All Things Wrong

Chapter 2954: key

Tiollis was really happy to laugh, and Li Huailin fell into his hands. In all respects, this is already a general. Yes, his ability is similar to that of Li Huailin’s guess, and this ability is basically a victory when the other party is in his own hands. After all, you can petrify the other party with an action, which can not win. ?

"You don't want to move around casually. If I have a mind now, you will be turned into a stone in an instant." Tirius said here. "Even if you can send it to the temple, I promise to return it." Stone statue."

"Wow, I am so scared." Li Huailin certainly did not have the kind of consciousness that was caught by people, and said faintly, "Do you use this skill for adventurers?"

"..." Tirius here is a little stunned. Yes, he really didn't use the petrochemical skills of the adventurers. Yes, they were established hundreds of years ago when the Salvation Army was founded. The adventurers appeared in these months. During this time, their Salvation Army did not act. He did not deal with the adventurers, so his petrochemical skills will release what happens to the adventurers. Of course, he also Unclear, after all, I heard that adventurers... are all born again.

"We can try..." Tiollis thought about it, and then said to Li Huailin, yes, of course, he could not directly weaken the momentum. He thought about continuing to threaten Li Huailin directly. Of course, what he is going to do now is not to directly petrize Li Huailin. After all, he does not know what the adventurer will be, but he can slowly turn Li Huailin petrochemicals, for example, from the limbs, so slowly petrified, he used to Of course, it has also been done. For example, when confession is made, it is unusual for the other party to look at their body and slowly petrify. This is not unusual. Tiollis did not want to kill Li Huailin now. He really wants to know. What is Penena’s last words?

Of course, it is useless to use language intimidation. Tiollis started the action directly, and began to manipulate his own demon to start petritive magic. Tiollis crossed his hands on his chest and smiled and prepared to appreciate Li Huai-lin's painful expression, just as he had always done, thinking about when Li Huailin could persist. Just look at it... look at... then there is no more.

Yes, Tirius quickly found out that something was wrong. Li Huailin’s body did not make any changes at all, and there was no reaction at all. This is really strange. Of course, Tiollis is also a slap in the face. In this case, is his petrochemical useless? He quickly tried his own demon and tried it again. Of course, the result was the same, and there was still no reaction.

"This...this is impossible!" Tirius couldn't help but say, "Even an adventurer..."

"Okay, I have heard more about this recently. Do you have a fixed line for the Salvation Army? It is 'this is impossible', 'you guy' and so on. How do everyone say this? Li Huai-lin said, "Humble, know how to write? Before you said that the **** king did not teach you anything other than to teach you arrogance? Who is hanging in your heart?"

"How is this... Wait, I know, this is the power of Penena, you steal the power of Penena." Tirius here suddenly wanted to understand, yes, the power of Penena I still know that I can't petrify Penena, but now that Li Huailin has killed Penena, she may have got the power of Penena, so she can't petrify him.

Of course, the person who took back the strength of the Excalibur was not Li Huailin, but summoned the Jade Emperor, but Li Huailin was too lazy to explain with the other party too clearly, after all, the other party is an enemy. So Li Huailin also nodded with the trend: "Do you understand? Your ability has no effect on me at all."

"You guys actually use the power of Penena to deal with me..." Tiollis is of course more angry.

"If you look at me, you will say that your salvation army will only say these few lines. Am I wrong?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "But it’s just that I can’t say hello, can you deal with me? I will use it to see it."

"..." It is true that Tirius did not think about how to deal with Li Huailin. Yes, he came out this time because he couldn’t suppress his anger. He didn’t even think about the specific way to deal with Li Huailin. Now I have tried my own skills. It is really useless. If Li Huailin really has the power of Penena, then any attack of his own can't kill Li Huailin. He still knows this. As Li Huailin said, what to do now is indeed a problem.

"It would be better for us to think about it carefully." Li Huailin suddenly said, "Do you not feel that the current situation is a bit strange?"

"What do you mean?" asked Tirius here.

"The king of God sent you to attack me. The reason given is that he predicted that I would destroy the world. However, he did not dare to see me until now. He has been sending you these little donkeys to death, what other things seem to be. I haven't done it. I don't know how thoroughly you are washed by the gods, but you are not surprised by such a strange situation?" Li Huailin said.

"What are you talking about?" The whole person of Tiollis was a little bit forced.

"Don't worry, listen to me, just like you just said, you seem to be able to invade my temple, but did not do this, why is this? It is estimated that your **** king did not order, but why not I ordered that I am the one who wants to destroy the world, so you should not use any means to solve my problem? It is like this situation, if you invade my temple in advance, maybe I will be before you. The skills have been buried, and now I can’t get out. Isn’t this solved? Why not?” Li Huailin asked.

Speaking of this, Tiollis did not know how to answer it. Yes, Li Huailin didn’t have a temple. Although he couldn’t kill Li Huailin, it’s not necessarily the case that Li Huailin’s pressure on the whole continent would not come out. After all, he didn’t know. Li Huailin has props for transmission, so why not invade the temple of Li Huailin? This is indeed a bit strange.

"So now I have become stronger. Don't you think that God King will give me experience again? You see that I have the power of Penena now. Isn't that strange?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

" shut up!" Tiolis was a little confused, but he immediately woke up, and his loyalty to the King of God was still very high, although Li Huailin said it was a bit reasonable, but He still feels that he should believe in the king of God.

"In fact, this speculation is not what I think." Li Huailin suddenly said, "Yes, the person who actually suspects is not me, but Penena."

"What?" Tirius's whole person glimpsed. "No, this is impossible. How can Penena be..."

"But Penena felt strange at the time." Anyway, the person is already dead. Li Huailin certainly lobbied. Of course, the other party does not believe his words. Of course, there is no problem, but he has a good feeling for the **** king. The degree of affection for Penena is also very high. Li Huailin is on the body of Penena, and the IQ of the other party will drop by a few percentage points.

"You are nonsense!" Of course, Tiollis does not immediately believe, directly shouted, "How can Penena betray the king of God!"

"No betrayal." Li Huailin said, "If I betray, will I kill her? Naturally, there is no betrayal. Is this a reasonable suspicion? Yes, although you are doing things for the gods, you can’t completely avoid brains. Ah, the purpose of the king of God, are you really clear? Yes, Penena did not betray the king of God, but she also made her own doubts and choices. In the end, she chose to be an enemy of me, so she was killed. But before he died, let me bring you a sentence, so that you don't sacrifice in vain and live well."

"What? Is Peneina really saying that?" Tirius here really believes a little, because it is really highly compatible with his imaginary picture, at least he hopes to appear like this. The situation, although Peneina did not mention this guy before the death.

"I say this, not because I want to persuade you to betray the king." Li Huailin continued. "I just think that you should think about it. Loyalty is a good thing, but you can't be stupid."

"..." Tirius did not answer, looked at Li Huailin and asked, "What do you want?"

"I have a proposal. Doesn't God King say that I have to deal with me? I also want to meet him. In the end, I will talk face to face with him. But I also said that I have not found it until now. He is this person, or else, will you take me to see the king of God?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

"What?" Tiollis looked at the whole person. "You want me to take you to our base? Is this your purpose?"

"Hey, if the king wants to come out, I don't have to go in person. The problem is that he refuses. I asked Shang Wennuo to help him with a message. He really didn't dare to come out to see me. I only I can go by myself." Li Huailin said, "or say..."

Li Huailin said that he suddenly received a long-distance call. Li Huailin took a brief look and directly accepted it. The call came to summon the voice of the Jade Emperor: "Ask it out, opening the base door requires a key prop, similar to the key. Role, but only the talents above the captain level."

"Or you can give me the key to open the door directly, I will go on my own." Li Huailin immediately said.

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