All Things Wrong

Chapter 2896: frenzied

"What happened?" Betolion was a little bit flustered. It was a bit strange that Li Huailin’s situation was here. He had seen his worms being mass-killed before, because Li Huailin did not have a halo. Well, so the bug within 30 yards will be spiked in 5 seconds, but the situation is obviously different now. The previous halo is determined according to time, so it takes 5 seconds for the bug to fly in, and it will fly in. Before and after, then of course, there are also before and after, but this time it is obviously a large-scale spike, which is different from the 5-second delay.

Betolion really didn't know what was going on, yes, although several former Excalibur users are his colleagues, but what he really knows is the sacred sword, he listens to Hopps. Said more. Because Shang Wennuo is an enemy, his skills are still well understood. The only thing that is rooted in this sword is that he really doesn’t understand it because the user is a mysterious person, usually only with the **** There was communication, he just saw it, he didn't talk to him, and he didn't fight with him. So the root cause is that he really doesn't understand it at all, so he is really not very understandable.

Things that don't know much will cause some fear. Betolion now feels like this. The basics of the game are basically unsolvable. You want to face the general situation and call the mobs infinitely. Then, I can use the worm to evade, and return to the blood infinitely. This is a bug-type skill. It is also concentrated on one thing. This is really a bit invincible. Betolion’s self-confidence comes from this, but The problem is the current situation. Betolion suddenly has a somewhat ominous premonition.

"What the **** is going on?" In the face of this situation, Betolion decided to quickly try what kind of skills the other party is, at least let them understand what is going on in order to deal with it. So I thought about it. He directly asked the devils who had been summoned by the demon to try out the situation. Although the other side killed a lot of his bugs, the little bugs were not the meat shields. They were very Crisp, the situation of killing a large piece is not the first time. Others have had skills to pass a large piece of the second, but those who at least still understand the situation, this time I really don’t know what Li Huailin is using. What means second, you can't really shoot a shoulder even if it is an attack. Betolion is not expected to be expected, it is true.

"Come on!" Just then, each side suddenly shouted. Li Huailin turned his head subconsciously, and then saw a black shadow flashing past him. Of course, Li Huailin was directly chopped. At the same time, the person who was chopped had one side, although he had found that the other party came over, but Unexpectedly, the speed of the other party increased again. He wanted to attack the attack, but he did not grasp the opportunity. The result was a direct attack.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the two people. After all, now summoning the Jade Emperor is standing behind the two people, driving the aura of life. This aura skill until now, Li Huailin’s only rule-level skills can be played under this aura. Dead, so in addition to the magic law that Li Huailin uses to kill things, other skills simply can't beat them, just play.

Of course, the opposite Betolion is also unknown, because he and the former user of the life sword, Penena, are not very familiar. He just saw the attack of the summoned scorpion hit again, his fear is slightly less. At one point, it seems a bit strange, but it seems that as long as the speed is fast, it can still attack them. He does not know that the other party will not die, so I feel that there is no problem with this consumption.

"Can you see it clearly?" Li Huailin asked directly to the side of the sky next to him. Yes, he really couldn't see the trajectory of these embarrassing movements. The speed of the other party was too fast. After all, their judgment range was 30 yards. So these crickets attacked when they didn't react, and then they really couldn't get it if they left the danger zone right away. However, Li Huailin also heard that each party had issued a reminder before the other party’s attack, indicating that each party was still able to see it, and almost made a parry action, but the timing was a little worse. Li Huailin said that he was a true professional player. Dynamic visual acuity is really amazing, and it is much more professional than a pseudo-professional player who relies on skills and bugs.

"It is possible to predict, but the body's movements can't keep up." One side of the day replied, yes, his observation is really amazing, but the body is a bit slow.

"Nothing, look at me." Li Huailin nodded and said, "Come to give me a signal..."

"Come on!" I haven't finished this yet. Suddenly, each side shouted directly. Li Huailin was also a little stunned. He just wanted to shoot the other side of the sky. As a result, the left side was directly hit. Yes, one of the crickets did not choose to cut directly with a knife, but chose to use the body to hit Li Huailin. Although Li Huailin is not dead here, but it is not a hegemony, so he is directly knocked open. Of course, I did not photograph each side of the day.

So the other side of the sky here has been in the middle of several times. Yes, this time Betolion has discharged three smashing attacks, which seems to have an advantage in the scene, which makes him relax a lot, it seems It seems that my premonition was not right before.

"It's a little too late." Of course, there is nothing wrong with each side of the sky. He now turns all the reflections into aoe facing everyone around him, so of course he can't attack the individual elements of the singularity alone, so his The blood volume has also begun to fall, but there is a halo that will not die. He now knows what Li Huai-lin is probably using, so he immediately came to Li Huailin to join him and said to him, "When I find each other, the other party's attack is already over, so you need a little pre-judgment. The speed of the other party is really too fast."

"Md, these guys are really troublesome." Li Huailin said, "But I think this is caused by our lack of madness."

"Hey?" What is the meaning of each side of the sky directly, not enough to be mad.

"Come and come, let you see what is called heartbreaking." Li Huailin said, "You are here a little bit, I will get another magical skill."

The white light flashed, and it was not until the other side of the day reacted. Li Huailin suddenly disappeared. Yes, he sent it away directly. Of course, the other side of the day did not know what Li Huailin was doing, and what the **** was when half of the people suddenly ran. A little puzzled look at the summoned jade emperor behind him, summoning the Jade Emperor also expressed a bit helpless, yes, this guy seems to have been like this all the time, summoning the Jade Emperor is really a bit used to it.

Of course, Li Huailin did not go anywhere else and went back directly to the temple. Then I went straight to the square. Now a group of Protoss people in the square are still waiting for Li Huailin’s order. Although they told them to kill the insects, but the bugs did not appear, they still have nothing to do. Li Huailin did not. Let them go, of course, can only continue to wait.

When I saw Li Huailin coming, of course everyone stood up: "God... Your Majesty." Because Li Huailin refused to let them be called the King of God, they were a little unaccustomed, so they could only scream.

"Come and come, all come over." Li Huailin said.

When I heard Li Huailin’s call, of course all the Protoss came over. They thought that there was any task. The result of Li Huailin’s words made them a bit puzzling.

"Collecting a skill is a skill that can be thrown into someone else's body and can cause continuous small damage to the other person." Li Huailin said, "To be continuous, the interval between judgments is very short. Who do you have this? Skills."

Yes, there are so many Protoss present, Li Huailin directly asks them to have skills, and the magic skills can be stolen. Yes, this before Li Huailin has tried in other Protoss (that is, the skills of God punishment), and then You can release it with your own power. Of course, your own power is very much.

"Your Majesty is a skill similar to toxin attack?" asked a Protoss here.

"The interval between poisoning skills is too long, there is no shorter one, and it is best to keep the skills that have been hurting continuously." Li Huailin said, "Whoever, hurry."

"Your Majesty, I should have the skill you said," said a Protoss.

"Your majesty, my skills should meet your requirements." People are more powerful, so many Protoss are present, many of them have this strange skill. Li Huailin certainly tried it first, so let a few people who expressed this skill throw a look at the next Protoss, and Li Huailin picks a suitable skill from inside.

In less than a minute, Li Huailin has found a more suitable skill, and then directly released the skill sharing to the protoss who provided the skills. Li Huailin returned directly to the original place in the next second.

Looked at the situation, because I am not here, of course, each side of the sky is unable to kill all the people around, so although I left for 2 minutes, the scene seems to be a little out of control, the opposite Betolion is still relying on His super-rapid summoning creatures took the initiative. At present, it seems to be playing against each other, and summoning the Jade Emperor, who was harassed by a bunch of worms.

"I am back!" Li Huailin snorted directly. "Let's go, Lao Tzu has to force it!"

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