All Things Wrong

Chapter 2935: stop

When Lorez rushed to Li Huailin, he really didn't think much about it. He was still a relatively honest person, so the situation that his own teammates were exposed unexpectedly made his heart still very shy, so when he rushed to Li Huailin What he thinks more is to make up for his own mistakes. Anyway, he can be resurrected if he is killed by Li Huailin.

What he didn't think of was Li Huailin's palm. It was really... it was a bit too light. Yes, according to his opinion, Li Huailin should be playing casually. After all, but Penena can be a casual second person, but why is he not hurting here? After hesitating for a second, Lorez suddenly wanted to understand. Of course, what he thought was not that Li Huailin’s power was mostly loaded. He thought of the rules of the game.

Yes, before Penena and he had a slight exchange, he also knew that Penena’s secret technique was to let himself or another unit not die. Li Huailin should know that this secret technique would be done on Penena. Well, he should have no intention of killing Penena.

Yes, Lores understood this time. The rules said that if they kill the unit, they will be eliminated. In Li Huailin’s view, they should be counted as units. Of course, it is not counted, Lorez does not know this judgment. He did not encounter the situation of the team several times before, but now this situation is undoubtedly beneficial to him, because in his opinion, he is chopping. Undead Li Huailin’s, but he can’t beat, but Li Huailin can beat him, but he dare not kill him because he has no secret skills and he will be killed.

I figured this out, Lorez here is more radical, and a pause once again attacked Li Huailin. At this time, the distance between the two is very close. Of course, Lorez is unlikely to miss the hand. It is necessary to know that his actual speed is much faster than Li Huailin.

"咚", let Lorez did not think that he hit this punch, and will hit Li Huailin's head. However, Lorez soon realized that Li Huailin simply did not pay attention to his own attack. Yes, at this time, a golden light flew out from Li Huailin's hand, and the opponent's goal was still the air of Penena.

"What!" Lorez was shocked. Although he had interfered as much as possible on this side, Li Huailin’s attack was thrown out. He immediately looked at Li Huailin’s attack direction, hoping that his attack would be on his own. Do not hit under interference. It is a pity that Li Huailin’s attack made a turn in the air, like a tracking missile, in the direction of Penena.

Yes, the skill of the sun spear is the one that hits the 100% hit, and now Li Huailin is still the root cause, so as long as the shot is 100%, it can kill each other. So how could his attack be missed?

When Penena saw Li Huailin’s attack, she knew that she was going to be hit, and 100% would be beaten to death. In this case, she really met too many people. There are several people in the Salvation Army. This is the case. Since this is the case, Penena is hiding from hiding, and the direct red light flashes, opening up the source form.

"噗嗤", just opened the source form, Penena felt a sharp pain in the chest, a golden lance-like thing directly into the heart of her back, and then directly smashed from the front Out. Penena was lost consciousness when she was hit for a moment. Of course, she could not keep up with her flight, and began to fall at the speed forward.

But just after falling for a while, the effect of the source form worked again. The huge penetrating wound of the chest began to regenerate with the naked eye. All the organs in the blink of an eye have all grown up, and Penena also recovered directly from the gasp. Consciousness, quickly stabilized his body shape and then continued to fly forward. As if it had just happened, she did not seem to have happened.

Yes, at this time, she didn’t have time to manage Li Huailin. Anyway, she couldn’t beat her. Her goal was in front of her own eyes. As long as she killed the other’s brave, it was her victory, although she would also be eliminated, and maybe Will die, but she said that she has already lived enough, as long as His Majesty the King can achieve the final victory, then it will do.

At this time, Li Huailin’s side, Peneina’s situation is of course entirely within his expectation. He can actually not shoot. After all, there are people interfering with him, but he still shot, the purpose is to put Penet Na forced to be tighter, so that the other party simply had no time to think about it. Here, Lorez's attack is also somewhat unexpected. Because there is a shield of strength added to the body, Li Huailin did not do defense at all, and directly prepared to use the shield to offset the other party's damage, but did not expect that His shield was actually shattered.

Yes, Lorez’s attack is indeed beyond Li Huailin’s imagination. This attack is much higher than the previous attack. It directly shattered the power shield and did not say that Li Huailin’s blood volume was almost empty. Of course, Li Huailin, who was directly attacked, flew out by the whole person who was hit, but in the air, Li Huailin flashed again, and he was licking the sun spear again.

"唰", suddenly a figure appeared on the top of Li Huailin. The person who appeared was of course Lorez. The other side actually accelerated to catch up with Li Huailin, who just flew out, just blocking Li Huailin’s perspective.

"咚" is another loud noise, and Lorez's attack hit Li Huailin again, but the person who received the injury was Lorez. Yes, this action by Lorez directly triggered Xiaomi’s skills to replace death. After a flash of golden light, with the screams of Xiaomi, Li Huailin’s blood volume was directly back, and Lorez received a reflection of death. hurt. Now Xiaomi's blood volume can directly reflect about 3 million injuries, although it is said that this damage is also to be waived by the other party's defense, but this attack is still very painful, shocking Lores here directly spit blood. .

However, despite being injured, Lorez still did not stop here, he directly pulled out Li Huailin's right hand, and then his left hand stuck Li Huailin's neck to the next pressure.

The sound of "砰", the splash of water, the two directly dragged on the ground for more than ten meters, all the way to the shore. Li Huailin was directly pressed into the soil by Lorez, but Lorez himself could not help but flew out and slammed into a tree on the shore. The tree surrounded by this person was directly intercepted by the waist and hit into After two interceptions, Lores bounced directly on the ground, then barely landed, and spit again.

"Successful!" Although Lorez was seriously injured, but still said with a smile, yes, Li Huailin did not die, of course he knew that his previous attack was blocked by Li Huailin’s skills, and it was reflected back. Very normal situation, after all, in his opinion, Li Huailin is better than him. He said that he succeeded, referring to his own actions that prevented Li Huailin from attacking. In strategic terms, of course, his victory.

"Is it?" Li Huailin stood up from the pit in the ground without any problems. The strongest blow before was blocked, and the damage was not enough to kill him back to the blood. Of course he is fine. Of course, he must also pay attention to himself can not be killed, or else he is not born to the "Brave" above, is this not to let the other side see the problem?

Standing up, Li Huailin looked at Lorez with a smile and said: "You are very desperate to stop me, but the question is... What are your help teammates doing now?"

Lorez had a slight glimpse, and then he suddenly understood what Li Huailin had said. Yes, at this moment, he suddenly saw the actual goal of Peneath in the sky. Before that, Penena went in the direction of the stone giant. Naturally, he has no doubts, but now when he is close, he finds that Penena’s goal is not the head of the stone giant, but the shoulder of the thing, and Lores certainly understands what is going on.

"Pennana!" Lorez yelled directly. Is it that Penena’s goal is actually the other’s brave, she wants to shoot the other’s brave? He knows that Li Huailin’s failure to deal with their brave men may be a concern about the mechanism of this trial, but I didn’t expect that Penena’s target is also the other’s brave. What happens when he does not know why? If you take the risk, you can take the holy sword directly. Can they beat the dragon together? Penena once again "betrayed" herself.

Lorez’s voice was very loud. Although Penena was far away, she heard a little bit, but she didn’t look back when she heard the sound. She didn’t want to know the situation behind her. She is already staring at it. Prey in front of you, ready to shoot.

Yes, at this time, Wades was still squatting on the stone giant's body and crawling up to the other's head. At this moment, suddenly he felt a huge killing coming to his side. The gap between the two is too big. Wades was instantly crushed by this killing. He wanted to escape, but the body felt unable to respond at all. The whole person could not move at all. This blow, he I can't avoid it at all.

"Direct general." Here, Li Huailin suddenly said.

"You..." next to Lorez is a little stunned. Yes, I saw that my brave man is going to be killed by Penena. Why is Li Huailin so calm? Penene should have something to do with it. Maybe she knows the situation. But why does Li Huailin have no worries? Seeing Li Huailin’s smile, Lorez suddenly had a kind of unpredictable feeling.

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