All Things Wrong

Chapter 2856: Cognition

Shang Wennuo paused a little and then suddenly said: "If it is not the identity of your adventurer, you have no idea how many times you have died."

Because of a little distance, Li Huailin couldn't see Shang Wennuo's face, but listening to the other party's voice, Li Huailin felt that the other party seemed to be slightly irritated by himself. This is of course quite good. Li Huailin hopes that the other side is a little emotionally fluctuating. Since the provocation is effective, Li Huailin naturally continues to use it.

"Yeah, I am holding my adventurer identity. What about it? The player is hanging. Do you have any means?" Li Huailin said, "How are you envious, envy is also envious?" Who makes you not a player..."

"..." Shang Wennuo suddenly silenced, and the other party suddenly did not react. Li Huailin was also a bit ugly. Was this provocation unsuccessful?

When Li Huailin was forced, Shang Wennuo suddenly shot, Li Huailin did not see the other side of the sword, is a flash in front, a golden sword gas directly rushed toward Li Huailin.

"Hmmm?" Seeing the swords that flew over, Li Huailin was not nervous. Yes, his own skills for death are still there. He is not worried about being second. What is strange about him now is what is Shang Wennuo. Why do you want to shoot suddenly? Obviously killing himself is useless. Otherwise, he should come to himself when he separated himself. It shows that he will definitely be born again after he is dead. If that is the case, then there is something to do. What is the meaning?

Actually, there is no practical significance. Then why Shang Wennuo wants to start, Li Huailin quickly wants to understand, the other party is not trying to make him, the purpose of the hands-on is only to ... vent their anger.

Yes, it is obvious that Li Huailin’s previous words should have angered Shang Wennuo. Otherwise, he should not choose to start Li Huailin at this time. After all, Li Huailin has already taken back his own demon, and now he has to fight. Eofam, after all, if I killed Iofam, I would have lost a helper, which is weakened, at least in practical terms.

This can be a bit interesting. Li Huailin recalled a little bit about what he had just said. Yes, he himself was ridiculous. He didn’t expect to really irritate the other person directly. Recalling what he said before was serious. if. Of course, at this time, the attack of Shang Wennuo has arrived.

There was a loud noise from "Boom". Li Huailin didn't move at all. Of course, he did not receive any harm. Yes, Iopham was ready before the attack of the other party, and it was directly blocked by Li Huailin. In front of it, something like a crystal wall was erected. Shang Wennuo’s sword slammed into the crystal wall and made a loud noise, but in the end it did not break the crystal wall, and the skills on both sides disappeared at the same time.

The previous Shang Wennuo attack did break the magic shield of Eofarm, but that was only because of the intention of Iofarm. Yes, Shang Wennuo’s sword is very deceptive. The energy used by the other party has a similar power to the Protoss. It is a relatively advanced energy. Then the skill released by this energy, although nothing special on the outside, but the power is Very big. For example, one side is the fireball that the general magic motivates, and the other is the divine power skill fireball released by the divine power. Although the appearance looks similar, the power difference is particularly huge. The same is true of Shang Wennuo's attack, so Iowamu can't cope with the general magic shield before, but now he has already made a move. Once again, Iofam will not be pitted again.

Of course, it can be blocked, and Ioofam seems to be quite strenuous. In fact, Li Huailin also found out that Iowamu’s situation is not very good now. The main reason is that Iofam has also summoned his own demon. This magical power that the summoning demon needs for the first time is particularly large. Fam summoned the same level of stuff, so it is estimated to consume a lot. Then there was the battle with this poison dragon, which consumed a lot. Now, although I didn’t say anything, it is estimated to be a bit tired.

Li Huailin certainly did not have time to take care of the other party. He continued to speak to Shang Wennuo in front: "It’s a bit interesting, is it so anxious to do it, is it what I said right? You guys look very hoisted, and the result is Force is it, I guess, is it... you are really envious?"

"Don't be challenged by him." The poisonous dragon Noglyson is talking here. Yes, this guy's situation is not very good. After all, Li Huailin's devil has bitten a huge wound. Now he is trying to recover. So you can't just act. Of course, he also noticed that Shang Wennuo’s problem was a bit of anxious shots, and he immediately reminded him.

Shang Wennuo did not answer Li Huailin, but Li Huailin, who has already grasped the focus, of course continued to ridicule: "It’s very strange, why do you admire, although your ai design is quite high, but it seems that you will intentionally let you guys when designing. Avoiding a problem, so why do you feel envious of the player's identity? Do you know what it is?"

"This guy is irritating you, don't listen to his nonsense." Nozli Sen here felt that Shang Wennuo was more unusual, so he reminded him again.

"It's not nonsense." To everyone's surprise, the person who said this sentence is not Li Huailin, but Shang Wennuo here. Yes, even Li Huailin did not expect Shang Wennuo to say this, which is really a bit surprising. Yes, Li Huailin said that the problem of npc avoidance is that they are npc problems. To be clear, it is self-awareness.

In this game, all npcs have their own character background, character settings, whether they are more like a real person, some aspects will follow the route of npc. For example, when you tell them that they are npcs, they simply can't understand the true meaning of what you are saying, as if the system would automatically translate these words into a language they can understand. So in their eyes, the players are the adventurers, and they are just some special people. They don't have any doubts about the world they are in.

However, the situation presented by Shang Wennuo is completely different. The other party seems to know that he is an npc. In this case, he should know that the world he is in is just a game world. This is a bit scary.

"You guessed it." At this time, Shang Wennuo said here. "I really envy you. A long time ago, I had a lot of questions about myself. Why did I get born in this world? I am here. What is it for? I’m faint, I feel that my purpose is to be a hero, but I’ve been working **** it all the time. I’m trying hard to improve my strength, and this day is finally here. The undead people attacked a lot and the whole continent was in crisis. At this time, I got the key to victory. The legendary sword, everything seems to be a matter of course."

"I continue to fight the undead, and it is indeed the recovery of the coalition's defeat. Gradually, we began to fight back. Soon, the final battle was also started, but just as I stood on the battlefield against my destiny. When the enemy, the undead Emperor Hopes, I suddenly had a little confusion... I...what is it? Why am I standing here? Where will I finish my mission, and where will I go?” Shang Wennuo said, “ At that time, I had a strange feeling. The things I am doing now seem to be arranged by someone. Everything is so logical, but it makes me feel scared."

"Defeating the Devil, a hero who is called a homage to the people, it seems to be setting a good ending for me, but... this is not what I want. But I didn't know what I wanted at the time. What is it?" Just then, a person appeared, and he told me the truth about the world." Shang Wennuo said.

"Where is the king of God?" Li Huailin said faintly, the probability of the king of the king is the player. Li Huailin already knows about it, so in the age of the story, the person who can appear is of course the king of God.

"The truth of this world?" Iopham and Noclesson next to each other have a strange question.

"Even if I tell you now, you can't understand it." Shang Wennu seems to understand the situation of npc, directly said, "I found out later, I am a special existence, according to that guy, I may belong A bug in this world is that there are some errors in the redesigned design, and I seem to be the one that appears."

"What do you mean?" Iopham here is a bit unintelligible, and said very badly to Shang Wennuo.

"This is our sad place, our destiny is controlled." Shang Wennu looked at Iofarm and said, "When I know that my existence is only to give the adventurers who appear later a story background. All my beliefs collapsed at that moment. What is more painful is that the only one who can understand this is me. You say envy? Of course I am envious, not just envious, I also feel hatred. ”

"So then?" Li Huailin asked Shang Wennuo. "I don't have envy or hate. You know that you are a group of code and you should have thought about what to do. What should you do? According to your present In terms of performance, what do you mean by helping the king of the king is to say... What advice does the king of God offer you? Total... can't really turn you into a person."

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