All Things Wrong

Chapter 2997: Surprise attack

At this time, the chaotic two armed forces temporarily stopped their attacks because of the shock of the huge golden lightning. The only thing that can stop the current situation is that this moment can directly calm the scene. Now, everyone in the field stood in the same place, and suddenly there was a silence in the chaotic battlefield.

"God king?" Li Huailin immediately looked around. The guy opposite was a **** king, so he should not admit his mistake. This may be the attack of the king. Of course, Li Huailin originally wanted to let the king of the gods appear, so I heard the name of the **** king and immediately looked around.

However, after a slight search, Li Huailin did not see any new figures around him. Yes, I woke around, Li Huailin didn’t see anyone at all. Of course, although there are a lot of people below, Li Huailin just found someone in the air. He doesn’t believe that the gods will be timid and mix the skills in the crowd. In the air, there are really no other people.

However, when Li Huailin looked at it, it was not far from the side. It was a huge golden lightning that directly slammed down. The loud noise of "Boom", although there is still some distance from Li Huailin’s position, Li Huailin still Feeling a huge impact, the people below the range hit by the golden lightning are directly emptied, whether it is the dark camp or the bright camp, and whether this person has a halo protector, anyway, a thunder Nothing left.

This is not just a thunderbolt. Li Huailin quickly saw a golden thunderbolt hit again. It is obvious that this is a continuous attack, and Li Huailin looked around and still did not see any caster. Happening.

"Over-the-horizon strike?" Li Huailin suddenly understood. Yes, although this side may have been attacked by the King of God, the other party may not actually be present. The guy who had his own name on the opposite side also released a similar signal flare in the air. Now this skill is still in the air, or it may be that the gods have not yet arrived, but they also saw the signal here. So directly below the signal is a large range of aoe skills.

This skill is slightly similar to Li Huailin’s own magical skills. That is the skill of God’s ruling. Of course, this skill is obviously more powerful, and Li Huailin also discovered that this golden lightning seems to ignore the summoning of Jade Emperor. The aura skill, the reason is not yet known, and this shot can actually be a serious injury to the "Li Huailin" attribute has been turned eight times.

Right to talk about "Li Huailin", Li Huailin also glanced at it and found that this guy had disappeared after he finished the King of God. Yes, Li Huailin immediately began to look for the king of the gods when he heard the name of the **** king. The result was not found. When he turned back, he found that the other party had disappeared. This situation should be running. Can not lose, the only possibility is to hang directly, after all, the other side of the body has a life and aura effect is still deducting blood, so just seriously injured and deducted blood directly died.

But now it seems that the death in this trial is really not very important, it seems that it will not lose its qualifications, because Li Huailin is also directly on the page of the points, and immediately saw the name of "Li Huailin" still. Prove that the other party has not been eliminated because of this, it is estimated that it is directly going back to the city. Of course, Li Huailin’s page for points is not for the sake of this “Li Huailin”. He mainly looks at the scores of other people.

"God king." Seeing the score, Li Huailin finally confirmed who is the king of God, and the other party did not change the name. Yes, this person named God King should be the king of God, because Li Huailin now sees the points, the only change in points The person is the king of God, and it is obvious that the person who just started is him.

While Li Huailin is watching the points, the score of the king of the kings has skyrocketed. Yes, the golden lightning around is still falling, there is no meaning to stop, and a lightning can directly take away a lot of people, as if "Li Huailin" has only eight times the property to resist it. But it is also seriously injured, and everyone else is directly evaporated. Li Huailin himself was not directly hit, but was affected by the shock and flew out far away. Li Huailin did not know whether the **** king had used all his strength, but the attack was indeed a bit powerful.

"It is a **** punishment, it is the **** of the gods." At this time, the people below were panicked. Yes, in the face of such exaggerated skills, they can only think of God's punishment. This has no ability to fight back. Seeing more and more people who are directly evaporated by lightning, and the ground that is constantly shaking, finally below. The soldiers also collapsed.

"Run fast, God is angry!" the soldier below shouted, and the shouts made the soldiers who had already collapsed lose the will to fight. They didn't want to destroy the other's troops at this time, and they didn't want any military discipline. No problem with the military discipline, now even the gods are angry, what else to say, hurry to run.

The soldiers on the dark side of the camp began to run. The soldiers on the bright side of the camp did not celebrate the victory. They also ran. Yes, this lightning is basically an indiscriminate blow. It doesn’t matter which camp you are. A thunder hits either the dark side or the bright side is directly blown into ash, so it is obvious that they found that the mine is not helping one side, but both sides are "punished". So of course they also run directly. Why are you still standing here, waiting to die?

However, if you run, can you run away? Yes, the surrounding lightning is constantly falling. Although the people have been desperately trying to run, there are too many people around. It is impossible to run the light in an instant, and the chaos caused by the constant thunder Some people can't even figure out the direction, and they don't know where to run. Therefore, the situation on the spot was once again in chaos. Of course, this time everyone did not fight, but they each escaped.

"Trouble." Li Huailin frowned, because he quickly discovered that the score of the king of the king began to rise rapidly. Yes, before the beginning of this round, the king of the gods was deducted to only 30,000 points, but now the score has returned to nearly 60,000, and now has begun to move toward the first place. Of course, there are already a lot of people who are dying now. Li Huailin sees that at least half of the troops below have been lost, and the score has not exceeded Li Huailin because he not only killed the people in the dark camp opposite, but also died. There are additions and subtractions to people on their own side, but overall, there are still more points.

Li Huailin has a headache. It is too much trouble for the king to score more than himself. Because the last round of voting will be troublesome, he is a spy who cannot double his score by voting, that is, once the score is set. If possible, Li Huailin could not be the first.

Someone may have to ask, is it not possible to use the spy's vote to halve the score of the king of God. It is indeed ok, but the problem is that this round of voting Li Huailin felt that it was impossible to vote for the king of God. The reason is very simple. Another spy singer is impossible for him to vote for the king.

If you follow this process, the score of the king of the gods exceeds that of Li Huailin, then according to the scores of the sacred gods now, even if the score of the king of the gods is halved more than him, then what is the meaning of the last king. The sorcerer has not yet entered the top four, so in order to enter the top four, he will definitely vote for a person who can surpass himself after halving, so the last round of spy voting is at most two people disagree. It caused the vote to fail, and it was impossible to vote for the king of the king so smoothly.

It’s not just this trouble. If the score of the king of the gods exceeds that of Li Huailin, then in the final round of voting, the three votes of the king of God can be concentrated. Yes, if the king's score is not enough, then only two people will vote for the king. The king himself cannot vote for himself. This ticket is very predictable, but if the king of the gods has already surpassed Li Huailin, the other party's three votes are directly on the head of one person. It is very deadly, for example, on his own head.

No matter how the King of God is so brushed, of course, it is unacceptable. Although Li Huailin wants to find the king of God, but now it is the first to stop the other party's brush points. But how should we stop it? Li Huailin said that he really didn't know if he could resist this kind of lightning. If he directly opened the shield, he would not know how much power to consume, and if he could not, he might die back to the city. Hard resistance doesn't seem to be reliable, so the only solution is to brush these scores yourself?

Yes, if Li Huailin is now opening a halo, it should be able to clean up the people around him. Of course, it will prevent the other party from continuing to brush, but there is a problem. If you open the halo directly, then the people around you. All are dead, this wave of attacks may end directly. But if you end this wave attack directly, there will be a huge problem, that is, the summoning of Jade Emperor is not enough. Yes, the summoning of the Jade Emperor now is more than 50,000 points. At present, she is in the fifth place. She just surpassed her and pushed her out of the top four. If you finish the score now, summoning the Jade Emperor may not really advance, this is really a pain, because the possibility of being able to summon the Jade Emperor in the last round is also very small, at least let the Summon Jade remain The fourth time to enter the vote, it is possible to let her advance.

So this is a bit difficult to do, Li Huailin does not want to end now, but there is no way to stop the other party brushing points, what should I do? However, when Li Huailin thought about what to do, the surrounding attacks suddenly stopped.

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