All Things Wrong

Chapter 2894: discuss

I said before that this icefield continent is called the mainland, but the actual area is the area of ​​an island. Most of the icefield territory has been finished, so after a while, Li Huailin saw that each side of the sky came to the battlefield. Of course, the parties that appeared at this time were also seen by Beyonlion, who was looking for Li Huailin everywhere. Of course, he was a little surprised that there are still people who will appear here. After all, his worms are now covering the entire continent, basically above. The souls have been sucked up by him, and the rest of the people who can live are definitely very unusual, especially this person is actually an adventurer.

Betolion has discovered each side of the sky, but there is no Bertolion found in each side of the day. Yes, the situation around it is really too chaotic. There are bugs everywhere, especially in the place beside Betolion. The bugs are so dense that they fly everywhere, and it seems to have been foggy. I can't see the situation around, of course, he still knows that he is close to the npc that Li Huailin said, so he is also on guard.

"叮", suddenly one day each side of a spirit, immediately pulled out his own sword, yes, he felt dangerous close, after all, is a player who participates in professional games all the year round, which reflects the speed has been very exaggerated, but still Slow, the speed of the other party is really too fast, just in the day when the swords are drawn by each side, a black shadow flashes directly from his side, and each side directly feels that he has stunned.

Yes, the nature of each side of the attacking day is one of the three scorpions. Betolion does not know the way of the other side of the sky, so first send a younger brother to try the other party and then see that the other party’s attack on the cockroach seems to have no reaction. He was a little relieved, but then he found a strange phenomenon.

Although the attack of the scorpion hit the other side of the day, the other party did not have time to react, but this attack... does not seem to have any effect. Yes, this awkward attack is not so strong, but the average level of adventurer is unstoppable. If you don’t die, you will be seriously injured, and you will also have a **** effect, but each side of the sky is fully represented. Nothing at all.

After thinking about it, Betolion thinks that the other party is definitely not a general adventurer. It should be considered a bit of strength. Of course, he does not panic. He directly let the three crickets attack directly. If it is not ruined, then it will be a meal. Cut and hack and say.

So the three crickets began to attack each other directly. Betolion’s side continued to pay attention to the sneak attack that may occur on Li Huailin’s side. Although he felt that each side was a bit strange, the main attention was still in Li Huailin. On the other hand, the other party may appear at any time. This player is likely to be a group with Li Huailin. It may also be to distract his attention here. Betolion will certainly not be fooled.

Unexpectedly, however, Betolion was quickly shocked. Yes, the attack speed of the three cockroaches is really fast, and all of them are cut down on the sides of the sky. Although each side of the sky seems to want to raise the sword, it is useless, but it can’t stop it. His output, the action can't keep up, so almost all of the damage was eaten, but the problem is... he didn't fall.

Yes, each side of the day still caused the attention of Betolion. This is really abnormal. If you eat so many attacks, you should fall down. This guy is not Li Huailin. Besides Li Huailin, there is still such a fight. Adventurer? Betolion said it was a bit of an accident.

"叮", at this moment, each side of the sky suddenly blocked one of the double-edged swords, and this is the first time each side of the day blocked the opponent’s attack, which made Betolion very surprised. .

"Finally I am familiar with your movements." The day and the other side looked at the front of the cockroach and said, "Sure enough, the attack mode is still relatively simple. If you are familiar with it, you can still see it clearly."

"What?" Betolion was also a little surprised at the other party's fighting qualities. Can you see the awkward attack routine in such a short time? Obviously, the speed of the other party can't keep up.

"Who is this guy?" Seeing this situation, Betolion also had to pay attention to it. Although she knew that the other party was not ordinary, it was obvious that she was still looking down on the other side. This guy is quite surprised.

Betolion thought about it, while alerting Li Huailin’s movements, and waved his hand to temporarily let the bugs be scattered. Yes, he was going to have a little chat with each other. First of all, he had to figure out what the other side was. Is Li Hualin’s helper, or just because of the attack by the insects, so come over to see the situation.

"What the **** are you..." Betolion just wanted to talk to each other on the side of the sky, but the parties on the other side of the day could not speak to each other at all, just in the moment when the other party spoke, the body of each side suddenly Directly inflated, a white giant's phantom appeared on his body, and then Betolion in front of him was a sword and slashed.

The loud noise of "砰", the surrounding ground was shattered, and Betolion did not mean any escape, but the attack on each side of the sky was still lost, and it was just before the hit, here Beto The large group of worms that Leon's body split directly into seems to be a worm.

Of course, the skills of Betolion, Li Huailin, have already told each other before, so there is not much strangeness in each side of the day, just frowning and thinking about how to deal with it.

"What, was it the holder of the enlightened Excalibur?" Another "Betolion" was slowly condensed out, and it was estimated to be a avatar. At this time, Betolion was estimated to recognize each other. Yes, they are still some of Li Huailin’s intelligence, but they have never seen each other, but he is still familiar with Shang Wennuo, so after seeing this skill, he has already recognized the identity of each party. "You are Li Huailin. The companion is right, I didn’t expect the enlightened users to be a group with the glory. This is a bit ironic."

Betoleon just finished, suddenly a flash of white light, Li Huailin appeared directly on the side of each side of the sky. Yes, Li Huailin has been watching the situation all the time. He was also looking for the location of Betolion when he was attacking by each other, but it is obvious that the "Betolion" that he can see is something similar to the insect substitute. The ontology does not know where to hide, so it is also ineffective to look at the way to sneak attacks, and Li Huailin simply comes out.

And Li Huailin appeared together, and summoned the Jade Emperor. Yes, the summoned Jade Emperor did not want to come out, because outside is a bug, summoning the Jade Emperor to say that this is really disgusting, and simply do not want to go out, but there is no way, she was forced out by Li Huailin. The main reason is... Li Huailin and Tianyi’s mutuality are a bit different. The sword of each side of the sky can make Li Huailin lose blood. Li Huailin’s sword can make every day drop blood. If the blood loss and blood return speed are the same on both sides, then there is nothing. The problem, but the problem is that Li Huailin’s sword is now unblocked, which makes it more difficult for the enlightenment of each side of the day to drop blood, which is difficult to balance. For the sake of convenience, Li Huailin still let the summoned Jade Emperor come out, because it has been tried before, the halo scalding is not hot in the case of a life aura, only the law of dying can kill the person under the aura of life, Li Huailin Now, just be careful not to kill the person next to you. This can be controlled. Anyway, the sword can be reset and the decision time can be reset. Although the judgment of 5 seconds is troublesome, at least it doesn't matter what the blood volume is, even time. Just fine.

As for the question of summoning the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin said that anyway, you will provide a halo. The range of life aura is 240 yards, which is big enough. You will stand there and close your eyes when you don't know anything.

Summon Jade Emperor said: "Hey," and then followed.

I ignored the sneer of Betolion here, and Li Huailin directly began to exchange battle plans with each other. Li Huailin’s judgment on the skills of each side of the sky is not very clear. After all, no similar tests have been done, but the general situation is still known. The magical skill of his Excalibur seems to be able to transfer the damage he has to others on the side, or even to the person who attacks him. This is a bit of a bug.

It’s like what happened just now. Li Huailin probably knows what’s going on. Yes, the sly attack has no effect on each side of the sky. It must be because each side of the heavens has transferred the damage they have suffered to the worms around them. Many insects, suddenly one or two dead will not attract attention at all, so it looks like every day is invincible.

Before because the two had a competitive relationship in the professional competition, Li Huailin was not very good at asking the specific skills of the other side, but now this Betolion is really a bit troublesome, Li Huailin also had to ask his skills on each side of the day. The specific situation. Because at this time, Li Huailin probably had a way to deal with Betolion in his mind, but this also requires the judgment of this skill to be the same as what he thought. This can only be directly asked by the parties.

The side of each side of the sky is quite upright. After Li Huailin said the situation, the other party expressed willingness to cooperate.

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