at this time it is obvious that the entrance and exit of this size, the other party can already come out, but the master of the hands did not do this, but continued to hold the white mo **** Kneeling, then continue to pull on both sides.

"What?" Seeing this situation, Hopras suddenly understood what the other party wanted to do. Yes, this thing actually wants to use this position to directly tear his demon into two halves. This is a bit too much. It's not just about escaping, but the feeling of taking him away with a wave.

Hoopers can't think too much now. If you think about saving the magic and trapping each other, your demon is really likely to be pulled into two paragraphs. Now you can stop the other party first, as for the case of Li Huailin. I can only talk about it later. So Hoplas is no longer reserved here, and once again strengthen the magic output, and fully strengthen their own demon. White mo **** has more magic supply here, but also trying to close the mouth again, but ... is completely useless.

Yes, soon, Hoplas discovered that even if he tried his best to input the magic power, he still couldn’t stop the other party’s movements. The other party was still pulling his own devil’s ups and downs. This has now pulled the limit and sees himself. The demon is almost unable to hold it.

"咔", Hoplas heard a very obvious sound of something broken, and suddenly his own demon seemed to lose his bite. Yes, the white mo god's frontal bone seems to have been torn off, and suddenly the bite force is lost, and the tearing of the big hand here has not stopped, the result can be imagined.

"嘶", this is really tearing off the white mo god, along the other's mouth, the huge hand tore the whole white mo **** from the middle, a moment of blood. At the same time, the master of the hands also slowly emerged from the other's body.

This is a huge monster, the body feels like a pointed cone, and the pointed head is divided into four petals. If it is opened, it is a mouth full of fangs. The eyes are on both sides of the body. There is no specific The torso or the feet and the like, but with two huge palms. This palm is not connected to its main body. It feels like it floats directly in the air. The palm of your hand is a bit like a human hand, but with huge claws on your fingers. Now the white demon has been divided into left and right halves and he is held in his hand. The ground is full of blood.

The whole thing is brown in the outer part of the body. There are two huge white long horns at the ends of the body, which are curved and extended forward. The strange black strips are wrapped in many places, which is very horrible. The light looks like a sense of oppression.

"What, how could this be... this guy is..." Hoplas seems to have recognized the identity of this thing, but he hasn't had time to open it yet. Suddenly his body stunned and then spit it out. A blood, immediately fell to the ground. Yes, his white mo **** was directly torn in half, and now the counterattack has come, and Hoopers has injected a lot of magic before. Now this reversal is very serious, which does not take him. Direct earthquake death is already considered good.

"Talpus adults!" Matanna, who was next to him, also looked at it, but when he heard that Horras’s screams had finally slowed down, he immediately went up to help Hoopers. It’s very serious to see Hoopers’s situation, and I can’t even say anything.

"Oh, actually came out." At this time, a voice suddenly appeared, and Matanna of course immediately heard the master of the voice. Of course, the person who spoke was Li Huailin. Looking up, I saw Li Huailin’s voice on the huge monster. This thing was really summoned by Li Huailin. This Matanna certainly has already guessed it.

Before, he also saw that Li Huailin directly snatched the sorcerer's jewel in Michaola's hand. It is estimated that this thing is the devil that Li Huailin summoned with the sorcerer's sorcerer, but he did not expect that Li Huailin could directly summon the success because he wants to control This magical bead is not an easy task. He joined the Salvation Army but worked hard for a long time. He stood out from thousands of people and got the magical bead. Then he relied on his own efforts for several years to summon his own demon, and Li Huailin actually took the orb directly. Just took it out and came out? Matanna said that it was a bit unacceptable.

Of course, now is not to say that it can not be accepted. In the eyes of Hoplas, Matan and Michal are just ordinary men, but in the eyes of Matan, Hoplas is him. The teacher, his benefactor, is now killed by Li Huailin, and the teacher, Horras, was seriously injured by Li Huailin, and the anger of Matan could not be suppressed.

"Summon!" Ma Tannae directly reached out, the magical bead on the hand flashed, and the magical array appeared again soon, and then the figure of the huge Centaur demon appeared again.

Li Huailin also looked at the half-human devil in front of him. It is obvious that the injury of this centaur demon is still there. Before he was almost half of his body, the situation is now... a little better, at least bleeding. Not so serious, but still not completely repaired.

In this way, the summoning creature will return blood when it is not summoned, but the speed of returning blood does not seem to be the same as that of Xiaomi, which is 1% per second. After all, I have been chasing each other for such a long time. Now also Just replying to this look, a little slow.

I don't know if this is the same thing. If this is the case, then I should try to avoid injuries. So this stuff can't be as casual as Xiaomi. This is true... Li Huailin is still a bit embarrassed. .

Of course, now is not the time to think about this, because Li Huailin saw that the opposite of Matan has manipulated his own Centaur demon directly rushed up. Li Huailin didn't have any panic. He directly controlled his own demon **** to the lower half of the man. This thing is Li Huailin's summoning creature. It is relatively simple to control, and a mind can control it.

"Matanna, don't!" Seeing this situation, Hoplas here also hurriedly shouted. He now recognizes what Li Huailin summoned. This is really terrible. He simply I didn't expect Li Huailin to summon such a horrible thing, this is not to say that it is himself, even the other demon gods should not be the opponent of Li Huailin. And the devil of Matan, you are completely going to die, there is no chance of winning.

Of course, he was too late to call again. The situation was similar to what he thought. Li Huailin’s demon **** shot the half-human demon **** on the ground with a wave of his hand. The next moment, the demon **** of the centaur directly clicked on it. It turned into countless blood clots and exploded directly.

Yes, this is no longer the degree of flying. Li Huailin’s demon **** smashed the other party directly with a single blow. It feels like a stick on a watermelon. The Centaur is a touch and collapse. Resist, directly broken into slag.

At the same time, Matanna, standing next to Hoplas, seems to have been hit by a general blow. Yes, he was forced to force the magic to summon the demon. Now the summoned demon is crushed by Li Huailin. He was also subjected to a huge magical counterattack, and his current situation simply could not hold back this kind of counterattack. The whole person vomited a blood, and then fell directly on the ground, and it was not reflected in an instant.

Hoopers didn't have to look at it and knew that Matanna was dead. He didn't have time to look at Matanna. Li Huailin was so scary. He didn't dare to move.

The other members of the Salvation Army around him were also stunned at this time. When Hoopers appeared, they all thought that they had turned defeat into victory. The result was that Li Huailin actually had the limit of the turn, and now appears in front of them. What is the end of the thing, the huge pressure to let them not say that they are calling their own demon, do not dare to move? The feeling that appeared in their minds for a moment was that they were going to die here.

"Oh? So crisp? Or am I too hoisted?" Li Huailin was a little embarrassed. I didn't expect to shoot this centaur with a slap. He was the first to summon a success. I don't know the thing. Specific ability, it seems that the devil's physical ability is also very strong, at least should also be above the Centaur.

"After all, it is something that I bought at a big price. If it is expensive, it is easy to use." Li Huailin nodded.

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