All Things Wrong

Chapter 2924: Suitable candidates

The two people who heard the sound of course turned their heads at the same time. The result was a young man wearing a knight’s armor and a blond hair running towards them. Obviously, the two seem to have never seen each other. Yes, this is obviously an npc, but whether they are the squares recruited by the previous heroes or the dinner party, they have never seen this npc, I don't know what he is doing.

"Wait, the brave adult." Just thinking, the npc here has already ran to Li Huailin in front of them, said to the chicken sauce here, "Please let me join your crusade against the dragon."

"Which are you?" The call of the jade emperor directly asked.

"Under Wades Suramos is the vice captain of the third team of the Royal Cavaliers." Wades here replied.

The name of the npc is of course already seen. Now I am asking about the identity of the other party. I don’t know if this npc is running over, is it the plot npc? However, at this time, summoning the Jade Emperor suddenly remembered something and said: "Suramos?"

"Who? You know?" Li Huailin asked strangely.

"You can't change the name of the person, can you change it? The one that was said to be the most powerful soldier in their country." Called the Jade Emperor to remind him that he saw that Li Huailin didn't seem to think about it again, added again, "being taken by the magic dragon The one that can't get to the ground."

"Oh, think of it, this guy." Li Huailin really did not remember the name of this guy, now it is to think of it, "You are Suramos?"

Here, Wades heard the other person say this, but his face was a little red, but he immediately replied: "You are talking about the father below, my father lost to the dragon, but he also stopped. The magic dragon has saved a lot of people in the city for a lot of time. He is a great knight, please..."

"I have done it, what are you doing?" Li Huailin directly interrupted the other party and asked.

"I want to participate in the team that crusades the dragon and avenge my father," said Wades here.

"Ha? I don't remember your father still not dead?" Li Huailin said.

"Just just now... my father has been... the wounded died... I passed away." Wades said here, while holding his fist with his trembling hands, "I am sorry because of this." Did not participate in the previous dinner, so missed the opportunity to meet the brave adult, please forgive my rude behavior, but if you want to slay the dragon, please bring me, even if you sacrifice your life, I will help the brave to defeat the devil Dragon's."

"Hey!" The chicken broth here listened to Wade's statement and seemed to be very touched. He actually used his wings to pat the other's shoulders, then looked at Li Huailin and summoned Jade Emperor. Yes, he still has The self-awareness of the present is still Li Huailin and summoning the Jade Emperor.

"Oh." Summon the Jade Emperor directly sighed, then said to Wades, "You can understand your mood, but now the situation..."

"Wait." Li Huailin suddenly stopped the summoning of the Jade Emperor and continued to talk about it. Instead, he looked up and down at Wades and then suddenly said, "You...have looked good, I will take a look."

"Hey?" Wades and Summon Jade are both at the same time.

"No, don't you suddenly realize the new world in your side?" summoned the Jade Emperor and couldn't help but say.

"Understanding Mao's new world." Li Huailin said, "I didn't just say that I missed a more important piece? You see that this goods really seems to be appropriate."

"How do I know what kind of pieces you want? You didn't even tell me about the plan." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"In short, the plan is still very simple, and I will tell you later." Li Huailin said, "This product is still relatively suitable."

"Well?" Wades here is of course a slap in the face, but listening to the two people, it seems that he can follow along, of course, he is very happy, "two adults, no matter what I will do it, please let me know, but let me participate in the team that crusades the dragon."

"Uh huh..." Li Huailin nodded with satisfaction, then took a shot on the shoulder of Wades and said, "You, I thought about it, there is indeed a more important job, and I need someone to help." However, there may be danger to your life. You just said that you are willing to pay whatever you pay."

"Yes, adults, as long as they can avenge their father, even if they are giving life, I am willing." Wades said here without hesitation.

"This is good." Li Huailin nodded, and the next call to the Jade Emperor suddenly expressed his silence to the young man who was not sensible. Yes, the last time I heard Li Huailin said this sentence, the opposite was really bad. I think that there is still voluntariness this time, then 100% is going to fall into the pit.

"Well, then you are now a member of our team." Li Huailin nodded.

"Really? Great, please brave the adults, I will help." Wades said here happily.

"Come and come, as a welcoming ceremony, I will give you a buff and put your head out." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Oh..." Wades felt a little strange. Looking at Li Huailin’s smiling face, he always felt like a little ominous premonition, but after thinking about it, after all, it’s the companion of the brave adult, there should be no problem, so It also stood in front of Li Huailin. "What do you say..."

When the words were not finished, he was directly picked up by Li Huailin, and then he said that it was a direct fan to the face. Yes, the legendary martial arts combat skills were launched and played for nearly a minute. Here, Wades, who has been beaten by the pig's head and triggered the idiot effect, collapsed directly in front of Li Huailin.

"Treat, after a while his face is still useful." Li Huailin said to the next call to the jade emperor.

"I will know." Summoning the Jade Emperor to look at the situation of Wades is also unbearable support, yes, Li Huailin hit people, this call to the Jade Emperor is also much more, almost quickly get used to it, anyway, it is directly The means of idiots is estimated to be good control, but the purpose is to understand, or do not know Li Huailin’s plan.

"So what are you going to do?" Summon Jade Emperor also asked Li Huailin while he was treating.

"If you want to do it, you still have to do it on Penena." Li Huailin said, "But after just one round, the opposite side already knows my strength, so choose to face them, they will take precautions, and most What matters is that the other party should have guessed why I just didn't do it for them."

"That is to say, the other party knows that you are worried about being eliminated, so you have not directly killed the brave person who was just born?" Summons the Jade Emperor asked, "This is probably possible to guess, but even if this is the case, the other party should not be able to directly cancel the brave. The law of eternal life on the body."

"Of course." Li Huailin nodded. "After all, even if we don't do it, the brave is still likely to die, so the law of eternal life must be on the brave. I mean, the other person knows that my scruples will not relax. But they will think this is my weakness."

"Ha?" summoned the Jade Emperor to be a bit unintelligible.

"If you are positive, you must choose the other side's weaknesses. The other side's thoughts must be like this." Li Huailin said, "Now, according to their perspective, what I think is that the participants will lead to the brave." I was eliminated myself, no matter whether this is really the case, but at least I think it is like this."

"Hey... can you understand what you can say, don't go around." Summon Jade Emperor couldn't help but say.

"In a nutshell, since I don't think our participants can do anything about the brave, then I should think that they won't do anything about the brave, so if I do something that looks dangerous, it is in line with my logical thinking. They will not have any doubts," Li Huailin said.

"So what you mean is to let me not add the law of eternal life to the body of the chicken." The caller of the jade here asked, "Let the opposite side kill our brave?"

"Don't tease, who knows how to judge in the end, what to do if something happens." Li Huailin said, "So the law must be added to the body of the chicken. You must be careful here, you must not be killed." ”

"No, then what you said for a long time is awkward." Summon the Jade Emperor said uncomfortable.

"Speak seriously, if you don't tell you, if you think this guy is standing with this guy, who do you think is a brave person?" Li Huailin pulled up the idiot Wades who was still licking his fingers and put him At the side of the chicken sauce, I asked the summoned Jade Emperor.

"Hey..." summoned the Jade Emperor to look at Wades, then looked at the next chicken sauce, and then suddenly she understood the meaning of Li Huailin. "Wait, you mean..."

"Oh... this is... I just got what happened..." At this moment, Wades here suddenly returned to God. Yes, after all, the effect of reducing IQ is only 2 minutes, now time. When it arrived, Wades certainly returned to normal. It was just a slap in the face. He had memories in the past, but he didn’t know why he suddenly became like that, as if he had lost his ability to think.

"Youth..." Li Huailin directly pulled up Wades, who didn't react to what happened. He showed a sunny smile. "Want to be a brave?"

"Hey?" Wades is of course a look. What is this situation? Suddenly, what happened?

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