All Things Wrong

Chapter 2899: new skill

One "coming here, everyone is gathering." Li Huailin once again came to the square of the temple. This time the protoss are really speechless, not to say that they are waiting for the task, how to wait for it. I’ve been waiting for a good job. Although most of these protoss don't like fighting, you can't just hug them all the time, and the task of setting up is more and more wonderful. Before you help him hit those people in the lower bounds, then you will start to destroy the insects... what is the task now? Really, they have not reported any big hopes, it seems that they can only do this.

A little bit of complaints, but Li Huailin shouted that they still dare not say anything, so soon all the Protoss once again concentrated. Sure enough, after listening to the task that Li Huailin said, it is to find skills, and then you can find the skills, you let them go together, the result is really just looking for skills.

However, this time, Li Huailin encountered a little trouble, because after asking a circle, he found that there is no such thing as the Protoss, which is a little bit pitted.

"Hey, this simple skill, you really no one will? What do you want to use." Li Huailin could not help but say.

"But sire..." The protoss here really don't know how to tell Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin wants the skills to bring together a whole lot of things, a bit like gravity. Skills are not simple skills. There are some high-ranking gods who really do. But the problem is that Li Huailin was basically dried up before the gods. Now the rest of the protoss are really Not too advanced skills, they are not a battle preparation.

However, these things do not know how to tell Li Huailin, we can't say "we are useless, please don't overestimate us". That person would not have used you as a person, so it is even more dead.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward. Li Huailin is of course very angry. He said that he has to go back and pretend to be forced. Now he can’t be installed. Li Huailin said that he is very angry.

Fortunately, at this time, the savior of the Protoss appeared. The white light flashed, and another person appeared in the temple of Li Huailin. Li Huailin also looked subconsciously and found that the person who appeared was Iofam. Yes, it seems that Iofam has just completed his own trials, and of course he will return directly to the temple. The whole island is full of bugs. It is estimated that he will come back and ask what is going on.

Seeing Iofam, Li Huailin’s eyes are bright, but other people are hard to say, but Eofarm is the founder of modern magic. In theory, any magic will be right. Li Huailin estimates that the other party should have This type of spell. And now Iowam is not his own, but also an alliance, so the name is green, of course, can steal her skills.

"What's the situation outside, where are so many strange bugs?" Iowam saw Li Huailin directly asking for it in the temple. Although he did not see the situation before, he guessed that it was related to Li Huailin.

Of course, she guessed that it was all right. Li Huailin simply explained the current situation. At present, Iofam is of course also dealing with the Salvation Army, so there is no conflict, and the other party will definitely help.

"Savior of the Salvation Army? Is it one of the seven nearest servants? It seems a bit powerful." Hearing Li Huailin's introduction, Iofam here nodded. "Let's go, let's see the situation."

"Don't stop, you don't go." Li Huailin said, "There is a bit of chaos over there, I guess you are really hard to resist."

Iowaum is of course the best to help, but the problem is the current situation, although Iofarm said that he will not die (after all, there is a halo), but npc still has a serious injury, Iofam It is also very troublesome if you fall directly to the ground. And the most important thing is that in the presence of Iopham, Li Huailin couldn’t just open the light, fearing that she would be sentenced to death. Although Li Huailin didn’t open it now, he can open it at any time because he summoned the Jade Emperor and the Heavens. It’s the players, they’ve been accidentally sentenced to death, and they’ve lost 10% of their experience, so if it’s critical, Li Huailin can open it at any time, but if Iofam goes, Li Huailin is really open. No, now that I’m sure I can get the other person, Iowam doesn’t have to go, but it’s more troublesome.

"Is it?" Iofam nodded. "It is true that those blood-sucking worms are a bit of a hassle. It is estimated that they will absorb the vitality of the creatures to restore the host. If I can resist, I will provide a lot of money to the other party. vitality."

"In short, do you have the skills I said." Li Huailin asked directly.

"I won't," said Iofarm. "You are talking about skills like gravity control. This is a very high-level skill. It is not as simple as you can to control this power."

A group of protoss behind him quickly nodded. Yes, this boss is too uncommon. In theory, I think that they will not have such skills.

"Hey? You won't even be." Li Huailin believes. After all, Io'am is not a skill in this all-round skill. It seems to be really difficult to get it. "How is this?" I’m going to blow it out, I’m not getting it...”

"Although I won't, but the general principle is still understood, a little try should be able to make similar skills." Iofar suddenly said.

"What? You mean that you can create a gravity control skill yourself now?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." Iofam nodded. "I recently learned a little with the Excalibur. I also studied a lot of Bryant's magical knowledge. The understanding of Magic is deepened, so it should be No problem."

"That... how long does it take?" Li Huailin asked.

“Good time,” said Iofarm. “Within five minutes.”

"Is it so hanging?" Although Li Huailin has no idea about magic, it is a very powerful level to create a new magic in five minutes.

Iowam did not care about Li Huailin, and started working directly. Li Huailin, of course, still couldn’t understand it at all. Eofam here has a lot of floats like high holographic projection. Things like runes in the air, and then began to do not know what to play with, probably after three minutes, Iofa waved, all the things in front disappeared.

“Completed?” Li Huailin asked.

"Well, there should be no problem." Iofam nodded, then stretched his hand forward, and it seemed to be ready for experimentation.

"Oh!" A light drink, Iopham’s hand suddenly flashed yellow, and then followed by a black light, and soon a black sphere appeared in the hands of Iopham, and Li Huailin It was immediately felt a suction. Yes, Li Huailin did not respond at all, and was directly sucked by this suction. Not only Li Huailin, but also the onlookers of the protoss were affected, but although they are not fighting, the strength is not bad. After a little movement at first, I immediately stabilized my body.

But apart from them, Li Huailin saw that everything around him seemed to be affected by this skill and began to gather toward it. Fortunately, the temple was always clean, there was nothing like sand and stone, but the white next to it. Fog, and things like the clouds are all gathering towards Iofar.

"Probably this is the case." Looking at it, Iofam here also removed the magic directly with a wave of hand, and the surrounding suction naturally stopped. "Although it has not been optimized, it should be usable." If you fine-tune it, it will be more troublesome. It may take a long time to verify it repeatedly..."

Li Huailin also turned directly to the ground and said: "No, no, this is enough. Although it seems that people can't absorb the holy class, it is not used at present. It is this."

"So let me go?" asked Iofar.

"No, no, I have learned this skill. I will go on my own." Li Huailin said directly.

"Ha?" Iowam was a little glanced. This skill was created by myself. After Li Huailin saw it, he learned it? You are not kidding.

"I have a similar imitative skill." Li Huailin is much lazy to explain, a little said, "I will be anyway, right this skill is called..."

"I just created it, then it is called black..." Iofarm was originally intended to be called a black hole skill. To be honest, she didn't know why she had such a skill name in her mind. The result was not yet available. Speaking of export, Li Huailin suddenly said that he was the first to say.

"Well, this skill is called Vientiane."

"Ha?" Iofam gave a slightly glimpse. "Hey, this seems to be the skill I created. Why do you want to name it?"

"Because I have the talent to take a name, if you look at what you take, you may call a name like 'black hole'..."

"..." Iowam looked at Li Huailin a little embarrassed, this guy knows that he wants to name the black hole.

"In short, I have a big name on the tall one. How much is it? How high is it." Li Huailin said that he also waved his hand. "Before speaking, so many people outside are waiting."

After Li Huailin’s white light flashed, he disappeared directly in front of Iofam. He returned to the battlefield in the next second. “Hello, I am back, let me go, I have to start to force it!”

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