All Things Wrong

Chapter 2930: Giant

The loud noise of "咚", a huge object directly broke the water surface, is the "small island" in the middle of the lake that Li Huailin saw before. What appeared in front of Li Huailin was a huge stone pillar, and the "island" they had seen before was only a small part of the top of the stone pillar.

"What?" Summon Jade Emperor couldn't help but ask, the two sides of Wades and Tianji Sauce are directly watching, although they have seen a lot of strange things along the way, but what is in front of them is really It's a bit too exaggerated, so they are really a little shocked and can't speak.

"I feel a bit like..." Li Huailin didn't finish talking. He saw a sudden "bang" at the top of Shizhu, and then began to split and became the kind of five small stone pillars. feel.

"Okay, I can understand it." Summon the Jade Emperor directly, yes, this is indeed a better recognition. The huge stone pillars appearing in front of them are actually a huge palm, but before Holding the state of the fist, and now the fingers are separated, naturally it is better to recognize, so it is obvious that what appears in front of them should be a very huge giant.

The "bang" sounded, and another loud noise rang on the other side. Yes, another huge arm appeared on the water. According to what you saw, the few people in the middle of the lake that Li Huailin saw before looked like The things on the island are actually part of the body of the giant.

Sure enough, the huge hands directly went to the next movement of the ground, and then the water surface violently vibrated again, a big figure will appear from the lake. However, at this time, Li Huailin noticed the voice of crying for help. Li Huailin turned his head and saw it. Because of the appearance of the giants here, the lake was directly stirred into huge waves and rushed in all directions. Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor because they all have blessings, so although the surrounding water surface is extremely reactionary, they have nothing to do, but the nearby Weides and Tianji Sauce can't hold back, and the two will be directly rushed by the water. Fortunately, the current level of the two is still quite good, at least the reaction directly grabbed the trunk next to it, but now the trunk is washed away by the water. The chicken sauce here is of course directly Going to Li Huailin for help on their side.

"Summon!" Li Huailin screamed directly, and then rushed toward the direction of the two, but Li Huailin certainly did not save the chicken sauce, but Li Huailin directly ran to Wades. The reason is very simple. Now they are still watching in the vicinity of Penena. Li Huailin is now going to save Wades. Of course, it is to highlight the key points. This is the first time that you should go to save the brave. The first reaction of Li Huailin looks like That's how it is done.

Yes, at this time, Penena is still observing Li Huailin’s actions. She did not doubt anything. When she saw Li Huailin’s actions, of course, she also knew that the people he saved were the brave people on their side. As for the other side, summoning the Jade Emperor will of course understand the meaning of Li Huailin in an instant, so of course she will directly save the chicken sauce here.

The action of summoning the Jade Emperor, of course, Penena also saw it, but she did not think that the chicken sauce here was a brave man. Yes, although I don’t know what the brain circuit of the npc in this trial is going on, see a The chicken also feels that the other is a mighty brave, but in the eyes of Penena, is this not a chicken? Although wearing armor, it should be the brave beast or the mount. Of course, Wades is more like a brave man, and Li Huailin’s first reaction is to make her more convinced of this, so completely There is no doubt.

Seeing the other's brave appear in front of him, Penena here has a new mind. Yes, her task is to stop Li Huailin. For this reason, she can even sacrifice herself to drag Li Huailin to drag the other party. Of course, if she can choose, she will defeat Li Huailin. This is the best. Now, this one will be placed in itself. In front of. That is of course the brave who killed each other.

Yes, Penena is considering this plan. She really wants to understand why Li Huailin didn’t do anything to them before. It’s obvious that the other party doesn’t know the outcome. Li Huailin’s estimate is that he’s worried that he’s killing their brave. I have to bear the penalty here, so I didn’t dare to start before. In Penena's opinion, this can only be explained. Otherwise, how could Li Huailin let them go?

But this point, Penena actually knows. Yes, Li Huailin has not tried this side, but Penene has it. Of course, it is not her own. She is a team. The people on the side of the Salvation Army have actually encountered this situation. In the battle.

As a result, of course, Penena also knows. So what is the situation like? In fact, it is very simple. In fact, the light group here has also said before. If the brave is dead, then this group will be directly sentenced. If they kill the unit, they will not use the word, but use The elimination. Yes, these two words are of course different. Because they are eliminated, they will only eliminate those who violate the rules. It is not that the whole team will be directly eliminated. It is just that you violate the regulations and you will directly withdraw from the competition. Your teammates. Still able to continue the trial. On the other hand, your brave man was killed, of course, he was directly sentenced, so it is obvious that who wins and who loses.

If you can, Penena is of course wanting to let the next Lores come to kill the other's brave. The result is that she lives alone and solves the biggest threat of their Salvation Army. Li Huailin It is too perfect. It is a pity that Lorez is not a Salvation Army, and he certainly cannot agree to this plan, so it is really impossible to do it, Penena will still do it himself.

Yes, in order to solve Li Huailin, she can contribute her life. In this respect, she did not hesitate, so even the final result is that Lorez, who is not his own person, is a result that she can accept. After all, the biggest threat is Li Huailin.

Therefore, now that there is a chance, Penena may be able to shoot the brave man on Li Huailin's side, of course, it is also necessary to have a chance. This opportunity is really hard to find, mainly because of the summoning of the Jade Emperor.

Yes, this player is the holder of the life sword. Peñina certainly knows this thing, and the ability of the life sword is naturally clear. Now the situation is really a bit difficult for the brave. The other party's rule ability has always been on the brave. She has no chance at all. The only way is to attack the holder and the brave at the same time, and at the same time, two people, so that the life method will automatically protect the owner, of course, the brave This is directly dead, but this requires an opportunity. Or just find a chance to separate them, then attack the holder first, let his law return to the body, and then because of the distance restrictions, she can not add to the short time, she attacked the brave, so that they can win. In Penena's view, the success rate of the second method is relatively high.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is still in Li Huailin’s body. This guy doesn’t know what to do. Anyway, he can play his own state of sudden death. Although his resilience is very strong, if the other party has been attacking, he will be suppressed. In this case, the brave man on his side is also very dangerous. Although the other party does not seem to dare to shoot his brave, but as long as this law is not on the brave, it is very dangerous. So if you want to achieve your own plan, you must find a good time to compare, and then there will be only one chance.

In the eyes of Penena, the other side of the situation is definitely not known to the other side. After all, the other party has already "scammed" themselves to the dark island over there, so now they only have one unexpected time, but although If you have such a good opportunity, you have to choose a good time. If you waste it, you will have no chance, so you must have the opportunity to win 100%.

"I hope the guys here can give some strength." Penena thought. She said "the guy here" refers to the giant who is now in front of Li Huailin. Yes, this time, with the violent fluctuations of the lake, a giant has stood up from the lake. This is really a very horrible giant. It looks like the height of the other person is about 200 meters. Of course, the other party does not seem to be a The real "person", although a human type, looks like a body made of things like rocks. Of course, it is completely different from the ordinary earth elements. It is actually made, but it is simply a giant. Rocks and the like.

The other person's body is really very dirty. I don't know how long it is lying at the bottom of the lake. All of the body is black mud, and it also emits a stench. As the other person gets up, this stench is also permeated. Around, it’s a bit tolerant to Penena. Even so, Penena hopes that this stone giant can give a little strength and create an opportunity for her to attack.

What she didn't know was that Li Huailin here thought the same thing. Yes, he was also thinking about how to solve this stone giant to make a chance for them to look at them. They really said this. Really not a good thing.

"There seems to be something glowing on this guy's head." The summoned jade emperor next to him reminded him.

Li Huailin looked up and saw that there was a beam of light on the head of the giant, but he couldn’t see what it was: "It might be the holy sword, let me think about it..."

Not finished yet, the giant here has already begun to act.

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