All Things Wrong

Chapter 2992: Second round of voting

"But what is going on here?" The person who is carrying the name of Li Huailin is also a bit unclear. What is going on here? He really has no wolf pits. It is indeed in the normal logic. The possibility that he and this blasphemy are spies is indeed big, but the problem is that he really is not. What exactly is done is that the current situation will become like this.

"So I said it at the beginning, you made a mistake." At this time, the sorcerer next to him suddenly said, "Do you know how stupid you are?"

"What?" "Li Huailin" here just wanted to retort, but suddenly he thought of one thing. There is also a possibility that the blasphemy is really not a spy, and the spy is the three witnesses here. Yes, Li Huailin and the good person who summoned the Jade Emperor are what he saw and are certain. But these three people are the testimonies of good people. They are provided by themselves. Although it is the testimony of three people, the three people do not mean that it is impossible. For example, two of them are spies, and then another person is a good person, but it is the situation of the other person's men. It is this trial, in addition to their game's avatar, itself has a camp, such as himself. If the king of God asked him to help testify, he certainly agreed, but now the king of God has not contacted him, and he has not judged who is the king of God.

If it is a camp, it may be that you have made a mistake at the beginning. Is this blasphemy really not a spy? This...nothing, no matter how this guy is, it’s too suspicious. It’s like a spy. Otherwise, what did he do with himself in the last round? He is not a spy. Why not go to the front line to brush points, and the level of his body rush to the front line is definitely able to brush points.

"Li Huailin" is really a bit confused now. Yes, he is really a bit confused. What is wrong with this? I always feel that there is any conspiracy here, but he also thinks Understand what is the situation.

"Everybody, listen to me." "Li Huailin here" suddenly pointed to the singer who was next to him. "Although I don't know what is going on now, I am not a spy. I think someone is doing it deliberately. The purpose of these things may be to make me or deliberately shape this guy into a spy identity."

Although he said it is good, but the problem is that no one believes, yes, the three people here really know that each other is a good person. In the second round before, they didn’t care for so much. Concealed, so they will not doubt themselves, there is only one possibility left.

Now, in the eyes of the three of them, the current situation, their main opponents are the identity of good people. Yes, things are going to happen. Everyone has speculation about each other's true identity. They also know who the main opponent they are facing. Although these two spies know, but in their view, this identity is no longer important. The most important thing at the moment is the situation of the third round of grab points.

Of course, I thought so before, but when I heard the call of the Jade Emperor, they also felt that it was a bit reasonable. It’s too strange that these two spies are so anxious. Is there really something that won’t win by points? The way, specifically for the spy side, they do not know, for example, to break the city, or kill the leader of the bright camp and the like? Is this a little precaution? But how to prepare for it? If you don’t go out, the score will be taken away. This is a bit of a hassle.

"This round of voting for the call of the Jade Emperor, everyone has no opinion." Li Huailin suddenly said, "Now the spy is very clear, so the rest of the people are not useful to install spies. I want to rely on this to double I think it is There is no hope, of course, obviously no one can control the voting now. Otherwise, you don’t have to say anything about it. I want to vote for myself, but I also know that there is no way to achieve it. You vote for yourself. Of course, I don't think it is possible. The scores of several of us are similar now, so it is still directly calculated than the third round of the brush, so the ticket to summon the Jade Emperor, anyway, does not affect too much, everyone can accept the situation. ”

"Why listen to you?" The savior here suddenly said.

"Nothing, you can't listen to me, but I have already identified myself. You are also choosing the identity of the table and confronting me?" Li Huailin said, "The people on my side will definitely call for the ticket of the Jade Emperor." If you don't vote, then everyone will be identifiable. Whoever knows who is at once will understand that the person who calls the Jade Emperor is my person, and the other person who is casting is the enemy. If you follow the vote, then at least You can't judge on the ticket, you can't prepare your identity."

Li Huailin’s words make everyone a glimpse. Li Huailin is forcing them to name themselves. Indeed, as Li Huailin said, Li Huailin’s identity has already been speculated, so he is now talking. The people on his side are of course with him, so if they don’t follow the call to call the Jade Emperor, they will be able to distinguish who is Who is it? But this is not just that they know who is who, Li Huailin knows. Li Huailin seems to be unable to tell the difference. He only found a companion who is calling the Jade Emperor, still looking for another, this...they Want to be exposed?

To be honest, of course they don't want to call for the Jade Emperor. It is best to vote for themselves, but the problem is that they don't have enough tickets. Li Huailin passed the ticket, and then the neutral person did not know what position, they were at the same time with the other party, and then instantly exposed the people on their side. Therefore, even if they vote for their own people, they can't add points, just expose themselves. If you think about it, why should you vote for yourself? On the other hand, the summoned to the summoned Jade Emperor, the first summoned the Jade Emperor’s score is 15,000, and the double is 30,000. This is really not a big impact on the current score, but it is really an acceptable solution.

Yes, they already understand the meaning of Li Huailin. If Li Huailin says to vote for himself, then they will definitely not consider investing in him, but now he is calling to call the Jade Emperor, it is really negotiable to explain each other... not want to force them to open their identities directly, no, they should not want to reveal the identity of their other teammates. Yes, if everyone calls the jade emperor with the ticket, the identity of another teammate is still invisible. They choose not to disclose their identity in the end. If they are open, then Li Huailin knows the goal. If it is not open, then his teammates will summon the Jade Emperor to get the score, and another teammate can hide it. This seems to be how he earns. what.

After Li Huailin’s words were finished, the meeting here was temporarily silent. Everyone was thinking about Li Huailin’s plan. The more anxious person here is the guy with the name of Li Huailin. He is really anxious, but he still I didn't want to understand what it was, but now Li Huailin is doing things again. I feel that there is a problem when I hear it. He wants to destroy it, but he doesn't know how to speak. Yes, in his opinion, now Bailong, the King of God, and the Savior have the possibility of spying, but they may also be spies of their own people. This he can’t jump out and say, “I think I should give the ticket to the King of God.” Or someone else, they may be their own, but if it is a spy, aren't they pitted themselves?

Just when "Li Huailin" here thought about what to do, suddenly the light ball on the table flashed again in white. The time for this round of discussion has arrived, and the light ball once again began to ask them the result of the vote.

"Now start voting, three, two, one, please vote." The light ball here said that everyone soon chose the number of their choice.

"The vote is over. The last person to choose is... summoning the Jade Emperor, getting the votes, five votes." The light ball announced the result soon, and the person who won the bid actually summoned the Jade Emperor, although the first round already knew the summoning jade. The emperor was a good man, but he did not expect to win the bid again in the second round.

The voting situation is like this. Among them, Li Huailin, Bai Long, the Savior, the Deaf God, and the God King all gave the call to the Jade Emperor. Summon Jade Emperor himself did not vote, abandoned the vote, of course, there is nothing unexpected, after all, it may be that Li Huailin and his discussion, and the same abandonment of the person with the name of Li Huailin.

"Your courage is really small." Li Huailin smiled and stood up and said to the three people, Bai Long, Shen Wang, and the Savior. "It is a pity that it seems that I can only wait for the next round to win."

In the face of Li Huailin's provocation, the three people did not pay attention, and the savior here stood up and said directly to the "Li Huailin" over there. "Hey, don't vote for me, or you will die."

The Savior said that it must be the post-spy vote. He now feels that this "Li Huailin" is a spy, but he also sees that he may be his own person and directly sent a message to him. To be honest, he did not know how the first round of spy voting was cast into the king of the gods, but it is clear that one of the spies is his own. The worst case is not to be sent to Li Huailin. It should also be two spies. The inconsistency in the votes caused the vote to fail. Didn't the goods recognize them as their own?

"Li Huailin" is here to understand the other party's words. He said that he almost saw his identity, but the problem is that he is really not a spy. What is the use of this with him? It is a pity that there is no time for discussion now. Soon the light ball here is urging again, they must enter the channel.

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