All Things Wrong

Chapter 2915: Earth ball

"This..." Seeing this situation, even if the reaction is a little slow, Lorez understands the meaning of Li Huailin. This is of course his purpose. The ball that can be broken by a punch is not the shield of Li Huailin. The little creatures sucked up by Li Huailin are his shields. Now, because of the rules, they can't kill, so they know that Li Huailin is in this thing, and they can't directly break the ball.

Yes, Li Huailin is naturally this plan. He said that his Wantiantian skills are not only a single mode, but also a whole model. Although the suction of this model is not as large as a single one, it can still be used. use. It only takes a little time to get ready, so if you start doing it directly there, of course you can't.

Therefore, Li Huailin chose to pull out a time directly and use the skills of the gods directly. The other party must take a little time to catch up. Taking advantage of this time, Li Huailin found a place with more animals and then started using it. The skills of Vientiane.

Although it was the first time to use it, the effect was similar to that of Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin had already sucked a ball before playing. At that time, there were fewer things around, and then the time of sucking was shorter, so I didn’t have Wrapped in, but now, the things sucked around have wrapped up Li Huailin.

Then someone has to ask, these small animals that have been sucked up, if they are buried in the soil and then die, is it considered to be killed by Li Huailin? Li Huailin certainly thought about this problem, but after thinking about it, this should not be his own killing. After all, he did not release any damage skills. Yes, Vientiane has not hurt this skill. It is just a skill to **** things. As for these small animals that are really dead, they are also suffocated and have nothing to do with him.

The factual situation is similar to that of Li Huailin. The system still has rules for the attack. Since there is no attacking subject, Li Huailin’s behavior will not be judged as a killing, so it does not violate the rules. Thinking of this, Li Huailin suddenly remembered the setting mechanism of the attack target on each side of the sky. Saying that... If you have the skill of each side, it would be easy to take two rabbits directly to the front of Lores and Penena. Then one knife and one, the opposite of the two directly eliminated, it is simply too simple, okay.

Of course, seeing this situation, Lores and Penena here are a bit silly, they do not know what to do, in the face of this huge clay ball, they do not know where to start. The easiest way is to blow a fist directly. This is whether Penena or Lorez can do it, but the problem is that it can't be done now. A lot of small animals above they kill one is directly Eliminated. Then you said to move slowly, avoiding small animals to dig in? How is this possible? Now that the ball is still sucking things everywhere, it is estimated that the growth rate is faster than they dig, which is impossible to dig into.

The current situation is that you can't play, you can't dig, can you only watch this ball now? In the face of this situation, the two strong men who have experienced battles are also a bit aggressive.

"What should I do?" At this time, Lorez did not say that the two had just contradicted each other. At present, they are still united to deal with Li Huailin and say that if they lose, they will have nothing to say.

"Now, I can only wait." There is no good way for Penena here, but wait, it is really a way. "This guy uses advanced gravity magic, this level of magic, even if it is I can't keep up with my full strength. We wait a little while, the other party should stop, and then we will find another way."

Another way to think about it is to wait for the ball not to grow, and then dig it in and try it out. But Penena doesn't take into account that Li Huailin doesn't need to use any mana to use this skill. Yes, this skill was invented by Iofam. It uses magic energy to supply energy. It is not a power point. Li Huailin’s divine power is limited, but the magic is infinite. He has the root of the Excalibur in his hand. Any magic skill is free. The root of this largest magic source is in the presence of the world, and consumes a lot of magic. He also didn't panic at all.

So you can imagine what it is. The two waited for a while and found that the ball was getting bigger and bigger, but the skill didn't stop at all. When I saw this situation, the two people who were already very anxious were even more anxious.

"This is impossible!" Penena is also a bit awkward. Yes, she is more confident about her magical ability, but she can't hold this level of skill for such a long time. Li Huailin can do it. Yes, this is too surprising for her, the other is just a personal adventurer.

"It’s not a way to wait for this." Lores, who is next to him, is more anxious and said directly.

"What do you say?" Penena is also in a bad mood.

"This is not because of your recent behavior." Because there is time to talk, the conflict between the two has reappeared. The two of them have not planned to finish, but they have no time to deal with them. Now they I can't do anything, so it's natural to have a lot of time.

"This is not because you actually believe the guy's ghost, it is now causing this situation." Here, Penena has no good feelings for this guy who does not respect the king of God. The king of God lets you do things but the biggest under the sun. Glory, you are not doing it, it is just insulting her.

"It’s you who are more angry with me than that guy. It’s so clear that you’re right, you actually want to go with the other person...”

Regardless of the two people who started to quarrel outside, Li Huailin’s situation is not very good. Don't look at him now seems to be tactically suppressing two people, in fact, the situation inside the ball is also very bad. Yes, Li Huailin now says that he was buried directly by a big earth ball. The system here has already suggested that Li Huailin is in a state of suffocation. Of course, Li Huailin is not going to die because now he is adding blood, and every With a 5% increase in seconds, this and his jumping magma are justified.

However, although it will not die, Li Huailin’s situation is really bad. He is surrounded by soil, and he can’t move at all. The surrounding area is black. Li Huailin said that this situation is really very uncomfortable.

By the way, Li Huailin also studied the egg. In theory, as long as he killed the egg, he should be able to win. After all, this egg is a brave. But the problem is that Li Huailin tried it a little, this egg... he really can't beat it. Yes, Li Huailin had already tried it when he arrived at the station. This egg seems to have no damage judgment. No matter what attack is hit, it is invalid, and it will not be broken. It is not bad, it seems to be Anything like system protection mechanism, it seems that it can't be destroyed before it hatches.

So there is no way, Li Huailin can only use this method to temporarily seal this but seal it. But it seems that I can't keep doing it all the time. Yes, although my magic is unlimited, the problem is that I can only temporarily drag the egg, and the two of them are in the opposite situation. Li Huailin is not at all. I know.

Yes, Li Huailin has been dragging on here, and the problem is that the opposite is afraid of dragging? The other party is not worried about dragging, the other party wants to drag it down. So if they don’t care about the egg, or send a person directly to summon the jade emperor, then call the jade emperor to find the dragon, and then drag them all the way? This is a possible situation, so Li Huailin is only a matter of expediency. It will not work until now.

Of course, the most important thing is that the environment inside is really too bad. Li Huailin said that he really can't stand it. After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to go out. At this time, it is more important to master each other's actions. It is more important than dragging here.

So the white light flashed, Li Huailin directly transmitted to the outside, of course, is still around Lorez. At this time, Lores and Penena here have to fight again, and I did not expect that Li Huailin appeared at this point in time.

"It's you!" Both of them were a glimpse. I didn't expect Li Huailin to appear at this time. Yes, because Li Huailin came out, the skill is of course stopped. The ball is no longer expanded, but the huge ball that is sucked out will certainly not be so scattered. The previous suction is still very big. They are all pinched together to become a huge earth ball, and the animals above, of course, fall off directly on the periphery, and they ran away when they were alive. As for being buried, they are now dead a lot, and many are buried half. Still struggling now.

The two people who wanted to fight, Li Hualin, suddenly turned their attention to Li Huailin. Yes, the first reaction of the two people to see Li Huailin was to start.

"Wait and so on." Li Huailin said directly, "There are so many small animals around here, do you really dare to attack here?"

Li Huailin said as he pointed to some small animals next to him. "Don't say that I didn't remind you, I just want to take a knife to stop you."

"Oh..." Both of them are a meal. It is reasonable for Li Huailin to say something. They really can’t just attack it casually, but why does Li Huailin remind them of this?

"So don't do it, we still have a good chat, you said." Li Huailin said with a smile.

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