All Things Wrong

Chapter 2888: 嫉妒

Li Huailin’s words did not shake Betolion here. The other side has always been very calm. Li Huailin wants to irritate the other side to see the reaction of the other side, but now the situation is that the other party is not easily irritated. This seems to be due to the confidence of the other party, and the confidence in his own strength.

What Li Huailin said is very reasonable. Just killing him does not stop him from continuing to participate in the trial. It is still necessary to trap him before the special ability of Hoplas to stop him. Betolion’s performance is so calm, maybe the other side has such ability. Of course, the other party should not know that he has summoned Rover. After all, the members of the Salvation Army who had seen Rolf’s before should have died. The only one who is alive is Shang Wennuo, the other party...should not even report this and the above.

Said Shang Wennuo, Li Huailin also looked at the situation of Shang Wennuo at this time. Now that Shang Wennuo is already in the hands of the foreign players, the players in Huaxia District should basically die. Now, of course, these foreign players have no time to watch the fun. They have already retreated with Shang Wennuo. They don’t know why the monsters behind are not catching up. Anyway, they ran first.

Of course, although the other side ran with people, but Li Huailin is not very worried, anyway, Shang Wennuo is not really able to trigger any hidden tasks, can only say that these people are busy. And now Shang Wennuo is relatively safe, and there is a law to summon the Jade Emperor. Death can't die. Li Huailin doesn't have to worry too much. After the escorts are evacuated, Li Huailin is more convenient.

"Really, I didn't expect you to convince Shang Wennuo." Betolion suddenly spoke up. "His sudden betrayal made me really curious. What method did you use to convince him?" ”

Obviously, Betolion was a bit curious about what conditions he used to convince Shang Wennuo. After all, in his opinion, the people of the Salvation Army were of course the loyalty of the King of God. As a result, a traitor suddenly appeared. The people they have to deal with are the ones who want to destroy the world. What do you mean by this rebellion, and destroy the world with him? Really, Betolion is a bit unintelligible.

“You are very curious?” Li Huailin smiled. “I know that you are very curious, but the problem is that you are useless even if you are curious, because I can’t understand you. It’s like you’re the Salvation Army, I know you guys. They are all loyal to the king of God, all of them have been washed by the king of God, so what do you think I can convince you? It is impossible, I have never intended to convince you, so it is very simple, Shang Wennuo is only himself. Convince yourself that he is a very special guy, at least, more special than you."

"嗡", Li Huailin just finished, suddenly felt the whole ground a little shocked, yes, there is a strange pressure from the front of Betolion body. Although Li Huailin’s reaction is not very big, it is quite obvious that it is... Betolion seems to be angry.

Li Huailin was a little bit strange. Before he provoked the other party, there was no effect at all. How suddenly the other party was angry. After a little recollection of what I said, Li Huailin probably guessed something. Yes, this question is simply said to be on the shackles.

Yes, Betolion is really embarrassing here, the reason is very simple, he is not the first time to hear this sentence. "Shang Wennuo is a special person." The person who said this sentence is not only Li Huailin. In fact, he also heard about it in the king of God. In fact, this is the case, because Shang Wennuo is a self-recognition npc, indeed. It is a special existence. God of God knows this, of course, but the problem is that Betolion does not know. He simply cannot understand what the so-called self-awareness is. Of course, it is impossible to understand where Shang Wennuo is special. What he saw was that the King of God paid great attention to Shang Wennuo, which made him uncomfortable, because the strength of the other side was not as good as himself. Why did the king of God value him so much, and now Li Huailin just said this. Point, so I stepped on the minefield of Betolion.

"Oh, I can understand it now, you are right." Li Huailin also smiled and said, "It seems that the king of God is also more inclined to Shang Wennuo, I can understand the king of God, after all, Shang Wennuo is still a strange existence. Your current behavior seems to have not been authorized by the king of God, because I guess that the king of God does not want to kill Shang Wennuo, even if the other party now rebelles against him and wants to put him to death. People, you should only be right."

Yes, Shang Wennuo is a special npc after all. I don’t know if there are any other samples. If I am a god, I should not move this special npc. So now, I have been chasing Shang Wennuo. It should be Betolion. Like Li Huailin’s previous conjecture, the **** king should not know about it now, or the other party may still participate in the trial in the pyramid? The action of the King of God is surprisingly slow, and of course there may be other reasons.

When I heard that Li Huailin said this, it was undoubtedly a fuel on the fire. Although I can't see the expression of Betolion, Li Huailin knows that the other party is even more angry. As soon as he reaches out, Betolion directly takes out the magic bead. If you look at this situation, the other party is directly I want to summon my own demon. Look at the other side's movements. Li Huailin probably knows where the other person's self-confidence is. It is obvious that the other person is very confident about the demon that he summoned. Otherwise, he will not come directly to this, but the skills have not started yet. Li Huailin suddenly lifts The hand said: "You... don't want to know why?"

Here Betolion suddenly stagnate, and the action of summoning the demon is suddenly interrupted. Yes, he really wants to know why, Shang Wennuo will be so valued. Of course, he is not easy to ask casually. God, in his eyes, God is God, what God King said of course What is it, people don’t have to explain to Shang Wennuo, but Betolion’s heart is curious, and it’s better than himself.

"I know that you don't understand this question yourself. Do you know why you don't understand?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Why?" Betolion asked directly with Li Huailin's thoughts, but he just felt that something was wrong when he finished talking. How can he believe this guy, this is the biggest enemy of their Salvation Army, Li Huailin? .

"It's very simple, because the biggest weakness of your Salvation Army is that it is too arrogant." Li Huailin said, "I don't know if this is the bad thing from the blood of the king of God. All the people around the king of God are This is the bird, the former Protoss is like this, and the people of your Salvation Army are the same. Once a person starts to be arrogant, when he encounters a problem, he will not find a reason in himself. Simply put, God Wang valued Shang Wennuo, not because of the other party, but because of you, there is nothing to sell."

"What?" The sound of Betolion here is obviously very angry. "You know..."

"I know, I know." Li Huailin interrupted Betolion himself. "Look at Shang Wennuo. I also know that your strength should be stronger than Shang Wennuo, or else you will not be like this. But the problem is, in addition to strength, what other selling points are there in your body? So, the selling point on your body is only strength, but the problem is this selling point... Is there any use? Now even if it is not Shang Wennuo, later There is a person who is stronger than you, and you have no use at all. So you have never figured out that you are better than Shang Wennuo. It is not a question of strength or weakness. People sell more than you. Of course. It is more useful than you."

"..." Betolion suddenly silenced this moment. Yes, he really felt that Li Huailin’s words were justified, but he didn’t think of anything like self-awareness, but a sword. Yes, there is no power of the Excalibur on his body, and Shang Wennuo has, carefully thought about it, a few confidants around the king of God, Bryant, Penene, Shang Wennuo, are the power of the Excalibur Does it seem to be the reason?

Then the problem is coming, what should I do? It seems that there is no way. He is the power of the Excalibur. I think that the brains of Betolion are starting to be a bit chaotic. Between the look, Betolion suddenly vomited a blood on the "wow".

"What?" Betolion looked a little bit, how could this be... But the next second he felt that something was wrong, and then directly looked at Li Huailin. Yes, the person who started is Li Huailin. Seeing the black sword that Behind this guy, Betolion suddenly figured out why he vomited blood. This is not because his heart is confused and suffocating, but the other party is dead. The sword is burning yourself. The **** secretly started to talk to himself while talking about sao, and Betolion was really angry and wanted to kill.

However, for a second, suddenly Betolion thought of one thing and suddenly realized. Yes, he suddenly thought of it. He seemed to have received a report that Hops, who had stolen the power of the glory, died in the trial. If so, the power of the glory should have returned to the Excalibur. Isn't that a place empty? In this case, I seem to have the opportunity to gain the power of the Excalibur.

"Give your sword to me!" Thinking of this, Betolion suddenly suppressed the voice and said to Li Huailin.

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