All Things Wrong

Chapter 2892: Pleasant exchange

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"Hey?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse. He didn't expect the glory to come out. Although the goods like nothing to look for, but the inexplicable is quite obedient, before they voluntarily shouted and encountered other things. When the Excalibur comes out, it will not appear under normal circumstances. How can the guy who is opposite the other party actually come out? Is this guy actually in line with the criteria for choosing the glory?

It is true that Li Huailin is not good at judging. Yes, he does not know what the standard of the choice of the light is. From the previous understanding, because the goods have been hacking themselves, then the task of unsealing is also cut. People, probably like the kind of hacking people, so one of the criteria for choosing the Lord may be killing more, the opposite Betolion seems to be really suitable, because the skills of the other side also know that killing is very convenient. In addition, although Betolion said that it is not an undead, but after the skill is opened, the blood is infinitely increased, and it can also withstand the aura of the glory. This seems to be a condition that can become a Sword holder. Thinking of this, Li Huailin is really a bit worried.

"Oh oh oh? Is this the sorcerer's sword spirit?" Seeing a figure appearing around Li Huailin, Betolion was a little excited. "Sure enough, I also have the qualification to get the Excalibur? Come on, let me Become the holder of the Excalibur!"

"Hey..." Li Huailin looked at the light next to him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I smell a very strong death." The light on this side said, "Then I heard someone calling me, I will come out and see what happens, wow... this scene is so big."

"The sorcerer's sword spirit!" Seeing the glory seems to be communicable. Here, Betolion is even more excited. "My name is Sean Betolion, and the Salvation Army is near the waiter." First, the owner of the supreme demon **** Besib, the spokesperson of death, I long for the power of the Excalibur, please give up the present owner and become my possession!"

"Oh..." The light looked at Betolion opposite, and then turned to Li Huailin. "Master, are you going to give me away?"

"God tnd gives away, obviously this is the inexplicable saying that you want to be the master of the Excalibur, and then you will really come out when you yell at you, I am also a face," Li Huailin said.

"Oh, that's it." Nod nodded, and then turned to Betolion and said, "No, you play."

"Ha?" Betolion's whole person here, how is it different from what he thought, he has successfully awakened the sword spirit of the light, and thought that he was going to succeed, the result is this goods. When I came out, I said to myself, "Do you play by yourself"? This is what is going on.

" is this possible, I am not qualified to be your master?" Betolion, who had returned to God, said that he was a little angry. Yes, he always hated being compared. Before it was Shang Wennuo, now I changed to Li Huailin and I was compared. This of course made him unacceptable. "Is it worse than this guy?"

"I didn't say that I would choose a new owner." The light on this side spreads his hand. "And look at your appearance... um... or my home owner is better."

"What?" Betolion said in anger, "I am the spokesperson of death. You are the sword of death, and I should be more suitable. How could it be worse than this guy?"

Betolion said that it is really a bit reasonable. After all, the skill of the other side is to summon a lot of bugs. For example, the current situation of the ice field is almost empty, and almost all the moving things are drowned by these insects. However, in the face of this situation, the glory here is also unusually angry.

"Bastard, I am the spokesperson of death, why rob my name." After talking about the light, he turned his head and said to Li Huailin. "Master, this **** inexplicably grabbed my name and hacked." He!"

"When you do, you count your hanging." Li Huailin lifted the amount, "God tn his own weapons and enemies can still quarrel, this is what is going on."

"..." Betolion is also a bit awkward. What is the situation of this sorcerer's sword spirit? Why don't you follow the routine? Although he has never seen the sorcerer's sword spirit, he also from other The sword of the Excalibur (former) has heard about the Excalibur, especially his opponent, Shang Wennuo. He heard that his Excalibur is a very serious sword. How is the light here? That's it.

However, I thought about it. Betolion here ignored the previous words and said to the light: "Your current owner, Li Huailin, is the one who is trying to destroy the world. You are the sword that rules the rules of death. It is the world. One of the creators, can he let him destroy this world you created?"

Yes, although the glory is the sword of death, but death itself is part of the rules of the world, so it is clear that in the general direction, the glory should actually be regarded as a part of maintaining the world order. So Betolion said that there is no problem.

"What?" The light on this side is also a glimpse. Then I looked at Li Huailin around me. "Master, you want to destroy this world? Is this... so pulling the wind?"

"Hey..." Li Huailin originally wanted to explain it a bit. The result was not said. I saw the bright eyes on the side of the light. It seems to be the kind of child who found something particularly fun. Eyes, Li Huailin silently helped the amount, "md I should not be serious at all, this product is a fascinating..."

"Ha?" Betolion opposite is completely dead, saying that the six swords together to maintain the order of the whole world? What is the situation like pulling the wind? Is there a so-called creator like you?

"First of all, I didn't mean to destroy the world at all." Li Huailin said directly to the light. "Isn't this the opposite king of God doing nothing to frame me? Didn't I tell you before?"

"Oh..." The light on this side is a pity.

"What is your expression? I think the opposite is right. Are you not one of the swords that maintain the order of the world? Can we save the world well?" Li Huailin said.

"Oh..." Nodded noddedly, it was a pity.

"I... can do it, can you trouble me to go back? I have to continue to hack people, can you not mess up?" Li Huailin said.

So the light on this side was so persuaded by Li Huailin that there was only Li Huailin and Betolion left on the field, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

"This...this is impossible! This must be fake!" Suddenly, Betolion was excited. "This guy is definitely not the sword of the Excalibur. It is the fantasy that you have deceived me. It must be of."

"Hey, hello, you are responsible, I also hope that my sword can be a little more serious, but the problem is that she is a funny, what can I do, I am desperate." Li Huailin The staller said, "Although I know that you can hardly believe it, the problem is that she is such a good thing, so I think you still have to quickly recognize the facts."

"It must be your hands and feet." Betolion still does not believe, saying that the sword of our family can not be so tempting. "Forget it, as long as you can defeat you, the Excalibur should recognize my value." ”

"Hey, can you not escape the reality? It is obvious that your relationship with the Excalibur is not very suitable. According to my opinion, it may be that your temptation is not enough... Wait, I am saying that I am talking about myself. It’s also like a slap in the face.” Li Huailin’s expression of a headache.

Although Li Huailin said it was very sincere, but the opposite Betolion obviously did not believe what Li Huailin said. He could not understand that the Excalibur as the Creator is such a existence, so he can only understand it on his own way. I think that the previous glory is just the fantasy created by Li Huailin. Anyway, it has never seen the really sorcerer's sword spirit. The other party must have turned out a fantasy to deceive him. In this case, the way Bento Leon can think of here is to defeat Li Huailin first. After all, in his opinion, the sword must be the strongest person, then he at least wants to prove himself more than Li Huailin. The holders will say better.

Thinking of this, Betolion here actively launched the offensive. With a wave of hand, Li Huailin saw a black shadow flying directly over him. He had not waited for Li Huailin’s reaction, and he flew out directly. Yes, he was hit by something, but the other party’s action was too fast, and he didn’t even see what it was. Fortunately, Li Huailin knew that he had to fight, so he had already added a shield to his body, so the damage he suffered was not so serious.

Looked a little in the air, Li Huailin found that the attacking one is the huge fly demon, other worms because the flight speed is not fast enough, so before flying to their side, it has been burned by the law of the sword However, the speed of this fly demon is so amazing that it takes five seconds to rush directly to his side, and directly flies out, and of course escapes his own judgment.

"Hua", Li Huailin thought, while he had already hit the tree in the back. The impact was not as strong as imagined. Li Huailin just slammed on the tree and quickly fell to the ground again. I don't know. Is the opponent's strength is not high, or their shields absorb most of the impact, but now is not the time to analyze this, the opposite fly demon is not seen at this time.

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