All Things Wrong

Chapter 2867: Question three times

At this time, Li Huailin was lying next to him, of course, Wadsmont. Li Huailin also looked a little and found that the situation in Wozmont may not be able to act now. Yes, he seems to be unaware now, and he doesn't know if Nokleyson released any stun magic (or lethargy) to him, so of course he did not hear what Li Huailin said.

"Hey." Li Huailin thought about it, or called Wozmont. It’s a bit too bad to sleep like this. Now there is still less than a minute. Li Huailin tries to see if he can wake up. other side.

The unexpected thing was that Wozmont here really woke up, and it didn't look like it was like a magical one to fall asleep, as if it was just being stunned. When Wakemont, who woke up, saw Li Huailin, of course, he also thought of some situations.

"Sorry, my majesty, I can't stop the other person at all. It's really apologetic, and I have failed to live up to your expectations." Wozmont said here immediately, yes, of course he is obeying Li Huailin's orders and he is directly arrogant. Sen's, unfortunately, it is really impossible to beat. The gap between the two is really a bit big. After the death, Wozmont has entered a weak state, which is even worse, but Wozmont has always been I tried to follow Nokleyson and took the opportunity to launch an attack. Anyway, the other side couldn't really kill myself. The final result is the current situation. Of course, Wozmont did not have so much time to explain the process to Li Huailin, and Li Huailin did not want to hear.

"I have solved the dragon." Li Huailin said directly to Wozmont. "You are doing very well. Now, do you understand?"

"Yes." Wozmont nodded here. Of course, he also knew what Li Huailin was going to do. "I wish you a good luck!"

After talking about Wozmont, he also closed his eyes directly. Li Huailin thought that this guy was not bad. Unfortunately, he has no way to do it now. He can’t die on his own. So Li Huailin also gently lifted Wozmont, and then took a slight twist on his neck, and he snorted, because the other party was a cloth unit, so Li Huailin’s casual attack could directly kill him. Sure enough, Li Huailin broke the other's neck, and Wozmont fell to Li Huailin's feet without struggling.

"叮", really, after the death of Wozmont, the colorful light ball appeared again at Li Huailin’s side, of course, to remind Li Huailin that he had completed the trial. There is no doubt that the winning group is Li Huailin and Shang Wennuo. When the white light flashed, Li Huailin returned directly to the room, and at this time Shang Wennuo also appeared on his side, and there were two figures in front.

Of course, the ones that appeared in front of them were Wozmont and Noclesson. They didn’t wait for them to react. Suddenly, the two men screamed at the same time. Then, soon, Li Huailin saw that the other’s body began to collapse and turned into The sand and stones, really, this trial system is really a bit of a bad taste. The two men just died once, and they don’t have to be resurrected and then pulled in front of them and then killed. Once, it’s all about scaring them.

"Damn! Abominable traitor, I will be waiting for you in hell!" Before he died, Nozlitsen here still snarled at Shang Wennuo. Yes, compared with Li Huailin, the person who is now more hateful by Noclesson is estimated to be a traitor to Shang Wennuo. Unfortunately, it is useless to hate him now. After all, people are dead.

Shang Wennuo here is not completely looking at this side, just standing on one side. Then quickly, the two people in front disappeared completely, and the silence was restored again in the room, leaving only Li Huailin and Shang Wennuo next to him.

However, unlike the previous one, there was no light group around them, so the room was especially dark. Shang Wennuo can only use a lighting magic to add a little light. Looking around, Li Huailin found two passages on the wall. Before Li Huailin completed the first trial, there was no way to go. Now there are channels, and there are two, it is estimated that they are separated. go.

Yes, although the two are teamed up, it is estimated that they will be here. After the trial is over, of course, they need to be matched again. Of course, the two will be separated directly here. However, the system did not directly transmit them, but let them go. Of course, there is no light group here. They can't send them out. They can only go out in front, so in the current situation, they can only go forward, but they can only go forward. Before they left, the two could talk.

"Time? Location?" Asked by Shang Wennuo, the question is of course the time and place where Li Huailin wants to meet. He is going to inform the king of God now, of course, it must be said in advance.

"I look." Li Huailin looked at the system time, now it is 9 o'clock in the evening, yes, Li Huailin is the task of entering at 7 o'clock in the evening, and it took 2 hours to give this trial. When it comes to 9:00 tomorrow, the third trial begins. Before this, other people must complete the second trial, or else they will not be able to catch up with the start of the third game. And now most of the people have not even started the second game, which is obviously tightening the time schedule.

Of course, Li Huailin is now considering the time to meet with the **** king. Although the time is a bit late, it is not too late. Li Huailin thought about it and asked: "Is the king of kings already starting the second round of trials? End?"

"I don't know." Shang Wennuo replied, of course he did not know.

"Then you go back now, if the king of God has completed the second round of trials, before 11 o'clock, I wait for him on the east side of the pyramid." Li Huailin said. "If I haven't come yet at 11 o'clock, I won't wait all the time. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will wait for him in the same place, okay."

Yes, although seeing the king of God is very important, but I don’t know when the other party has completed the second round. If it is finished at three or four in the morning, does Li Huai-lin wait? So it is also agreed to two times. Of course, Shang Wennuo’s words also nodded, and then said: “I said before, I just conveyed your meaning to the king of God. He came to see you, I don’t know, but no matter what, I I will come back to you."

Yes, Shang Wennuo is still looking for Li Huailin, let Li Huailin take him to find the World of Warcraft Nemo, so if the king does not come, Shang Wennu will at least come back to tell Li Huailin.

"Know it." Li Huailin nodded. "Reassured, I am really not a lie to this matter, then go back soon."

Shang Wennuo’s mood didn’t look very good, so he didn’t say anything to Li Huailin. He went straight to one of the passages, and Shang Wennu just entered, and the passage here was automatically closed. Li Huailin did not try to go in with him. Anyway, this thing is estimated to be well designed, too lazy to engage in these sao operations. Seeing that Shang Wennu left, Li Huailin also walked toward the remaining passage.

Sure enough, as before, walking along, Li Huailin came to a new room. After Li Huailin entered, all the entrances and exits in the room disappeared, and the light group certainly began to speak.

"Congratulations, participants, you have proved yourself again." The light group here said, "It's just not happy, the selection of people is cruel, and the next round of testing will begin soon. Before starting the test, we must identify your opponent. Please answer the following questions carefully."

"Traveling." Li Huailin nodded, this is the old routine, and Li Huailin is almost used to it. I didn't ask questions when I came out in the first round. It was because the person who completed the task was one of them, and there were two people who knew this round, Shang Wennuo and himself. Of course, they started to ask questions directly. Seriously, this question does not know what to do, it is better to randomly match an enemy. Li Huailin is now too lazy to do it, or to go out and say that the chances of encountering the king of God are still a little bigger.

"Now, please answer me, do you really decide to be a choice?" The light group here asked, the first question is a repetitive question. Every time Li Huailin started the problem.

"Yes, really." Li Huailin can only answer again.

"So why do you want to be a choice?" The second question is still the same.

"Because this is my dream." Li Huailin also replied.

“Do you think your family is intimate and warm?” the light ball suddenly asked.

"Hey?" Although Li Huailin is already psychologically prepared, the question asked by the ball of light really made him not think. What are the problems with ghosts? What is the point? Li Huailin had a headache, but still replied: "I don't have any family. My family is me alone, but I am getting married soon. The future family doesn't know what to expect and can't answer."

Yes, since there have been a lot of moths in front, Li Huailin decided that the problem is still straightforward. The province’s bragging has forced you to forget to brag.

"Do you think your childhood is more happy than other people?" The ball of light here does not know if he understands Li Huailin's words, and continues to ask anyway.

"Liuyin..." Li Huailin lifted the amount, and then thought about it. "Mother died early, my father is a good person, and I am a respectable person. Unfortunately, when I was a teenager, I died because of illness. I can only say that childhood. Generally, there should be no happiness than others."

"What are you willing to do for your family?" The light group here continued to ask.

"Md I said, there is no family now." Li Huailin said.

"Are you sure of your answer?" The light group continued to ask.

"Ha?? OK, OK." Li Huailin said with a headache.

"Start matching..."

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