All Things Wrong

Chapter 2879: Chasing

Shang Wennuo's situation now looks a bit bad. Just look at the appearance and know that the other person is hurting very much. There are many wounds on the body, and it is the kind of deep visible bone wound. Of course, the most serious one is the other's left hand... wrong is the left side. Almost half of the body was cut off.

This injury is a bit exaggerated. Li Huailin is also slightly stunned, because according to the strength of Shang Wennuo, it is generally not cut by other people, so Li Huailin first thought of it, naturally it is the king of God. hand.

Of course, the players around are also very curious. They came to the mainland to see if there are any hidden missions. Looking for a half-day to find a pyramid that can’t be entered, what are you going to do? Suddenly there was a serious injury npc, which of course would make everyone think that this npc is the npc that triggered the hidden task here, so Shang Wennuo’s side is for a lot of people, but someone has already started to treat Shang Wennuo. Because there are also tasks to help treat npc before, maybe it will be hidden when he is cured. However, in the current situation, everyone wants to pick up hidden tasks, so there are not only treatments, but also chaos. They are afraid that the other party will actually trigger the hidden task, so they will interrupt the other party and say, in short, just a little riot, it is for this reason. .

"Well, let's get started." Li Huailin saw a lot of people around Shang Wennuo and couldn't help but say a word. This is of course useless. Yes, everyone is watching this so-called "hidden mission". Who will let it go. On the contrary, some people saw Li Huailin coming, and they quickly accelerated. Yes, they worried that Li Huailin had taken away their hidden tasks.

Is Li Huailin arrogant? Of course, everyone knows, but the other side will give him the hidden task? Of course it is impossible. Everyone feels that they are the protagonists. Everyone feels that they can sneak up on the counterattack. The difference is an opportunity. Maybe they can take this task and they can counterattack it? Perhaps someone feels that Li Huailin only gave everyone a blessing yesterday. Everyone has taken 1,000 gold in white. Is it because they should be thankful? Actually, it is impossible. If you ask them, they estimate that they will answer "One thousand gold to you, hide the task for me." Yes, most people think that I am weak and reasonable, you should help me, as for kindness, non-existence, These are all should be.

This situation is more obvious when there is no legal ethical coercive constraint. For example, in the game, there is no jing, there is no judge, and even the threat of death is not, just hang up the experience. Only, who will really let it go. So here, the big fist is the last word. For example, the Grand Council can occupy the leveling point online, and not let others enter, is this fair? Obviously unfair and fair, who gives him the right, is the law? Of course not, it is just the strength of the Great Guild itself, and the fist is big.

In fact, the current situation is of course very stupid in Li Huailin’s view, because you can’t trigger any hidden tasks by interacting with Shangnino, but it’s obviously the reason. It’s useless to say it to others. Others I thought you had to rob them of their tasks. Therefore, a group of people around, Li Huailin can not get in, it is very annoying.

"There are too many people, and they have a clear wave of calculations." Li Huailin said directly.

"Oh, it seems that there are many more people who are black," said the summoned jade emperor next to him.

"Nothing, anyway, there are already enough people in black, and there are not hundreds of thousands of them." Li Huailin looked at the people in front and said.

A loud bang of "Boom", Li Huailin just finished saying this, suddenly a beautiful white light flashed in front of him, and then suddenly everyone around Shang Wennuo was blown out, and some people were directly killed. However, some people were directly attacked by the shock wave and did not know where to fly. Instead of going out, Li Huailin was also included.

"Hey, are you too a little too sudden, so you are counted down, I was shocked." Li Huailin’s flight is not far away, a rollover, just right Hearing the voice of the summoned Jade Emperor around him, the summoning of the Jade Emperor is of course not going to die. It happened to fall by Li Huailin and immediately yelled at Li Huailin.

"I didn't play it, I was shocked." Li Huailin is also a bit embarrassed. Yes, although I said that I have to clean up a wave, but I have not had time to take the shot and directly blow it up. Is it Shang Wennuo? When I saw myself coming over, I immediately cleared a group of people? Think about it, the other side is still very heavy. If it is not injured, it is really possible to do so. But in the current situation, it is not him who should start, then... it should be that Shang Wennuo was beaten by others.

"Hunting people?" Li Huailin suddenly realized that it was not good. Shang Wennuo must have been chased by the king of the gods, so the attack should be the attack of the person who chased him. The aim is Shang Wennuo, the surrounding People are only affected. This is not good, because Shang Wennuo is still quite heavy, don't really hang it.

The situation ahead is a bit confusing, the smoke is everywhere, and there are a lot of people around the injured. For the players, the injury is just blood, but they won’t shout and call, but they are shocked by the sudden attack. So very confused. In this case, Li Huailin did not see how Shang Wennuo was doing. He could not find anyone.

"The other side, the person who attacked us is there." Suddenly someone shouted in the crowd. Soon everyone saw the people who attacked them. Li Huailin looked at everyone and looked at it. Seven people are now flying on top of their heads.

Yes, seeing this posture, Li Huailin certainly knows the identity of the other party. This obviously has only the talents of the Salvation Army. It is really sent to kill Shang Wennuo, but Li Huailin took a slight look at it. A few people didn't have the whole body with light. The **** king didn't come in person. I don't know if it was because I felt that I had seriously injured the other person. I was too lazy to chase, and let the people under the action act.

"What story is it necessary to protect this npc?" The players around can't understand the situation, but now it seems that it is necessary to protect the npc from being killed, in order to trigger the hidden story, of course it is impossible. Help the guys kill the npc. If there is no difficulty, what is the hidden mission? So soon they knew what they should do, and quickly got rid of these new guys.

"Everyone!" Now the players gathered here are close to a thousand people. The previous attack has a lot of people in the second, but it is not scared to the players who are not afraid of death, and then the boss, you are also In the wild, there are no restrictions on the number of people, we piled up people to kill you, so I do not know who issued the order, anyway, the plot should be the players who beat these guys directly began to attack the members of the Salvation Army in the sky.

"Noisy, this guy." In the face of the player's attack, the people in the sky did not evade, directly opened a similar magic shield, absorbed the attack damage of the players. One of the members of the Salvation Army, who had a golden hair, was not hurt, but said it very uncomfortably, then raised his hand directly.

Li Huailin clearly understands that there is obviously a ball on the opponent's hand. Now Li Huailin knows what it is, and calls the magic bead. The other party's action is to summon their own demon to the players below. Li Huailin didn't mean to stop it. Yes, he also wanted the other party to clean up the players here. After all, there is no point of rebirth in this continent. If the player dies, he can't come over immediately. Now people are a bit too much, it is very troublesome. . Secondly, he wants to see what kind of people are killing Shang Wennuo. The devil of the other side probably knows.

However, this yellow hair has not been summoned yet, and it was stopped by a similar leader. The other hand stopped the other side and said: "Without summoning, these adventurers are weak and can use magic directly."

After all, the average level of players is more than 80 levels, which is really weak. Magic or something, the Salvation Army must be right, or else how to use magic to summon the demon, just not major. The white light that the other party just attacked Li Huailin should be a magical attack, but the damage is not so high. Although Li Huailin did not stand in the center, but the damage suffered was limited, so he also believed that Shang Wennuo should be able to survive this attack. It’s just that it’s not suitable for showing up now, I don’t know where to go.

Hearing this command like the captain, the seven people in the sky certainly did not summon the demon, and directly used the magic attack. Everyone's body flashed, and then a few huge magics slid directly down the position. Yes, the place where the players are the most, although their magical attack is not very powerful, but it is only relative to those who have seen the holy level that Li Huailin has seen. For the average player, such magic is already very abnormal. However, these large aoe magic smashed down, and suddenly caused a lot of players to die.

"The trough, these strange levels are so high, it won't be a boss."

"Where are there so many bosses, the middle one is the boss, and the next is the elite monster."

"The trough, the elite blame is so fierce? The boss has not yet shot, this is not a ah, a few levels of blame, and sure enough, the map has a very high level of blame, no need to play." Players are also a bit nervous This other party is all a genius of the mage type, a big piece, it seems that you can't play it.

"Hide the mission, don't go to call people."

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