All Things Wrong

Chapter 2965: Judge

"Hey?" Really said that Li Huailin did not expect that the claw sticking out from the crack is of course the claw of the magic behemoth. It blocked the attack of the blue dragon and the attack of the other party is true. It poses a threat to it, but Li Huailin really has never seen it before, because the previous release of this skill is instantly summoned, but this time the accident is more unexpected. .

The current situation is that the other party interrupted this skill? Li Huailin said that he really didn't know how to calculate it. After all, this skill theoretically does not need to release the skills of continuous singing. The instant skills should be released, but this situation has never been seen. And when Li Huailin studied what was going on, the magical behemoth here also appeared from the crack.

"Oh!" is also a horrible snoring, a huge blue beast that has been drilled out of the crack. In fact, when seeing the magic behemoth sticking out his claws, Li Huailin knew that the size of this magical behemoth should be similar to that of the other party, and now it is also the case that this is the magical behemoth of this summoning. The size of the magic behemoth that was summoned by the elemental plane last time was almost the same, estimated to be due to the very sufficient relationship provided by the magic.

Compared with the blue dragon next to it, the two sides are really surprisingly similar. The color of the body is almost the same, and they are all composed of magical energy. In addition to the slightly different shape, it is the blue dragon. There is also a relatively obvious heart-like core in the body, and the magic behemoth here does not have this thing.

"And... another one?" The protoss next to it certainly don't know what to do. Yes, this is already a very difficult situation. Now there is an identical thing, they don't know this. Things are enemies and friends.

"To deal with the only red core." Li Huailin said directly to them, "The other is just my call."

"Yes!" Of course, if you hear Li Huailin's words, this group of the Protoss is a little relieved. It turns out that the monster that looks like the other is the thing that Li Huailin summoned. Then the balance that should be victorious is tilted toward them. After all, the two monsters are similar, and the strength should not be the same, so with their support, it should be able to win. So now they are really not panicked.

Here, the first moment that the magical beast summoned, he rushed toward the blue dragon. The blue dragon here also converted the target of the attack, and finally no longer stared at Li Huailin, but looked at the magic behemoth. In the face of the magical behemoth that has been thrown over, the dragon here has opened his mouth and bite into the other side.

"咔咔" two sounds, two blue monsters bite each other's body at the same time, the huge impact makes two giant beasts rush directly from the air to the sea, "bang" seems to be an explosion of falling water At the same time, both sides fell into the water, and the huge waves that slammed directly rushed around. The scene was really a bit exaggerated.

Of course, Li Huailin couldn't see what was going on. He was thinking about whether or not to look down. Suddenly, the two figures were directly pulled out of the water and then stood directly on the water.

Really, Li Huailin really doesn't know that the magic behemoth can stand on the water, but think about it. Although this thing seems to be a solid body, most of it is composed of magic energy, which is equal to energy polymer. It seems that it is not very strange to stand on the water, and the blue dragon opposite is actually the same.

Li Huailin looked at the situation. The first round of confrontation seemed to be similar on both sides. Li Huailin did not see any particularly obvious injuries to the two giant beasts. It seems that the current magical behemoths can compete with each other. . But think carefully, the other side is the infinite magic can supply, although the magical behemoths do not know whether it is infinite supply, but if you do so, it seems that ... can not be won.

Yes, although it can resist the attack of the other side, the magical behemoth does not seem to cause any effective damage to the other party. This is how long it will take. Li Huailin looked at the time and couldn't help but want to marry her. Yes, the time is really a little too late. However, it is too late to see the king of God. Li Huailin still wants to solve the trouble of the blue dragon before the trial begins, because this thing can destroy the temple, and it will not come out after a period of trial. What if this thing directly ruined his temple? The most troublesome thing is that if the temple is ruined, the programmers inside come out, and then come to a test of what is broken, and Li Huailin finds that the game has collapsed, which is even more troublesome. So you need to deal with this gadget quickly.

But what should I do? This guy is really a little troublesome, Li Huailin can't think of any way for a while. The result is that this is, Li Huailin suddenly saw a golden hammer-like thing on the head of the blue dragon below, and looked directly at the other side.

"咣", Li Huailin found that this huge hammer actually did have an effect. Yes, Li Huailin obviously found this thing into a dizzy state, actually stunned by this hammer? Before, he obviously saw that the protoss around him released various skills, and it is estimated that there are any skills, but it does not have any negative effects on the blue dragon. It is obvious that the other party may be immune to negative magic. It is not very unusual, after all, even the boss inside the copy is immune to most of the negative magic, but this hammer can directly stun each other, Li Huailin is really a bit unexpected.

"Who put the skills?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"I." A voice came from the side, and Li Huailin turned around and saw what was going on. Yes, the person who appeared in front of Li Huailin actually summoned the Jade Emperor. The other party is estimated to have just come out of the temple. Now she is still floating in the air. Li Huailin looked at it and found that the summoned Jade Emperor was behind a parcel. Something, this thing he saw in other people, is the savior of the savior, they are flying by this thing like a rocket ejector. Li Huailin looked at the side, and Brians really came over. Is it estimated that this thing was given by him, or was it the former members of the Salvation Army who were tortured in the temple? Of course, this is not important. What is important is to summon the skills of the Jade Emperor.

"It is the skill of the general trial hammer." Summing the Jade Emperor facing Li Huailin's question, of course, also immediately replied, the skill of the hammer of the trial, Li Huailin, of course, is also known, the general skills of the Paladin, this pk is very useful, It is a public skill, but it is generally ineffective in the face of bosses, because most of the bosses are anti-stun.

"It should be the reason of this world law." Summon Jade Emperor explained, yes, she was not testing the world law ability of the life sword, but tried to find some changes in the judgment of her skills. This is the hammer of the trial. The usual immune dizzy blame is now stunned by the hammer of her trial. It should be the highest judgment of the world law.

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded and suddenly understood. Looked at the side of Brians, this guy seems to have no intention to shoot, Li Huailin directly asked: "This thing is now a unit, it should be blood, it should not be a lot of blood."

"In theory, it should be." Brians here can also understand the meaning of Li Huailin. In general, you can talk to him about what kind of blood and other people do not understand, or automatically convert it into another. One can understand the meaning, "This thing should have been composed entirely of magic energy, just like the magic behemoth you summoned, but now it should be bloody, because this core in the middle..."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded. "So now it is a small amount of blood, but the mana is too much, but the mana can be used to resist the damage."

Although this thing looks like a magical behemoth, the actual situation is different from the magical behemoth. The magical behemoth is a true pure magic. The skill is said above, 0 point life, magic. It will die when it is finished, but this thing actually has blood, but the mana can resist the damage.

"That is to say, as long as you can bypass the magic shield and directly let the other party buckle the blood, you can still kill the other party." Li Huailin nodded and said.

"But he is not a living body." He summoned the Jade Emperor to understand, and immediately said, "The glory can't work, directly buckle the blood..."

"Try to use the skill of forcing people to buckle blood, plus the highest judgment of the Excalibur, maybe you can kill this guy." Li Huailin said.

"Forcing people to buckle blood skills?" Summon Jade Emperor thought about it, then shook his head. "I don't seem to have this skill."

"Hmm..." Li Huailin also began to look for his skills to see if there is any kind of skill that directly drops blood. It is best to be like real damage, no skills can be deducted, and then bypass each other's magic. shield……

"Well?" Looking at it, Li Huailin suddenly discovered a skill that he had just realized. Yes, the name of this skill is called a knife 999...

"Oh... this..." Li Huailin really forgot about this skill, because it is useless. This skill can only cause 999 damage. Is this useful? But now when I see this skill, Li Huailin suddenly squats, because this skill must be able to cause 999 damage, there must be two words, indicating that the skill should be judged very high, and what happens with the judgment of the world law effect? Li Huailin thought about it and decided to give it a try.

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