All Things Wrong

Chapter 2859: enter

This Li Hualin really did not expect it, but it seems that there is no problem if you think carefully. Yes, I am with this holy master, and Shangnino and Noclyson are there, but this is a grouping of their own camps. This has nothing to do with this task. This task still seems to be re-established. Assign a group.

This is a bit pitted. Although his teammates are not a good level of help, but after all, they are also their own people. It’s better to find an undercover, if this is the case with the two guys. A group is not the rhythm of an accident.

"The end of the group." Just thinking about it, the light group has already opened. Li Huailin also saw a few bright lights around, and there were two red lights on his head and Shang Wennuo’s head, and the blue light was shown on the head of Nozli Sensen and Watzmont, so it was obvious This group is a group of yourself and Shang Wennuo...

"True tm is a ghost..." Li Huailin said that the amount of headaches, so this is Murphy's theorem? If you don't want to happen, what will happen?

Of course, the people who are aggressive are not Li Huailin, and everyone... is very aggressive. The opposite of Shangnino and Knoxson directly stunned for a long time, and then immediately began to whisper, it is estimated that they are hurried to discuss tactics, and seeing this situation, Li Huailin's Wozmont also quickly pointed to Li Huailin: "Your Majesty, what should I do next?"

"Well..." Li Huailin looked at Wozmont. "The time for loyalty to the country is here, boy, are you ready?"

"Ha?" Wozmont looked awkward, but he was all over 80 years old (because he is a holy class, he lived longer, looks like 40-50 years old), still young? what's the situation?

Although Li Huailin’s name is inexplicable, he still knows what he meant. Now he and Li Huailin are assigned to the two teams, and there is only one team to win. Then who do you want to win? To be honest, Wozmont didn't want to die. He also passed the first round and knew what the loser was, but his loyalty to Li Huailin was also very high. It can be said to be die-hard. And now that he and Li Huailin obviously can only live one, which one does he choose? Thinking about the kind of kindness that Li Huailin had before him, Wozmont made a decision, of course, to help Li Huailin.

"Your Majesty, I know." A little thought about it, Wozmont said seriously to Li Huailin, "What should I do?"

"It's very simple. You can just pick up the guy when you start the game." Li Huailin pointed at the opposite poisonous dragon, Noklyson. "I didn't say that I can't beat my own people. You started to do it directly, let this guy Get rid of it, then you can kill yourself."

"..." This is really simple and rude, but Wozmont has hesitated a little and said: "Your Majesty, I was injured in the previous battle. The current state is not so good, opposite That guy doesn't look like an ordinary person... What if I can't beat each other?"

After all, it is a holy level, and at least the perception is still there. Wozmont didn't know Noclesson, and he didn't know that he was a dragon, but he also felt the strong pressure from the other side. He really felt that he didn't seem to be the opponent of this guy. Of course, now Wozmont has already been out, so he is not afraid of death at all, but the problem is that he can't beat this guy, he can't complete Li Huailin's mission, he will die in vain, and there is no meaning to die. He can't accept it.

"Of course you can't beat this guy." Li Huailin said, "Don't say that it's a good state. You can't be a rival of this guy even if you shoot a few buffs. He is called Noclesson. I heard that it is an ancient dragon. It seems that the guy with Iofam is a grade, and the body is poisonous, very difficult to engage."

"The ancient dragon?" Wozmont did not hear the name of Noclesley, but he still knows some of the ancient dragons. According to Li Huailin, is this thing as strong as Eofarm? Iofam had contacted him before. The previous test was to help Eofarm set up a magical array. For Wozmont, Eopham was just as strong as God. Now let him go to fight with the nearest Noclesley. Isn't this a dish?

"Are you afraid of it?" Li Huailin saw that the appearance of Wozmont knew that he was very embarrassed now, so he immediately said, "I just said it, I can resurrect it. After you die, you will be resurrected directly by your teammates. If the other party is almost equal to killing you, you will always be resurrected and he will not finish it. You can die n times, the other party can’t, you will always attack each other, you can always kill each other once, then you will hurry. Self-sufficient, this is not over?

"This..." Wozmont is a little bit awkward, but think about it, if you can resurrect, you are not afraid of death, and the opposite is afraid of death. If he is dead, the game is over, such a I just want to kill the other party as slowly as Li Huailin said.

"I understand, sire." I thought that Wozmont here is a little more relaxed. The frontal game is definitely not beaten, but this time the rules of the game, if you use the rules, you can really Clayson gave the pit to death.

Although Wozmont was relaxed a bit, but Li Huailin didn't relax at all. Yes, and Wisemont said that Li Huailin himself did not believe that the difference between the two sides was too big. Li Huailin estimated that Noclesson had a thousand ways to deal with Wozmont, this level of competition, the role of the Holy Class. It’s too small. Now, Li Huailin is just trying to get Wolzmont to follow Noclyson.

Yes, Wozmont has no effect, but it is also a rebirth point for Noclesson. Li Huailin has allowed Wozmond to attack Noklisson instead of killing each other, but let them stay together. No Klipley can't be reborn at least. Li Huailin doesn't necessarily have the confidence to get Knoxson, but he still wants to try it once, but if the other party can be revived many times, then it will definitely not work, so let Wo Zymont followed the other side. Once he could kill Noclesson, he could also put Wozmont second. This guy is a mage, so Li Huailin must be able to win so that he can win.

"So you must follow Nocly's constant work and attack, try to use the kind of magic that is relatively large, which is equivalent to telling me the position. If it is not possible, use that kind of fireworks every hour. Make a report to show where you are," Li Huailin said.

"Yes, my Majesty, but there are only three signal flares in my hand..." said Wozmont, "I will use magic to signal you if you run out."

"Three, it can be used for a long time. If you haven't solved the battle in 4 hours, then you can really be in trouble." Li Huailin said, "In short, let's do this for a while, then go in and see the situation."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wozmont nodded here.

Li Huailin can't arrange all the tasks directly now. The biggest problem now is that Shang Wennuo is a guy. The plan he has made can be a situation where Shang Wennuo does not interfere. What the other party will do is the biggest problem. First of all, this guy and his own family, according to the general idea, the other party will certainly let this group out, after all, he is the biggest enemy of the king of God, and he will be stabilized when he and his own elimination. Therefore, the other party may also be self-motivated, ready to kill themselves and then squander, and the trouble is that they can't make each other, but the situation they face is the same as that of Nocleson. Even if they can kill Shang Wennuo, the other party will Infinite resurrection, and it is resurrected by your side, this... it is really pit.

And the combat strength that Shang Wennuo showed before is also a bit hang, obviously it is obvious that he can't suppress the other side at will, is it good to play the front? So what do you do in this situation? Li Huailin is really a headache.

A little thought, Li Huailin has not figured out any feasible way here. The light group here once again made a sound. Yes, it was estimated that it was time for your new team to discuss the time when the tactics were free. Now that time is up, the trials will certainly begin.

"The winning party will advance to the next round, the losing party, die!" The death threat from the light group here is very scary, and the previous few people have of course seen how their opponents died. A little scary.

"Now, the game begins." Although the sound of the game started, the four people were all flashed and sent directly.

Li Huailin was also in front of him. When he returned to his own vision, he had already come outside. He just wanted to see the situation around him. Suddenly he felt a huge pressure on his body and almost didn't push him directly to the ground.

Li Huailin’s first reaction was that he was attacked. He and Shang Wennuo were a group, and they might be assigned to the same place. However, Li Huailin found that Shang Wennuo was indeed standing by his side, but he was looking at another On one side, and he seems to be a little bit wrong on this side, feeling that he is not standing still, and is somewhat similar to his own situation. The person who seems to give himself pressure is not Shang Wennuo. Just when Li Huailin didn't know what the situation was, Shang Wennuo next to him suddenly said: "So, is this strong gravity environment?"

"Strong gravity?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse.

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