All Things Wrong

Chapter 2864: Assault

The person who talks is naturally Shang Wennuo, and the resurrection time is only 1 minute. Of course, it will come out soon. Shang Wennuo’s angry face didn’t know what kind of evil he believed in, but he actually started to blew himself.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. Do you see that the effect is not very good?" Li Huailin said quickly. "There have been so many strange things. All of them are cleared directly. Although the self-explosion seems to be a little painful, at least the effect is still there. Nothing wrong."

"It's not a painful problem. I know the situation is very bad now." Shang Wennuo suddenly said, "I didn't fully recover my ability after the resurrection. It feels like a weak one... ..."

"Ha?" Li Huailin directly glimpsed, and then suddenly understood the meaning of Shang Wennuo. Yes, if the player is forced to resurrect, there will be a weak buff. The situation may be that after Shang Wennuo was resurrected, he was also added a weak one. Buff, this should also be a trial set.

Yes, this setting actually sounds quite reasonable. After all, you said that the resurrection is directly full of blood. It is indeed a bit of a bug, so if there is a period of weakness after the resurrection, it is really a comparison. Reasonable setting, but the problem is... You say it in advance, although you know that you have this kind of unclear rules, but this is very important?

“Is it weak? How much strength has been suppressed, how long will it last?” Li Huailin quickly asked.

"The attribute is probably suppressed by 8-9 percent." Shang Wennuo said here, "How do I know the duration? This kind of thing can only be seen by your players."

Indeed, npc can't see the specific debuff duration because there is no status bar. Of course, because the previous rules have not been said, I really don't know how long it will be weak. This is really a bit pit. Li Huailin was originally prepared to let Shang Wennuo blew himself all the way, but if there is a weak time, this method is of course not working. After all, the damage is suppressed by 90%. It seems to be quite strong, and if it doesn't die, it will be more troublesome.

"Looking at your expression seems to have been prepared to let me blew all the way. Now because I heard that there is weakness, it is a pity that I can't implement it..." Shang Wennuo said suddenly.

"I rely, do you have a mind reading?" Li Huailin asked Shang Wennuo.

"Isn't there any need to read minds at all? Your thoughts have been unabashedly expressed directly on your face?" Shang Wennuo said, "I found that I really can't stand you, we can be serious. Did you complete this trial first?"

"I didn't play you, really, I don't know anything weak. Isn't it good to try it out now?" Li Huailin said.

"I..." Shang Wennuo just wanted to say something again. Suddenly the policeman rang loudly. Although he didn't see anything, his body had already begun to react. He pulled out his weapon with a right hand. But the problem is that he is now in a weak state, the physical attributes have been suppressed a lot, although the sensation is still relatively sharp, but the physical aspect is completely fundamental.

"砰", the next second of Shang Wennuo was directly hit by a huge force, and then flew directly to the side, fell heavily on the ground.

Li Huailin’s perceptual ability has always been relatively poor, and the surrounding environment is also relatively harsh. There have been a lot of fog in the air, and then because of the explosion before Shang Wennuo, the surrounding smoke and dust are more invisible. It was not until Shang Wennuo was beaten that he reacted. Of course, he did not care about Shang Wennuo's side, but looked directly at Shang Wennuo's body. At this time a huge figure slowly came out of the fog.

"Hey?" Li Huailin saw that the other side was slightly stunned. At the beginning, Li Huailin thought that the mechanical giant wolf had just had a lot of blood, and had passed the self-destructive attack of Shang Wennuo. Now he took the opportunity to counterattack. Category. But seeing each other's figure, Li Huailin found that he was wrong, because there was a bigger monster, which was called Nokleyson of the ancient dragon.

Yes, before attacking Shang Wennuo is Duron Nexley, and I don’t know when the other party is close to this side. Li Huailin is estimated to hear the huge explosion here and see the situation. After all, the movement here is really It is a bit big. Now, Nowclesson directly attacked Shang Wennuo, which means that the other party already knows about Shang Wennuo's cooperation with himself. This is quite normal. After all, I was not quarreling with Shang Wennuo before. I said everything I said. I listened to it for a while and I knew that the two had already hooked up. It is estimated that Nocleson will listen a little. It’s been a while, and he’s estimated that Shang Wennuo is now in a weak state.

Like Li Huailin thought, Noclesley heard the huge sounds and thought that Shang Wennuo had already started attacking Li Huailin. He also solved the follower Wozmont on this side. If this is the case, of course, he will come over and help Li Hualin. But what I didn't expect was that Nokleyson found an unexpected situation after coming over. Soon from the conversation between the two, he probably knew what had happened.

Shang Wennuo chose to cooperate with Li Huailin. This is a betrayal of the King of God. Nokleyson is certainly unacceptable. However, he also knows that this situation is very dangerous. Yes, Shang Wennuo’s original strength is on his own. Together with Li Huailin’s words, he is estimated to be unable to beat, and his teammate is also Li Huailin’s person. It is said that it is three dozens. If you do this, you must be dead.

Nocleson said to himself that he was dead next, but Shang Wennuo has betrayed the king of God. God knows that he and Li Huailin have any plans. If he is dead, is this thing hidden? Then their Salvation Army can be dangerous, but what should be done now?

Just when I don’t know what to do, I just heard the conversation between the two people. Will death be weak? No Kellyson thinks about it too. Otherwise, according to Shang Wennuo’s ability to detect, he should have found himself here, and combined with the situation of solving the follower before, the second attack of the opponent is obviously more than the first attack. It is much weaker, and it proves that this weakness should be true. In this way, Nocleson suddenly found out that this was his only chance.

Yes, Shang Wennuo is now in a weak state, he should be able to solve him, and then take the opportunity to quickly resolve Li Huai-lin, he will be able to win and eliminate Li Huai-lin, their biggest enemy, and easily remove the traitor, it is just two birds in one fell swoop. Ah, in this case, Knoxsen certainly chooses to attack.

So Nockleyson was also suppressing the breath, slowly approaching the side of Shang Wennuo, and the other side seems to have been limited in his ability to detect, but he really did not find his feelings. Until he got to the right position, Noclesson suddenly launched an attack, and he immediately hit the Shang Wennuo here.

Nocle's first attack on Shang Wennuo is of course calculated. Yes, from his own guess and the conversation between the two, he knows that this weakness is limited by time, so now Shang Shangwen is still weak and has to take the lead. He was wounded, and then he was able to deal with Li Huailin with peace of mind. Even if the weakness of Shang Wennuo recovered during this time, it was also a state of injury. Therefore, Nokleyson is doing all the hard work. Even if he kills Shang Wennuo, he can at least reset the weak time of the other party.

The effect of this attack is still quite significant. The Shang Wennuo here is hit by this heavy blow, and the injury is not light. Although not dead, but after holding up from the ground, Shang Wennuo suddenly spit out a blood, this is not ordinary red blood, but black and red blood, this is not normal, Li Huailin probably guess When it arrived, Shang Wennuo was poisoned.

Yes, as an ancient poison dragon, all attacks by Noclesson are self-contained, and they are still super strong. Even if this toxin is full, Shang Wennuo does not dare to follow it casually, let alone be in a state of weakness. It is directly poisoned and cannot move. According to this situation, if his strength does not return, he will take a moment. To be directly poisoned.

"Shang Wennuo, you actually betrayed the king of the gods?" Nokleyson here a little relieved, and then directly asked Shang Wennuo.

Shang Wennuo can't answer. First of all, this is a fact. Nokleyson seems to have heard it, so the sophistry is useless. Besides, his current situation is really a bit bad. The powerful toxins are everywhere in his body. It’s a bit of a struggle, not to mention answering each other.

"Betray the invaders, kill innocent!" Nozli Sen here saw that Shang Wennuo did not clarify, of course, it was confirmed, directly against Shang Wennuo.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Just then, there was a burst of laughter alongside, and both of them turned their heads. As a result, Li Huailin’s smile was very exaggerated.

"It's amazing..." Li Huailin clap his hands and said, "I didn't expect this to happen. Shang Wennuo, you didn't expect this to suddenly come out like this guy. This can completely disrupt your plan. That's right."

"Plan? What plan?" Nokleyson's face was so arrogant that he didn't know what Li Huailin meant, but he listened to Li Huailin's tone as if he had done something stupid.

"Plan?" Of course, Shang Wennuo did not know what Li Huailin said was awkward.

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