All Things Wrong

Chapter 3012: ridicule

"Ha?" The gods and gods opposite each other directly squatted. Li Huailin actually said that he would discuss this matter directly with him? What is your trouble?

Li Huailin smiled a little and continued: "It seems a bit strange to look at you. I don't know where your strange place is. Why can't this be discussed with me? After all, if your purpose is If you change the situation in your world, then the relationship with me... doesn't seem to be very big. Anyway, I am not your parallel world. What happens to you is not my business."

The summoning jade emperor next to "Ha?" is also a glimpse.

“Is there any problem?” Li Huailin said. Yes, this is actually one of the reasons why Li Huailin guessed the purpose of the King of God. Because the former intruder was really the future of himself, Li Huailin felt that according to his own personality, there is no need to manage any parallel space. What is the relationship with him? So why is the future self coming back? This simply doesn’t make sense. The only explanation is that when the king of God comes here and gets what he wants, it will affect the situation of the world, so the future will come back. Help them deal with the king of God, so he will guess that the king of God can still return to the parallel world.

"So what is your answer?" Li Huailin said. "I can understand that you didn't tell me about it before. After all, it is of course the best to get what you want without discovering it. There is no need to cooperate with me. But now I already know about it. If you don’t want to tell me clearly, then you can prove that one thing, that is, what you want, not only affects your world, but also for us. The world around you also has an impact. You can't work positively with me."

Yes, Li Huailin now wants to know the purpose of the king of God and get the information. However, if the **** king does not enter the salt, Li Huailin can ask no information at all if he asks directly, so the way Li Huailin uses is no matter what the other party is back. If you don't answer, you can get information. For example, in the current situation, the king does not answer. Of course, it is Li Huailin's statement. If you agree with Li Huailin's cooperation requirements, of course, you will begin to explain the content of the cooperation. In any case, Li Huailin can get the information.

"I am sorry, I don't trust you at all, so it is impossible for you to cooperate." The king of the king thought about it and spoke. "I know that you want to know my purpose now, but in me. You can't know any information in the mouth. If you have the ability, you can find the truth yourself."

"You...we are really embarrassed." Li Huailin said, "I know that according to the thinking of your scientist, everything should be considered in a rationalized way. It is indeed very efficient, but it is very efficient. What you need to know is that a person who wants to do something needs more than just ambition and ability, but also needs to be discouraged. You are such a person who is not discouraged. If you think about it, you are a loser, another One world is also being found by another one I am looking for. I don’t dare to face the hard way, I can only play a little trick. I don’t even dare to face me here. You are so disappointing. what."

The eyes of the king of God were smashed. Yes, Li Huailin could not see the exact expression of the other party (after all, everyone has hidden means of the trial system), but seeing the other person’s eyes, Li Huailin, knew that he was angered. He said that these words were originally irritating to the other side, but unfortunately, the effect is really not very good, the other side only slightly squinted for a while, did not make any particularly aggressive actions, and did not directly start Speech counterattacks and the like.

"It's really calm." Li Huailin also said that there is no way. This product is really calm. It may also be because of the nature of the scientist. Li Huailin pointed at the other side's nose and couldn't find something useful.

At the moment, Li Huailin didn’t know what to do. He was thinking of a way. The other people next to him suddenly spoke. The person who spoke was the guy with the name of Li Huailin. It’s estimated that he’s found that his boss was sprayed. Of course, he has to jump out. However, it is obvious that he can't understand what Li Huailin and Shen Wang are saying, so I don't know how to start this aspect. I can only speak for Li Huailin's insulting God: "You guy is really ridiculous, God King just wants to do it. I will pay attention to you..."

"Well, adults talk to children, don't interrupt." Li Huailin waved his hand faintly. "You don't want to listen to the speech of someone who has already decided to die. Why is it cool?"

"You Hua..." "Li Huailin" is easily angered by Li Huailin.

"Is there something wrong? Is this guy who is a little bit qualified to speak here? You said that you have a high point, at least you can continue to play in the next round. It is not good. You give up your own. Points, hindering us, can be considered a bit of use, and you don’t have any points for yourself now, and it doesn’t hinder us from brushing points. You said that you have any effect. If you don’t do anything, just use your mouth here, you Is it enough?" Li Huailin said faintly.

"You guys..." "Li Huailin" here wants to fight back, but the problem is that Li Huailin is really telling the truth. Yes, he didn't get the score, and he didn't stop Li Huailin from brushing points. Now the score is ranked in the top four. There are three people who are Li Huailin (temporary), which of course is very unsuccessful. He also looked directly at the next king of the gods: "Your Majesty, I..."

"I said it before, think about how stupid I am." The king of the king here is also very rude. Yes, before the second round began, the king of God had already said this to him. When I heard the words of the king, the "Li Huailin" here also shut up directly.

However, at this time, Li Huailin also remembered one thing, and asked directly to the nearby Iofam whispered: "Which one has just played against you."

Yes, Li Huailin wants to know who the last person who played against Iofah was. He had never seen it before. After all, they both played in the distance. He never looked at the other person’s name. .

"It's that guy." Iowam pointed a little to the "Li Huailin" who was talking next to him.

"Well..." Li Huailin frowned slightly. Yes, he felt like a problem. If he said that he was fighting the rest of the savior with Eofar, Li Huailin felt that things were still relatively easy to handle. It is. But the problem is that the person who played against Iofam is the guy with his own name, which is a bit of a hassle.

Yes, Li Huailin didn’t know what the person called the savior had done. The whole game, Li Huailin did not notice the other’s actions, as if the other party had never done anything, but in fact the scores of the other party were very high. It is a little lower than Iofam. Li Huailin remembers that the other side was scoring with Iofam in the second round, so the strength should be the same line as Eofar.

This person, the third round did not appear, it is very strange, after all, Ioofam rushed to the scene, and the goods with his own name also arrived, this savior you said can not catch or can not find Location is not realistic. So it is obvious that the other party is doing something else, and this matter is more important than his brushing, so the other party will do it right, so it is obvious that this matter has a relationship with the **** king, otherwise it is impossible for him. If you don’t grab the points yourself, it’s obviously the order of the king.

In this matter, Li Huailin thought about it and looked at the blasphemy next to him. Yes, Li Huailin thinks that this matter may have something to do with him. Before I said it, Li Huailin felt that the third round of the blasphemy was very strange. Especially at the last time, the scores have not changed. This is really a strange situation. . After arriving at the conference room, Li Huailin also noticed this strange place, and the other party... did not come over and talk to himself.

In the last round, it was clearly said that the two sides are cooperative. Although Li Huailin has no way to restrain the actions of the sorcerer, there is also this relationship. You said that even if you are pretending, you have to come over and ask who this round is. But the other party did not intend to come over and ask, it can only explain that the other party has first given up the cooperation, and already has the goal to vote.

That must be related to the opposite side of the king of the gods. Referring to the situation of the savior, Li Huailin felt that the other party really found the blasphemy and tried to convince him. Li Huailin didn't know what to use, but it was certainly bad news for him.

If your guess is correct, this round of voting should not have any advantage on this side. What is even more dangerous is that you may get 3 votes. When the score is directly cleared, it will be finished. Of course, this possibility is still relatively small. Although Li Huailin is a little worried inside, it certainly cannot be seen on the surface.

"Hey." At this time, Li Huailin suddenly spoke. The object of the speech was the sorcerer who was in a daze. The sorcerer was stunned and heard the voice of Li Huailin before returning to God.

However, in Li Huailin's side, I wanted to ask about the situation. When I was looking for information, I didn't expect that the light ball on the table was suddenly lit up, and then they got a prompt. Yes, the ten-minute discussion time has arrived unknowingly, and now it is time to start voting. That Li Hualin wanted to ask, but now there is no chance, and there is no way to start voting.

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