All Things Wrong

Chapter 2967: upgrade

"Is this hanging?" Really, Li Huailin is not sure whether this skill will work, but is it actually better than he thought? Although this special effect is indeed a bit too exaggerated, it is full of golden light, but... useful, the people who saw it next to it saw that Li Huailin’s big move directly destroyed the blue dragon here. It’s really crazy and cool. .

"Plop", Li Huailin fell directly into the water, and he did not suffer any harm. Yes, although it was directly opposed to the blue dragon, Li Huailin’s attack directly killed the other party. According to the priority rule of the world law, Li Huailin did not suffer any harm, but he fell directly vertically and fell into this way. In the water. The next call to the Jade Emperor directly started the aircraft and flew again.

Li Huailin who fell into the water is of course fine. It is impossible to die. Under the water, Li Huailin found that although the whole sponge was choppy, the various golden things in the water below were slowly sinking toward the water. The sea surface seemed to be under the golden rain. Li Huailin was also slightly A glimpse, directly through a golden thing to see what this is, and then found that this golden thing is actually ... gold coins.

"Well?" Li Huailin is also slightly stunned, actually it is gold coins? Then looked at it, all the water around it is gold coins? This number is really a bit too much. What happened when the blue dragon exploded before it was gold coins? Saying why there are so many gold coins, Li Huailin suddenly thought of another function of this skill. If this thing is hacked, the explosion rate is said to increase by 10 times, so the number of gold coins will be very much. This blue dragon should be a boss, so the money that was originally lost is a lot, and the increase of 10 times is of course a bit exaggerated. But the question is... Why does the gold coin fall out? Under normal circumstances, the boss's equipment will be displayed when the corpse is opened. The gold coin shows that a grid is directly smashed. It’s all over the place. What is the situation?

"Hey... skill hidden special effects?" Li Huailin really did not use this skill, really do not know what the situation is, is it really a special effect of the dragon knives in a second, although it is said that this is a second The explosion of the word is indeed to burst out, you don’t have to be so serious, it’s really blasting. This special effect is what is going on, it’s just asking for trouble.

At the moment, Li Huailin suddenly received a system message. Of course, Li Huailin also looked at the system and showed something.

System Tip: You have reached the upgrade condition of your own skills, and your own skills have been upgraded.

System Tip: Your own skill "One Knife 999" has been upgraded. The default skill name is "One Knife 9999", you can rename the new skill.

A knife 9999 (name tentatively): The next attack will definitely hit 9999 points after the release, and if the attack can kill the target, the chance of dropping the advanced equipment will increase by 2000%. Need to equip weapons, instant, 0 power, cool for 2 seconds.

"God tnd this skill can be upgraded." Li Huailin could not help but say. Yes, this is Li Huailin’s first upgraded skill. Because of my bug relationship, Li Huailin’s skills to upgrade by proficiency cannot be upgraded normally. Now all skills with proficiency are negative proficiency. Fortunately, this game does not have any level 0 skills, or Li Huailin estimates that his skills may have to become negative.

This skill is the only upgrade of Li Huailin's skills. It seems that the upgrade mechanism is not the same. It is not based on proficiency. It seems that it has reached any special requirements, and then directly prompted the upgrade. Possible situation. Unwrapping tasks like artifacts? But this is hidden. There is no direct display of any tasks. Now that Li Huailin has reached it, I don’t know what the conditions are.

Yes, Li Huailin really doesn't know what the conditions are. Is it because he used this skill to blow up a boss? Does this satisfy the conditions? He didn't write down what conditions he met, and he didn't even have a task. He really didn't understand.

However, Li Huailin looked at this new skill with a knife of 9999. The damage of this knife has been improved by 10 times. This can be a bit of a hang, although the damage of 9999 points is still not enough. After all, Li Huailing has more than 20,000. , but the rate of growth is really... What happens if this skill can be upgraded? Is it a knife 99999, and then one level is a knife 999999, then this is really a bit used, this skill.

Unfortunately, Li Huailin didn't know how to upgrade, didn't prompt, didn't know if he could rise any more, and didn't know if it was really the same development as Li Huailin thought after the rise, but really, Li Huailin really got this skill. I have a little interest, this skill... maybe it is really a magical skill.

"What is that?" Just as Li Huailin was still studying his new skills, suddenly a light next to him attracted Li Huailin's attention. Li Huailin looked up and found that there was a blue thing under the sea floor that was shining. When it glowed, it sank. Because the bottom of the sea was darker, it was now sinking a little bit to be noticed by Li Huailin.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin suddenly remembered it. The explosion rate is ten times. If the boss is hacked by himself, of course, it will fall out of the equipment. It should be good equipment. Originally, the preparation was also to open the corpse directly, but now the gold coins are exploding outside. Li Huailin thinks that the equipment may have exploded outside, although Li Huailin’s demand for equipment is not very large, but what if it is useful? It’s a pity to sink to the bottom of the sea now, so Li Huailin certainly decided to take it back directly.

Of course, I said that the speed of the movement in the sea is really very slow. Now that the equipment is sinking, Li Huailin is also diving. I don’t know if I can catch it. It’s estimated that I have to go to the bottom of the sea to get it. Li Huailin certainly doesn’t want to waste time. Directly raise the hand in the direction of the equipment.

"Vientiane days lead."

"唰", the blue thing that is falling is directly sucked toward Li Huailin, and it is very fast, and it is in front of Li Huailin. It was only in front of Li Huailin that Li Huailin found that something was wrong. Yes, this thing looked small before it was because there was a little distance from Li Huailin. This was not right after sucking in front of me. The volume of this thing is very large, and Li Huailin The person is almost big, and then the blue sphere is more and more familiar.

"Thinking, the other half of the Excalibur..." Li Huailin suddenly remembered that he had this ball when he killed Hoopers, but it was black, and then when Penena died, it was such a ball. And then red, this blue ball, is it the root?

Before he even thought about it, the ball here flew directly to Li Huailin's hand, and then the next second and Li Huailin directly reacted. The blue sphere began to directly integrate into Li Huailin and the roots behind him. . Li Huailin directly glimpsed, and then was directly surrounded by the blue light.

"Hey, it’s not right..." Li Huailin suddenly realized that the problem was that the thing was the energy supply system of the other base. Then the base of the other party could not open the portal without energy. Now the blue light ball What should I do if I am absorbed by the base of the other party? It seems... still can't open the portal, this...

Of course, the power of the roots can be recycled. But Li Huailin wants the other party to recycle the portal first, and now it is absorbed directly by accident. This is really finished, this portal It will take the monkey year to open.

Of course, it’s too late to say anything. Li Huailin seems to have no way to cancel this integration, and there is no option to cancel. The whole body was slightly wrapped in blue light for a while, and soon Li Huailin once again resumed his vision. Of course, he had already sunk to the bottom of the sea, but it must have been drowned.

"This..." Today's accident is really a bit too much. Li Huailin looked at the equipment bar, and the roots here have also been upgraded. Now it has become a question mark level weapon, and all the attributes and skills have been obtained. Upgrade, of course, the new passive of the world law has emerged, so now you can have the highest judgment effect with your own roots.

"If you forget it, the time is not enough anyway." Although it was an accident, Li Huailin looked at it. Now it is 20 minutes from the beginning of the trial. Anyway, I can’t catch up now, and absorb it. Go to the base and wait until the end of this round of trials.

Anyway, under the water, Li Huailin looked for something like the other equipment that was popped up underneath. A little search, Li Huailin really got a little harvest, yes, I found two equipments, it is estimated that the boss just fell, but the boss should definitely be more than two pieces of equipment, the general boss is lost five or six Then, this boss is still ten times the explosion rate, I don’t know how much it’s lost, but now I don’t know where it’s going, it’s washed away by water or falls in the mud at the bottom of the sea. With the light, Li Huailin can find it. Others, Li Huailin is too lazy to find it.

Looking at the attributes of the equipment a little, Li Huailin found something he could use.

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