All Things Wrong

Chapter 2932: opportunity

"This Nima is making trouble!" Li Huailin couldn't help but shouted. Yes, I studied how to trigger the dragon flash for a long time, and then I couldn't make it, even if I came to the highest difficulty in the air, turned 360 degrees and threw the dragon. There is no way to trigger your own skills. This can't be triggered. He also recognizes it, but this inexplicable skill seems to pop up no matter what position. Are you not angry? Li Huailin said that it was really suffocating.

Although it is really mad, but it always triggers one, but Li Huailin really has no time to see what this skill is, because when he throws Wades out on his side, the stone over there The giant is also standing firm, and now of course he is coming over to Li Huailin.

"The trough..." Looking at the huge fist that slammed down directly, Li Huailin also snorted, turned and jumped again to escape the attack of the other side, and then directly plunged into the water.

"Fortunately..." Slightly looking for it in the water, Li Huailin soon saw the person he was looking for, but fortunately the light around it is still quite adequate, and the lake is not very deep, although now The movement was quite powerful, but Li Huailin still saw the figure of the chicken sauce.

"Wanxiang Tian cited." This time Li Huailin was relatively simple, and he sucked directly in the direction of the chicken sauce. The other party immediately flew over to Li Huailin. Li Huailin also grabbed the turkey sauce that flew over and then rushed out of the water again.

Of course, the current chicken sauce has already passed out. It really can't swim. If it is not the law of eternal life, it has long been hung. Of course, nowadays, there is no problem with the chicken sauce. Li Huailin is also trying to use it. Oh, throw the chicken sauce directly into the tree a little far away. Yes, I don’t have to worry too much about the problem of turkey sauce. Basically, no one should attack the chicken broth, and he has laws to save his life.

Of course, Li Huailin’s hand was also seen by Perena and Lores, who were observing them there. It’s not surprising that Li Huailin’s chicken sauce is not a strange thing. After all, it’s also a pet’s pet or mount. Of course, you can’t just let it. It was dead, but Li Huailin’s glimpse of them made them feel that this was really not a brave. After all, Wades over there had already begun to go to the head of the stone giant.

Yes, said Wadedes, his luck is also quite abnormal. Li Huailin’s glimpse of this, Wades flew directly in the direction of the stone giant, saying that Li Huailin did not aim at all, and this skill is also There are no hit fixes and the like, so the direction of the embarrassment is a general direction. According to the original route, Wades here is going to collide with each other's body, but I did not expect that the stone people here suddenly attacked Li Huailin and then bowed down, which made Wades not. Directly hit, just at an angle, Wades grabbed the other's body directly with both hands and climbed directly on the other's shoulder.

Really, Wades did not think that he could really land smoothly. Li Huailin did not expect it. Yes, because there is a halo calling the Jade Emperor, it is impossible to kill Wades because of the impact of the impact. If this time I can't throw it up, Li Huailin must let the summoned Jade Emperor recover and continue to throw it until it is thrown up. As a result, Wades is really lucky to explode, and once succeeded, forcibly escaped. The process of dying to live.

"6666, I am a boy!" Li Huailin shouted directly at Wades. Of course, Wades did not actually understand what Li Huailin was yelling at him. He only heard Li Huailin’s voice. He was so confused now that he had already ignored the southeast and northwest. However, even though he still knows that he must move now, it is useless to always grasp this guy. After all, he has to follow, he must act.

Looked at the head of the stone giant next to him, Wades swallowed again, this guy is too big, he was surprised when he saw it below, and now it feels more fearful . Yes, one eye of this thing is bigger than the whole person. What to play with, the other party will be pinched to death when it moves a little, and a sense of fear spreads from the body of Wades from the heart. Even so, Wades quietly cheered himself up.

"It's okay, the brave and his companions are all powerful people. Listening to their instructions should be fine." Wades can only comfort himself. Shaking a little bit of a tremulous hand, Wades took a breath and then began to climb towards the giant's head.

The giant here, obviously, should have not noticed that there are more individuals in his body. Although Li Huailin has already shouted at the person facing him, but the giant seems to be unable to understand the human language, his goal remains the same. It’s Li Huailin’s eyes. Yes, it’s just that Li Huailin’s throwing the dragon seems to be stimulating to the stone giant. Now the other side seems to be staring at him, obviously it is directed at him.

The loud noise of "Boom" is still splashing with water and mud. The attack of the giant once again squats in the position where Li Huailin stood, but still did not hit Li Huailin, or the sentence, the action is too big. Too good to predict the direction. Really, Li Huailin really wants to play this boss. It doesn't take much effort. Although this thing doesn't look like it's life, it doesn't burn with glory, but it doesn't use Li Huailin to directly put Xiaomi to kill each other. On the line, Xiaomi's machine power is much stronger than this thing, and it can be sprayed directly around the other side. However, now Li Huailin does not want to really kill the boss. After all, this thing is also a unit. Li Huailin killed it. Isn’t he stupid?

"Summon summons." Li Huailin is also directly approaching the summoning Jade Emperor and said to her, "It is time to test your acting skills."

"What do you want to do?" summoned the Jade Emperor to ask, yes, she probably knows the meaning of Li Huailin, the question is how to play.

"It's very simple, very simple." Li Huailin waved and said, "Do you see the direction that I still have the chicken sauce?"

"Yeah." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded, and of course she was paying attention.

"In a moment, you slap this guy directly, then you will fly out in that direction. You may fall a little far when you land, but it doesn't matter, the place is a little wait, you may wait until the opposite guy picks you up. "Human head." Li Huailin said, "Slightly struggle, then you will be killed by the other side, then you will rush in the direction of the pheasant sauce, and then quickly add the principle of eternal life to it."

"Is this request too high?" Summon Jade Emperor could not help but say.

"Nothing, nothing, you are not a professional, there should be no problem." Li Huailin said, "The main reason is that the speed is a little faster, because in this case, the chicken sauce will have no buff forever, aura. If you can cover it, it will be fine. If the aura is not covered, it will be a little troublesome, and it may roll over. So you have a slight control over the distance." Li Huailin said.

"Do you ask for higher and higher requirements?" summoned the Jade Emperor and said, "Is this a bit dangerous?"

"There is no way. You see this situation. The other party is still unwilling to do it. It is a bit too embarrassing. So if you don’t have some strength, the other party’s estimate will not appear. There is no way we can only take a little "It’s dangerous." Li Huailin said, "Reassure, I look at the situation. If it doesn't work, I will control the scene."

"Well, then according to what you said, it is now!" Summon the Jade Emperor just finished, the stone giant over there is also directly slap on the side of Li Huailin, this position is really just Well, summon the Jade Emperor if you are flying, you can just fly to the direction of the pheasant sauce before flying out.

Of course, Li Huailin is also a direct dodge. Of course, this time he is very dangerous. It is not that he can't flash, but he has a situation in which he just didn't think that he almost didn't flash. Yes, the current plot of the two is in the performance of the speech, when the other side suddenly an attack so that they will not be able to respond to the call, Li Huailin certainly has to be a bit flustered.

The result turned out to be that Li Huailin flashed over here, and was almost hit by the other side, and the summoned Jade Emperor here did not seem so lucky. The stone giant’s slap was directly photographed on the body of the summoned Jade Emperor. Although it only wiped a little, but summoned the Jade Emperor or the whole person flew out.

"Where!" Li Huailin was very surprised. He sighed and summoned that the call of the Jade Emperor was really a drama.

Of course, this situation, Penena and Lorez, who have been watching behind, have also seen it. Both of them realized that this is the best chance.

"Good opportunity, come on!" Lores immediately shouted.

"Go!" Penena also shouted, and then directly started, the result did not expect that the direction of action of the two is actually different, is the goal of Lores here is of course the giant head The holy sword on it, just taking advantage of this opportunity to quickly win the holy sword to defeat the magic dragon is the right way, but the idea of ​​Penena here is the same as that expected by Li Huailin, such a good opportunity to quickly lay the victory Ah, this is not to say that they have won the sword. Of course, it is more insurance. It is correct to call the Jade Emperor. Therefore, Penena is directly rushing out in the direction of summoning the Jade Emperor.

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