All Things Wrong

Chapter 2952: test

The situation is a bit awful. It seems that Iofam is a little irritated, and I really thought that even if I had faced the Protoss in the previous battle, Ioofam did not seem to have suffered such a big loss and lost one directly. Only the front paws, I have to say that Tiollis is still a bit powerful.

However, Li Huailin, who did what it was, was a bit strange. Yes, the ability of Tiollis here seems to control the land. The demon **** controlled by the other side can walk freely on the ground. This is really strong on the ground. But the problem is that Iofam is flying. According to the pocket o, the ground attack is not invalid for the flight system, so how can Tiollis get rid of Iofam? What about it?

While Li Huailin was strange here, Tirius here also launched an attack. This attack is really similar to that of Eofarm. Yes, Iopham is a lot of crystal guns directly. Full-screen sweeping, and Tiollis is also a lot of soil-like things in the air, in terms of the number, it seems that Tiollis attack is more.

"Oh, it turned out to be an attack on the rock series... It’s a bonus to the flight system." Li Huailin said as he looked at a large pile of earth spurs that had been shot toward him.

"Be careful!" Looking at it, suddenly Iofam shouted next to him. Li Huailin was a bit strange. Why did Iopham want to call him careful, because the earth spurs thrown out by the other party said that the number is large, but after all, It’s just a local thorn. Why should you be careful about this level of magic? When the result was just like this, Li Huailin suddenly saw a huge figure appearing directly on his side.

Yes, when Li Huailin turned his head, he saw a huge mouth, or the monster that had almost eaten him twice before, and this time the monster was actually from the top of the soil that was flying towards them. Out, yes, Li Huailin is a bit surprised. Although this thorn is not small, it is impossible to put down a monster. Although the monster Li Huailin has not seen the whole picture (every time I see it is a mouth), But the size of the mouth is also known to be impossible to plug in this and the soil, so it is obviously not right.

"Is it a space-like ability to jump and move as long as there is a place for soil?" Li Huailin guessed a little. Seeing this situation, he probably knows why Iopham had been recruited before, and it is estimated that he did not expect this situation.

Of course, I want to think about it. Li Huailin’s reaction here is still very fast. Seeing Iofam next to him, Li Huailin is also directly out of the riding state, and then jumps in the direction of Iofam. As for Xiaomi... Hey, stay there and see the skills of the other side.

"Hey?" The millet here is of course a look of sorrow. Yes, Li Huailin’s master has no indication at all. Is this blocking or hiding? When the face is in awesome, the other party has bitten up directly.

The "card" is different from the last time I held it directly in my mouth. The millet here was directly bitten by a huge mouth. After a scream, Li Huailin quickly found that the situation was not right. Because the position where the millet was bitten, a khaki color began to spread toward other parts, and it felt like the bitten place began to become the color of the stone.

"Like petrochemical ability?" Although Li Huailin is in midair, he still pays attention to the situation of Xiaomi. It is obvious that Xiaomi seems to be being petrified by the other side, centering on the bite, this petrified body Everywhere spread, and the speed is very fast. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin probably understood. Before, he also saw that the crystal gun shot by Eopham was directly changed into a gun by the other party. Now it seems that the other person can turn anything into a stone directly. Such ability, of course, seems to be in contact? Still need to bite?

In any case, the loss that Iowam had suffered before may be caused by this. It is estimated that her right paw was bitten, and then petrification appeared. As a result, Iofam forced to break free, resulting in the entire right paw now. Dropped directly.

Probably the situation Li Huailin has already speculated, and I have to say that the ability of this salvation army guy is a bit strong, it should be the ability of the demon to summon the demon, not only can move casually in the soil, and There is also the ability of petrochemicals, it is really difficult to deal with. However, Li Huailin is a bit curious, but he is curious... can he be petrified?

In the general case, if the player has this kind of petrified magic, in theory it is directly turned into a stone, and then it is directly determined that death is born again. Right, this should be no problem, but now the situation is Li Huailin’s body has a buff of eternal life, and this eternal buff can not prevent blood loss, but it will forcibly keep your life. This life-saving is subject to certain revisions.

Yes, this Li Huailin has really experimented. For example, if a person has an eternal buff, you can't cut his head, because this situation is impossible to live, so he will at least guarantee that you still have Can live a physical condition. So in summary, Li Huailin is really very strange. What happens to this petrochemical skill directly? It is impossible for the body to become a stone. It is impossible to survive, so what happens in the end.

"砰", thinking about it, Li Huailin directly fell on Iofarm's body, yes, Iofam is not a mount, there is no riding state, Li Huailin is only forced to seize her body Only. Looking at the millet next to it, this guy has been completely turned into a stone. Now it is falling directly to the ground. It is estimated that it will fall directly into the powder when it falls on the ground. Li Huailin looked at his pet space. Sure enough, Xiaomi was already dead and came back to the space to be resurrected. The thing that fell down is now the stone of Xiaomi.

"This guy is very tricky." The voice of Iofarm also came over. Li Huailin looked at the situation of Iopham. It was not easy for Iofam to block the attack from the other side. She is now It is to open his own magic shield to resist the other side's spur attack, but the block is not very easy, Li Huailin quickly found that this thorn hit the Iofam's magic shield will actually put Iofam Part of the magic shield is assimilated into a stone. It is obvious that this thing can not only turn people into stones, but even the things that make up the magic will be petrified. Compared with the magic shield of Eofarm, this stone is composed of Of course, the defensive power of the shield will drop too much, so Iopham needs to constantly build a new magic shield to resist the attack, the block and the hard feeling.

"Well... it looks really troublesome." Li Huailin nodded and said.

"That's not helping, I want to kill this guy!" Eofam snarled here.

“Calm down the dragon mom.” Li Huailin said, “Although I know that you are angry now, we have to rely on IQ to fight. Isn’t this the case for you to send food?”

"What are you talking about?" Iofarm here has been very uncomfortable. Hearing Li Huailin’s words immediately asked.

"First of all, your claws, I think the ability to use the sword of life seems to be able to be restored. If the source form is directly taken care of, it should be cured. No problem." Li Huailin said, it is the summoning of the Jade Emperor. The ability is straightforward to be repaired by a broken limb. It has been tested before, so the problem of Iofam's current hand-cutting does not seem to be a big problem.

"Yes... is it?" Iofarm here is also a glimpse. Although she is not very clear about this, but thinking about it is a sword after all, it seems that it is not very strange to do this. Knowing that there is nothing wrong with his front paws, Iowam’s anger is of course a little bit a bit, and it’s a bit calmer.

"Anger still affects judgment. In this case, we should do something to anger the opponent, not to be irritated by the opponent." Li Huailin continued. "Do you see this situation we need to harden this attack? Go directly to the temple." If you don't want to hide a little, why do you have to resist it, isn't it a waste of mana?"

"Hey?" Iowam was a little stunned. When she thought about it, she could have just entered the temple casually. It disappeared directly into a wave of attacks, and then it was not finished. Why build a lot of magical arrays to withstand each other's attacks? What Li Huailin said is really a bit reasonable.

"And now, in this case, why are you still keeping the dragon shape? This is not the goal of increasing the attack..." Li Huailin continued, "Calm down, the opposite is not so difficult to deal with."

"..." Iofarm really does not know how to refute it. Yes, Li Huailin said that it is really a bit reasonable. It is indeed a bit stunned after losing one hand. I thought about it, Io. Fam asked: "That now..."

"You go back to treatment, I will try the skills." Li Huailin said directly.

Iofamu’s nod, white light flashed directly in front of Li Huailin, of course, directly returned to the temple to find the summoned Jade Emperor here, and Iowam disappeared, Li Huailin is of course directly from the air. Straight down. Li Huailin did not summon Xiaomi, but fell directly down. Yes, now Ioofam disappeared. Of course, the magic shield disappeared. The attack of a lot of earth spurs of course came to Li Huailin, and Li Huailin wanted to try to be attacked by petrochemicals. It will be a result of hitting it.

Of course, this is still dangerous. After all, Li Huailin did not know what would happen. Looking at the pile of soil spurs that flew over him, Li Huailin casually chose one and then extended his foot directly. It mentions the past, yes, first try it with your feet to see what it is.

The sound of "砰", the moment of contact between the two sides, Li Huailin was directly shot and flew out, the power of this soil thorn is not small, the impact of light is not covered. Of course, Li Huailin is not testing the power of this thing, mainly to see the effect, he also immediately looked at the situation with his feet before the soil, but ... did not find any abnormalities.

"I didn't trigger the effect?" Li Huailin had a slight sigh, and there was no change on his feet. It made Li Huailin a little surprised. He clearly saw that these thorns also had the ability of petrification. Was it not the petrochemical Iowamu magic shield? Isn't the trigger condition not like this?

It was a bit strange, just as Li Huailin saw another spur that flew over him. The other party was directly shooting in full screen, so although he was beaten, there were soil thorns everywhere, and Li Huailin was still in the attack range. Inside. With the situation just now, Li Huailin was a little bolder this time, and hugged directly toward the side of this soil.

"Hua Lin", Li Huailin was shot again. This attack of the soil thorn directly destroyed Li Huailin's blood volume. In addition to the attack, Li Huailin's blood volume was a little precarious, and he was almost killed. However, this time Li Huailin really found out the situation.

Yes, Li Huailin wants to hug this spur directly. These spurs were originally attacking Eofarm, so they are very large. In theory, Li Huailin should be able to hug directly, but in the At the moment of contact, Li Huailin suddenly felt that his body was a bit wrong, and he was directly stiffened, which led him to be shot again.

"It turned out to be like this." But Li Huailin suddenly understood what was going on. Yes, the petrochemical judgment of the other party was not unsuccessful, because at the moment of contact, Li Huailin noticed a petrified debuff in his status bar. Then, my body could not move in an instant, so it would cause my subsequent movements to fail to catch up, and I was directly hit by this thorn.

However, despite the petrified debuff, Li Huailin looked at his body and was not petrified at all. Therefore, Li Huailin certainly understood that this is the revision of the law of immortality. Although the petrochemical ability of the other party cannot be completely immune, but also It’s not really true to the truth, it’s just a petrified debuff that causes your body to be inoperable. At the moment of leaving the soil thorn, the debuff of Li Huailin disappeared directly and the body returned to normal.

After such a test, Li Huailin certainly understands, the problem now is how to deal with this slightly troublesome guy. Really, after understanding the principle, it is still very easy for Li Huailin to defeat the opponent. Unfortunately, the current request is a live capture, and Li Huailin does not understand where the other party’s body is.

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