All Things Wrong

Chapter 2990: chase

At this time, such a big movement in the city caught the attention of a person. Yes, this person is the guy with the name of Li Huailin. He is also a big fire now. He has already confirmed that this person named Devil is definitely one of the spies. What he did not expect is that the other person’s figure is really weird, and he can escape his own tracking, which makes “ Li Huailin felt unexpectedly and angry. However, when he was looking for someone, he found that the movement of the troops in the city seemed to be a problem.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you all concentrated in the square to the south?" I don't know what happened. I can ask someone to ask. The "Li Huailin" here also finds several soldiers directly and then asks.

Of course, the soldiers also know a few of them, knowing that they are their own, and they can't afford it, so they also directly replied: "Adult, this is the order above, let us gather."

"Is the attack not coming from the northeast?" "Li Huailin" here is a bit strange. I heard that the Mozu troops are in the northeast. How do you get to the south square? However, when he talked about this, he suddenly felt a little bit wrong. Yes, he wasted a lot of time searching for people. How come the city has not been attacked yet.

A slight glance at the score and found that there has been a huge change in the standings, so it seems that other people have prevented the attack on the dark side of the camp, causing them to be defeated even without going to the city? However, at this time, he found a strange place, that is, in addition to him and the gods, Li Huailin and the scores of each side of the heaven did not change.

"They didn't go to the battlefield to score points? This is..." He felt that something was wrong. The gods couldn't figure out how to know what happened, but how did Li Huailin and summoned Jade Emperor not start brushing?

"Wait, the wrong situation is more than that..." He quickly thought of another problem, that is, except for a few of them, the scores of the other three people are soaring, which is very strange, because it is still worse. A spy. Yes, the spy can only brush the people on the bright side of the camp, but now the battle is not playing. The troops in the dark camp have not been attacked by the other side of the city. The spies can’t mess up. In the city, he also pays attention to the situation in the city. If something happens in the city, he must be the first time to arrive at the scene, but there is no, the city is peaceful, but the scores of the spies are Up, what is going on? Where is he going to brush the score?

This is really a bit too strange. "Li Huailin" is a little bit ignorant of what is happening now. He really wants to understand what is wrong. Is there any other bright army in other places? Could it be that there are still other reinforcements and the like, and then the spy found out that the situation has been brushed up and so on.

After thinking about it, "Li Huailin" decided to ask someone to ask, yes, he is not looking for this sorcerer for the time being. Now I really don't want to understand. First go to the command department and ask someone to ask if there are any other reinforcements. However, when I thought of this, "Li Huailin" suddenly reacted here. Yes, I don’t seem to have to dig into the gods. The goal of the other side should be the high-level side here. The goal of directly looking for him is not finished. . Just ask if there is any reinforcements or the like. In which direction, you can directly pick up two spies.

Thinking of this, "Li Huailin" also flew directly in the direction of the castle. As a result, he flew over the castle. He found that something was wrong. Because it seems to be concentrating on the forces below. What is the concentration of the troops here? The enemy has not yet attacked. There is no need to protect the castle.

"Li Huailin" is very strange. I want to go down and ask what is the situation. Suddenly he saw a black figure flashing underneath, which directly attracted his attention. A closer look, it really is the participant, the other is standing on the top of one of the castles, as if watching the inside of the castle, and while "Li Huailin" noticed him, the other's eyes are also looking into the air. Come over.

Directly on both sides of the opposite side, "Li Huailin" of course also saw the other party's name, yes, after all, it is written about the gods. "Li Huailin" smiled slightly, and sure enough, he thought it was right. The opposite goal was the top-level staff, so now of course it is to kill them, and they are blocked by themselves.

The singer here saw the first time of "Li Huailin" and chose to run straight. The speed is still the same, but the "Li Huailin" here is also directly chasing it.

"Wait, I think we should be able to talk." "Li Huailin" here said, shouting at the front of the gods, "I already know your goal, there is me, you are impossible to brush To the score, we can talk about it."

"I have nothing to talk to you." The blasphemy here replied as he ran.

"I know that your body is good, but even if you take me off, you can't brush the score." "Li Huailin" here continues to try to communicate with the other party. Yes, he still thinks that he is convincing the sorcerer now. Things are more important, so naturally follow the sorcerer's past. As for the abnormal behavior of the npc side, "Li Huailin" feels strange, but this is relatively important.

"Your speed is not fast, if I want to do it, you can't stop me." The singer here said, "This is just luck, you have discovered it. I don't need to cooperate with you."

"Well?" "Li Huailin" here is a little bit stunned, and the other's brain circuit is a bit strange.

"If you have the ability to catch up with me, I can talk to you." The singer continued, "In the current situation, you can't stop me."

"Ha?" "Li Huailin" here is really a bit embarrassing. I don't know what the goods are thinking about. Is it particularly satisfying to my speed and then a special brain? But really, looking at the speed of the other side, "Li Huailin" feels that he really doesn't necessarily catch up. Yes, the speed of the other party's escape is very fast, but he has not tried his best to chase. The situation just now is estimated. It is their own mistakes that cause the other party to disappear into their own vision. The gap between the two is not so great. If you do your best, you should be able to catch up. Since the other party insists that he must catch up with him before he is willing to talk about cooperation, then he will fully pursue it, and then the other party will have nothing to say.

"Oc course, then I will come." After saying "Li Huailin" is a fierce acceleration towards the sorcerer's side, this speed is really more than doubled. This sudden acceleration made the front scorpion also slightly stunned. Yes, I didn’t expect the speed of the other party to be really fast. Fortunately, he also had two brushes, so he quickly judged each other. Speed, the sorcerer here is also an acceleration immediately, running towards the front.

"Hey? This guy..." Seeing that the other side suddenly accelerated, "Li Huailin" is also slightly squatting. Fortunately, the speed of the other party is not too exaggerated, nor is it too late to catch up. Fully exerted force, so "Li Huailin" accelerated again here, but I did not expect that the sorcerer here is also exerting force again, the distance between the two sides is not close, but it is not far, but it can not catch up.

"Li Huailin" is a little bit strange here. Yes, this situation is a bit wrong. I originally thought that I would catch up with the other party and let the other party say nothing to join them. It will not waste too much time, but now how Chasing can't catch up, and speeding up the other side is also accelerating. This just good situation makes him feel always weird.

"Is there any problem?" "Li Huailin" here began to feel that something was wrong. What he said before the blasphemy made him feel wrong. Now it looks more like...

However, when Li Huailin felt that something was not quite right, suddenly the sorcerer in front was a brake action. The "Li Huailin" here was a bit distracted, so he didn't stop when he saw the other side suddenly braking. Directly the whole person flew out in front.

"嘶", "Li Huailin" always stopped in the air, and then quickly looked to the rear, and saw the scorpion in the back directly changed an angle, and then continued to run forward.

"You guys and so on!" "Li Huailin" here directly yelled at the blasphemy. "I don't play with you. Now you have to give me the answer. If you don't agree, don't you agree." I am going to kill the high-level camps now, so that you have no score to brush, you know, I never thought about winning, so even if it is negative, I don't care!"

Yes, "Li Huailin" really thought about using this method to threaten the gods, but really, if the gods can cooperate, he feels that even if he does not bear the points, he can pass. After all, he really wants to die. Well, there is really no way to consider this approach. Now it is just a threat.

"This trial is not that simple." The sorcerer here said immediately, "There are more than those who can brush, or how the other spy gets the score, and there is no such thing in the city."

"This...but those scores have been taken away by him. Although I don't know what happened, but..." This really makes "Li Huailin" a little ignorant of how to say, when I want to continue threatening, suddenly The white light flashed on him, and he also looked at the front of the big man who was also a white light flashing. This situation, he had seen before.

Yes, the second wave of trials is over.

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