All Things Wrong

Chapter 2974: action

"This guy has another trouble." Among the remaining six people, summoned the Jade Emperor to help him directly. Yes, she has already recognized Li Huailin. This person who has the name of each party in the sky has already summoned the Jade Emperor. It’s Li Huailin. After all, he knows what happened to each other in the sky. Then, when he looks at the tone and action of this guy, he summons that the Jade Emperor has already identified Li Huailin as the other person, so most of the others are naturally God’s people. .

Of course, she can't understand what Li Huailin is doing, but it's good that Li Huailin seems to be more troublesome, but when it comes to things, it is more reassuring. She shouldn't worry too much about her. The problem now is What should I do?

Yes, summoning the Jade Emperor is of course also wanting to win, but how to get it, she has not thought about it. Originally, I wanted to wait for the game and Li Huailin tried to touch the head and then confirmed the identity of the two sides to discuss the tactics, but now just starting Li Huailin did not know where to go, this really made her headache.

Looked around, this time the remaining six of them have been surrounded by the soldiers who are surrounded, and the alarms are ringing. Of course, more soldiers are running towards this side, three floors and three floors. Enclose them all. But to be honest, although the surrounding soldiers are terrible, but the six people here are of any rank, they are not afraid of these soldiers at all, so they did not show any panic expression, one by one very calm.

The soldiers did not dare to go forward casually. This is mainly because they have not received an accurate order to say how, although the alarm is now ringing, but the person who is the master has not yet arrived, they are only around this group. Know who is it. If the other party is directly involved, they will certainly fight back, but only a few people on the opposite side have no intention of doing it. Of course, they are just waiting for the person who is waiting for the Lord.

Waiting for a while, a general-looking person walked out of the crowd and walked out. Just looking at the other person's body, I know that this guy should be the commander level. Looking at the six people standing here now, the general frowned slightly and said: "I am the Marshal of the Chrysian Empire, Cisco Sim, who are you? Why is this here?"

In the previous situation, Cisco Sim had heard the small captain report, and for these few people, Cisco Sim did not know what it was, so he personally asked.

They don't know what happened to the six people who suddenly appeared, but now the situation is that they don't think about what they should do. Yes, according to their thoughts, they will directly connect with the people in the bright camp here, and then directly participate in the war and the like, but Li Huailin reminded them that they think the joints are really unnecessary. It’s a big kill to the opposite side. So they seem to have no problem right now.

"Wait." When they were still thinking about it, suddenly a figure came out. Yes, it was just the person named "Li Huailin" who said to everyone: "I know what everyone is thinking, but There is still a problem with the spy. The purpose of the spy is to destroy the bright camp. If we all go to the dark camp, they may start on the bright camp. In case of the bright camp. What if I can't resist the attack?"

Yes, everyone is a glimpse. It seems that this is indeed a problem. If the light camp is going to lose, what will happen. Although the purpose of their trials is points, but they also said that they are to help the bright camp, in case it really can't beat, who is the victory, is it true that the two spies win directly? It seems that the previous light group did not directly tell them about this. But every time the light group seems to have hidden content, although it is not clear, but careful study of the rules can also be found, this may indeed be so judged.

"I think we are better to cooperate with these guys first." "Li Huailin" here continues, "If you stay here, we can not only get a lot of offensive news from the dark camp, but also pay attention to it." The identity of several of our spies."

This is true. This group of people is going to fight the dark camp after all. It should be to know the information of some opposing camps, such as where their positions are placed, where there are more soldiers, and after learning about them, they Even if it is a brush point is not a convenient point? Besides, the spy is really a little bit of research. It is not wise to go out casually.

Now that everyone basically doesn't think about what to do, this person called "Li Huailin" seems to be a bit more reasonable, so they still choose to stay and see the situation.

"We really came to help." "Li Huailin" here saw no objection, but also directly to Cisco Sim. "We are from a mysterious organization. The name of the organization cannot tell you, but this time we are Come as your reinforcements."

"Reinforcement?" He did speak to the captain. "Are you here to help? What purpose? How can I trust you?"

"Li Huailin" here did not say anything, flew directly in the air, and then appeared in front of Cisco Sim in a moment, his hands directly on the chest of Cisco Sim, but he did not do anything, this Obviously it is a warning action.

"Holy?" All the soldiers were squatting down. Yes, they saw each other so they floated directly. It is obvious that they only have holy levels in their cognition, which makes them very nervous. After all, a holy level. Appearing in their hometown, if it is really to assassinate, the damage is too great, they can't stop this person.

"I understand now." "Li Huailin" here also said to let go.

Of course, Cisco Sim also understands the meaning, the other party is a holy level, so the words to destroy them are casual, but the other party does not start, to some extent, can already believe each other. Of course, what is more important is that since the other party is a holy level, if it is the opposite person, it will not be used for assassination. If you directly attack the front, it will not be finished. Before that, their troops could not stop the troops in the dark camp. You are a holy level to take the lead, not to be more unstoppable? Why not be this strength and he is here to rip.

"That's just that..." said Cisco Simm here, of course, that just means Li Huailin who jumped out directly.

"We just didn't know that person. We didn't know what the other party wanted to do." Li Huailin said here, "In short, you should first take us to see your leader."

"Well..." Cisco Sims thought about it and agreed. After all, now they are also the key moment of survival. Now, don't consider so many problems. Looked at these guys, except for the eyes, the few behind them seem to be extraordinary feelings, I don’t know if they are all holy. If there are so many holy levels, they really have the possibility to turn over, even though The situation is a bit unclear, but this one can bet.

"Several people here." Cisco Sim did a gesture of asking, and then let the soldiers next to hurry to inform the king about their situation.

"If there is no problem, let's go." "Li Huailin" here also turned to the other five people.

It’s still no one raised any objections. Most of the five people didn’t choose to talk or even act. It’s certainly not wise to expose their identity. Even good people don’t want to be exposed directly, so it’s still less. Speak and act, let’s observe and talk.

"Well?" The result was on the way they just wanted to see the other's leader. Suddenly everyone fell down because they found a situation at the same time, that is, the score table here has changed. Yes, after they came in, they saw this thing called the score table. Even if they were not the npcs of the players, they also saw a floating screen-like thing. Compared to the players, they saw this thing less, and this Things are obviously only visible to them, a little curious, but they still have not expressed any opinions. Now the numbers on this thing have changed, and they see the number behind one of the names change.

“Is it really him?” The natural change is the score of the participant who is code-named “One Heaven”, which is Li Huailin’s points. Other people are not here, no one is doing it, of course there will be no change, and now it is very passive, because they naturally reveal that they are not a spy problem, but now Li Huailin’s points have been 0 points became -2 points, he really did.

"This guy..." The summoning Jade Emperor here is also a bit speechless.

On the other hand, Li Huailin is also a little bit speechless. It is really his hands, but the result is really what he did not expect. Yes, after he ran for a while, he also noticed that no one was following up. He found a relatively hidden place and directly killed the two soldiers who had caught up. But what he did not expect was that his points turned into negative. It is.

"Where, I forgot to have this." Li Huailin immediately understood what was going on, and the bug of his own character worked again. It should have been deducted. Now it has become a bonus. If Li Huailin came down, he would kill all the way. It didn't have to run for so long. Now it has become a bit deliberate.

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