All Things Wrong

Chapter 3024: Empress

Now in this situation, it is inevitable that this sacred succumb will not be able to see the strength of Blaines. Even Li Huailin, a guy who doesn’t look good, can casually second their companions, but it’s really Anyway, the spit and mouth of the water can not stand, what else to say.

Now, in this case, the sacred class wants to live a life, but it doesn’t matter. The remaining two holy levels standing there saw this situation, looked at each other and chose to live. Of course, they can't keep going. I thought about it. One of them said to Li Huailin: "The two are not in the same situation. Now Her Majesty is not in the city."

“Hey?” Li Huailin said directly, “Not in town?”

"Yes, it is really not in the city." Seeing Li Huailin seems to be a look of disbelief, this holy level here is said again.

"No, you don't say it in the city. You look at the old man on the ground. Isn't this dead and innocent?" Li Huailin said to the guy who had just spit on the floor.

"This..." The holy level here doesn't know what to do. The thing that the Queen is not in the city can't be said casually. Then he said that you know that these two guys are so ferocious.

"Where did she go?" Li Huailin asked again, "Hurry and let her come back."

"This..." The holy level here is also a bit of a meaning.

"What's wrong, don't tell me where your empress is going, you don't know." Li Huailin said.

"This..." The holy level here hesitated again, then said, "This is really not knowing..."

"Ha..." Li Huailin looked at the holy level here, a pair of you are teasing my expression.

"Although I don't know where Her Majesty is now, but Her Majesty's destination, we can probably guess." Seeing Li Huailin's expression, the holy level here also said immediately.

"Oh?" Li Huailin nodded. "The other destination is now..."

"It is the battlefield in the south." The holy level here immediately said, "Her Majesty also heard the news of war in the south, and disappeared the next day. According to our prediction, Her Majesty the Queen went to the battlefield in the south."

This matter Li Huailin said, yes, the knight did not say it before, the rebels are now fighting the kings, and the battle is of course the battlefield in the south. The situation on the front line should not be very good, otherwise The former knights did not have to travel from the east to the south to participate in the battle.

"That is to say, your empress has gone down to participate in the war? Or is it a person secretly going?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." The holy level nod here. "The rebel forces in the south say that they are a little powerful, but the threat to us is not very big. It is really not too serious to treat them, even though the southern army is not good. However, there should be no problem with the addition of the Eastern Army, but Her Majesty Queen’s wish to go directly after hearing about this incident. This is really too high to see the rebels, of course, it was opposed by the Minister. As a result, Her Majesty disappeared the next day. According to our estimation, one person went to the battlefield, but of course this thing cannot be let the public know. Otherwise, it may cause unnecessary panic, so we Did not announce this."

The other party’s meaning Li Huailin probably understood. Yes, according to their judgment, the rebel forces in the south did not have such a big threat. If two soldiers were sent, they would be suppressed. If the Queen’s Majesty’s sacred sacred, it would be seen by ordinary people. This rebellion must be very horrible, and of course it will cause panic. To give an inappropriate example, for example, 100 thieves outside the city are chaotic. As a result, the city owner took a 10,000-strong army to go out. The people in the city must have felt that the thieves outside the city are all over the sky, otherwise why the city owner With such a large army to go, of course, I am going to die. This is basically the case now. In their opinion, the Queen is completely in trouble, so she also slammed the news.

"So I don't know where the Queen is now?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, we have sent people out to find out, of course, the Holy Guards are dispatched." The holy level here said, simply saying that several holy people went out to find them, because they want to take advantage of the public, of course. Can not send large units to go out to find, or the Queen is gone and big news, there have been rebel forces in the chaos, the Queen has not seen this is not to make the people mess. So it is estimated that because of this consideration, just sent a few holy level to find.

"So look at the current situation, people have not found it yet." Li Huailin said.

"Yes." The holy level here nodded. "After all, Her Majesty has the power of the Holy Level..."

"Hey? Your Majesty the Queen has the strength of the Holy Class?" Li Huailin is also slightly stunned, although the current holy level is similar to Chinese cabbage in his eyes, but the average person wants to reach the level of the holy level. It's still a little difficult, and the people of the royal family are even more difficult. Even if they have talents, they have to deal with government affairs and have to cultivate. Under normal circumstances, they can't take care of them.

"The gift of Her Majesty is unparalleled. In her twenties, she is the youngest holy class in the whole continent. It is a heavenly person." When it comes to this, the holy level here is still very proud. Know why, maybe... is this guy like the Queen’s teacher?

"I have done it. When I was in my twenties, I have killed more than a dozen holy grades." Li Huailin waved and said, this is not a joke, Li Huailin is now in his twenties and died in his holy hands. There are still a dozen or so, and they are all seconds.

The opposite of the holy level is also a glimpse, but think about it, this guy in front looks really like the age of twenty, just saw this guy suffocating a holy level directly. There is no one in the Queen's Majesty, this guy can only be described with monsters.

"So, if you want to find her now, you can only go to the battlefield in the south?" Li Huailin said.

"..." The holy level here is not very good to answer, the best of course is that these people give up looking for Her Majesty, but it seems that there is something really necessary to find Her Majesty.

"What is your chance to find Her Majesty?" asked the holy level here, faintly feeling that the other party is not a good thing to find Her Majesty, if he can solve it, he still try to solve it, it is best not to Let him find Her Majesty.

"Look for an individual." Li Huailin said, "The name is Gammilla, have you heard it?"

Yes, the former intruder asked Li Huailin to be called Gamma. Li Huailin also asked this holy level to hear the name. The best thing is to listen to it, so he really does not have to go to the empress. More convenient. It is a pity that the holy level here listened for a little while thinking for a while, then shook his head: "Gemila is still a relatively common name, but it is estimated that the person you are looking for is not an ordinary person. More famous, I really haven't heard it..."

"It should be a woman." Li Huailin said, the intruder asked himself to take the medicine directly, indicating that the other party should be a younger woman. After all, the identity of the other party is the future, and it is impossible for him to be strange. People take medicine.

"I really don't know." The holy level here thought about it, then looked at the companion around him, and the other party shook his head.

Li Huailin nodded slightly, but the other party should not be fooling themselves. It is estimated that the two of them did not want to go to their queen. After all, it is dangerous. If it can be solved, it must be solved directly. It seems that this Gailla is indeed only The Queen knows, otherwise the future will not let him go to the Queen.

In the current situation, it seems that I still have to go to Queen Emma. Looking at the two holy levels here, Li Huailin said: "Let's go, you two are accompanying me to find someone."

"We?" said two holy levels.

"If we can't find it, we can only level it and force her to show up." Li Huailin said that the emperor behind him said.

"This..." The other party was also surprised. Yes, just as the situation has just been seen, Li Huailin and the other guy must be able to do this. This is not a big deal. If the emperor is razed, the empire can really make a big mess, especially if there are rebel forces now, when the situation is really out of control, even now the empress His Majesty is not in the city, but the ministers are there. If the gang is dead, the country will really become an empty shell, so this threatens them to really ignore it.

After thinking about it, they have no choice. The strength of the other party is there. They can't stop Li Huailin. Is there any way to promise the other party's conditions? However, it seems that the other party is not coming to destroy their country. Otherwise, it has already started. It should be... it is not a situation that is unfavorable to the Queen. After all, this strength should not be deceived. The purpose may be really just to find Personally, if they think about it, they still try to meet the requirements of these two.

"But if we leave, the Imperial City..." Another holy level is a little hesitant.

"This is not another city, it is enough." Li Huailin pointed to the holy level on the ground that had been cut off by Brians. "There is no time, we set off."

Next to Brians is also a nod, and then waved directly, "唰", the four people disappeared directly in the place, and then quickly appeared in another place in the south.

"This...what is this magic? Space magic?" Both of them were a glimpse, and they were shocked by Blaines' hand.

"Well, don't make a fuss about wasting time, to which side?" Li Huailin asked.

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