All Things Wrong

Chapter 3030: How can I lose?

On the side of the rebel army, they did not know that they had been discovered. Yes, in this foggy weather, the scouts are still very easy to see, but it is too difficult for them to find a few scouts, not to mention that their current situation has not paid attention to this.

Yes, the surprise team is now on the road because they have heard the shouts from their right side, and the direction of the main battlefield. This shouting has been going on for a long time, and they are very anxious now, because this is not the same as their previous plans.

According to their plan, they really have to wait for the killing sound before they will break into the battlefield and attack the opponent's main battalion or the other's flank or rear wing, but the problem is that they are not in place now, how can this be played? It is. This is the time for the opponent to attack in advance, or if they did not arrive in time, in short, there must be something unexpected. The commanders of the rebel militants don’t know what’s going on, because they can’t contact their main camp now, but they also know that it’s time to get to the battlefield right now, according to the number of their current troops, the front is They can't beat each other's offense, so they must accelerate their march.

Of course, this acceleration, the danger will appear, the first is the investigation, they have no time to slowly explore whether there are enemy forces in front, of course, they also think that the other party can not find them. Now they still don't know the "stunning performance" of Tom Rush on the battlefield. He still thinks that he is a more conservative officer. Of course, the other party can't see through the precise plans they made.

Their speculation is correct. It is true that Tom Rush did not expect that the other party would have such a plan. If the war develops normally, their plans can indeed be executed perfectly. It is very likely that the winner will be the rebels. Here, however, Li Huailin’s unexpected situation, they are really unimaginable.

Just as they accelerated toward the battlefield, suddenly a sound like a cannon sounded from the side of the surprise attack, and then the next moment, suddenly around them, the arrows were like a rain, a lot of Shouting and killing sounded from all around them.


The surprise team who was on the road was greeted by this sudden situation. Yes, they quickly realized that they were ambushed. However, this is really too sudden. They are not prepared at all, just like Tom Rush. I didn’t realize that they would carry out surprise attacks. They didn’t expect Tom Rush to see through their surprise plans, and they even ambushed the ambush troops to ambush them.

" is this possible!" The rebel commander also directly stunned, and even forgot the command. The situation on the spot is also a sharp turn. Because of the fog, the ambush is very effective. The Imperial Army’s troops are directly inserted from the middle of the rebel forces, and the other’s troops are directly cut into two sections, and then separately . The troops on the rebel side were directly beaten into headless flies, and they could not find the north.

"General, what should I do?" The adjutant next to him immediately asked the commander of the attacking team that had been forced.

What to do, he did not know what to do, he simply could not think that his troops were actually ambushed. But he knows that it is the battle, they have to lose.

Yes, it seems that their combat plan has been completely seen by Tom Rush. Although they don’t know how the other party is doing it, if the surprise team can’t reach the battlefield, their frontal troops are certainly not the opposite troops. opponent. Now what?

The commander’s heart immediately analyzed, and finally he decided... to die here. Yes, now if he orders the retreat, there is no doubt that the troops will soon become fleeing, and the soldiers will not be organized. The opposing troops defeated them and quickly rushed to the frontal battlefield. After all, this is not far from the hinterland of the Imperial Army. If the two Imperial Armys close together, then their troops will be more able to stand up.

Yes, the commander can imagine the current situation. The imperial army’s positive people are also pulling out such a team to ambush them. The positive situation can now be supported, but only after they are defeated, the two units are closed. Naturally, the front side cannot be confronted. In the current situation, they are already unable to return to the sky, and they will definitely lose, but if they fight to resist, they can support it for a little longer.

This is more support for a while, of course, in order to gain time for the frontal battlefield. The two sides are not very far apart. In theory, you can hear the sound of the frontal battlefield, and you can hear it on the front of the battlefield. The shouting and killing here, he hopes that people on his side can notice that the surprise attack team has been blocked. He can support him for a while while trying to retreat and save his troops. They have lost in this battle, but they can't leave everyone here, at least keep the troops on the front.

"Don't panic! Our number is superior, everyone kills! Chong!" Thinking of this, the commander here also hurriedly shouted around and tried to calm the surrounding soldiers. Of course, he did not know whether his soldiers were dominant or not. They were surrounded by heavy fog. They could not see the situation at all. The soldiers did not know this. They could motivate them.

However, in this case, he was unable to return to the sky alone, and the soldiers around him were completely confused, and he could not hear what he said. The troops have been beaten and broken, and his shouting has not played any role. He can only watch the soldiers around him fall down.

The battle here has been weak, but the frontal battlefield has really noticed the situation here. Yes, at this time, Li Huailin is also watching the situation on the frontal battlefield. As the sun has risen, the surrounding fog is slowly dissipating. Now the field of view of the battlefield is slightly better.

Li Huailin clearly saw the middle of the frontal battlefield. The troops on both sides were still in a fierce confrontation. The current situation... is still evenly matched. Yes, the front line has always been in the middle line. The soldiers on both sides have been falling down, but there are people who are constantly on the top. Now it is in a balanced situation, but the balance seems to have been maintained for too long.

"What happened, why haven't you lost?" Li Huailin is also a bit puzzled. In theory, he has already pulled half of the troops. Can the front be resisted? Is this too exaggerated? In the end, is the Imperial Army’s troops really strong or the opposing troops are too junk? Just when Li Huailin was strange, the shouting sound on the east side was also faintly passed to Li Huailin’s ear.

""Ok? Li Huailin is also a slap in the face. What is the situation in the east? When it was strange, he ran from the east and saw Tom Rush standing next to Li Huailin. He also turned over and said: "Marshal, Good news! ”

"Hey?" Li Huailin took a direct look, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Our troops searched in the east of the mountain, and found out that the enemy army nearly tens of thousands of surprise troops, Llos deputy commanded the troops to ambush, successfully defeated the enemy troops. At present the enemy has collapsed, and the deputy general Lolos asked the marshal to continue chasing The remaining troops are still returning to the battlefield?" said the commander here.

“Hey?” Everyone looked at the commander with a stern look.

"Hey... Marshal did not hear it?" The commander here is also a bit strange to see Marshal Tom Rush. Of course he doesn't know what Tom Rush thinks. In his opinion, this is not a marshal. It has been counted that there are ambushes in the east to let them go to ambush, but the fact is that Tom Rush never thought that the other party really had an ambush.

"No, there is really a force in the other side of the mountain in the east?" Li Huailin asked with a stern look.

"Oh... yes." The commander did not know who Li Huailin was, but since it appeared here, it should be a marshal, so he replied.

"Md, what is going on here, opposite the deep well ice, nothing to send ambush." ​​Li Huailin is really a bit speechless, can this block the other party's troops? I really don’t really want to send some soldiers to make the troops on the front of the battlefield less, so that the other party can win faster. Who knows that the opposite side really sent the ambush. No wonder the front side of the battlefield has been unable to rush. As a result, the other party sent troops to prepare to attack them at the beginning. This is really a big deal. Inexplicable, he will win this game.

"I can't do this. I have already been in such a mess. I can still win. Is it true that my feelings of winning the war are my inherent attributes?" Li Huailin said that he had a headache. "If you know it, seriously consider it..."

Li Huailin’s war was really not considered. I just didn’t think that I could win if I just played it. Of course, it’s too late to regret it. The important question is how to do it now. Looking for a way to get the other party to turn over?

The result has not yet waited for Li Huailin to start thinking, and there has been another change on the battlefield. Yes, when Li Huailin noticed the shouting of the east, the rebel forces across the street also heard the movement. Of course, when they heard the voice, their faces were changed. Their surprise troops were in the mountains to the east. What is the voice coming from the east, of course, is that his own troops have been discovered. This is really bad. The only hope they have now is the strange attack troops in the east. Now the strange attack troops have problems. For a moment, the morale of the rebel forces collapsed.

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