All Things Wrong

Chapter 3036: arrival

"Appeared!" Just as Li Huailin waited a little in a hurry, suddenly several soldiers shouted at the sky. Li Huailin was also a little happy to look up and saw a dark spot in the sky not far away and flew over them.

There was nothing unexpected. Li Huailin was of course very happy. He really worried that the other party would not appear. When the other party flew a little closer, Li Huailin also saw something flying in the sky. Yes, this is a huge flying bird with a brown body and a cyan transparent thorn. It looks like a wind. It seems to be a very high level of Warcraft.

Candela, who is actually an ice eagle? I quickly recognized the other's mount, and said with a little surprise, it was very difficult to hear this from the tone, and Candela's face was slightly heavier. some.

Li Huailin did not have any action. After waiting for a while, the giant eagle flew over their heads and slowly landed. There were three people in the giant eagle. Li Huailin looked a little. The leader was a man in a black robe. The black robe on his face covered most of the face. From the top half of the face, you can see that the other is a A man who is a little older, looks like 50 to 60 years old, his hair is a bit gray, his body is very strong, and he seems to be not a mage type. Li Huailin can also see that the other side’s black robe should be wearing armor. of. The name on the other side is written by Rag Hwensen, which is obviously the one that Tresmo said before.

The other two are not very old. One of the men looks like they are in their thirties. They are also very strong. They are carrying two crossed swords behind them. It seems to be a two-handed swordsman. It looks very heroic, and people who feel strong when looking at the appearance, the name on the head is written in Pricetown. The other person is a young woman who is less than 30 years old. She is very petite compared to the first two. She is also dressed as a swordsman, carrying two swords and having a good face. However, it looks like it is very cold, and there is always a hostility in his face. Li Huailin certainly looked at the other person's name and wrote Tenar Demi.

A total of these three people came. It is obvious that Li Huailin said that the three contests were for the three players. Li Huailin looked at Gulette behind him. Gulet probably understood the meaning of Li Huailin. He whispered to Li Huailin: These two people should be Heinson's disciples, but they rarely show up. I don't know the specific strength."

"Dish disciple?" Li Huailin nodded. Hewensen should have the strength of Juggernaut, but his disciples couldn't say it. Li Huailin's plan is to lose at least one side of his own, and he doesn't know if he can't do it. through. I hope that these two disciples can give a little bit of strength.

Here is thinking about it, Hewensen over there has already come to Li Huailin. Although there are many people here and there are soldiers around, Heverson is not flustered at all, but after all, it is holy. Level, these soldiers are just furnishings in his eyes, and they can't play any role at all. The real threat is still standing at the two holy levels beside Li Huailin. Of course, at this time, Brians is also standing beside Li Huailin, but the gap between the two sides is too big. Hewensen can't detect the gap between him and Brians, so he didn't pay attention to each other. He thought that the other party was a Ordinary civil servants only.

"Master!" Seeing Hevinson coming over, Tresmo here is very happy. I didn't expect my master to come. I really saved myself, but I just screamed. The two soldiers next to him pressed him down. Li Huailin did not say that he wanted to let go. Of course, he was optimistic.

He Wensen did not care about Tres Mo, and he looked directly at Li Huailin. Because of the current situation, everyone’s eyes were watching Li Huailin intentionally or unintentionally. It is obvious that the person who is here is Li Huailin. It is. Hevinson certainly guessed the identity of Li Huailin and asked directly: "You are the new marshal Li Huailin? In the drop-down. Hewensen."

"You are the master of this guy, listen to him and say that you are hanging." Li Huailin certainly continued to act, said to Hewensen.

Li Huailin’s arrogant attitude made Hevinson slightly wrinkle his eyebrows. After all, he was a holy class. I really didn’t hear anyone dare to ridicule the holy level. Looking at Li Huailin, he found Li Huailin’s situation and couldn’t understand it a bit: “Is it an adventurer? How can I join the empire’s camp?”

"The Queen of this country, when I saw it, I couldn't help but want to marry me. It was really impossible to stop it. There was no way." Li Huailin casually said, "There is no way to sleep. She also helps her." Do something, and solve the rebels here."

Everyone next to me is a glimpse. Yes, the soldiers who don’t know the situation hear Li Huailin’s words. The first reaction is anger. It must be rumor. The Queen’s ancestors have a unified continent, so you are this... but Mashan I was a little hesitant, but I thought about it carefully. They really believed a bit. Otherwise, how did the guy who hadn’t heard of it go airborne to their army and also acted as the head of the agency, saying that it was the Queen’s mistress. Really ok.

Of course, people who don’t know the truth are only skeptical. The people who know what’s going on are all helpless expressions. Of course, they know that Li Huailin is here to find their queen. This person has not found how to sleep. It is obvious that It’s innocent to smother the Queen’s Highness, but now that outsiders are present, and they don’t dare to expose Li Huailin, they can only endure it.

Of course, Li Huailin’s swearing has nothing to do with him. It’s best for him to jump out and slash her now, saving a lot of things. It is a pity that Her Majesty did not seem to hear his swearing, or that she had not come.

He Wensen did not know whether Li Huailin said it was true or not. Of course, this does not matter. After all, seeing Li Huailin is not like being able to be persuaded. It seems that it can only be an enemy. After looking at Li Huailin, it was true that the previous report was correct. At present, he only saw Candela and Igasos two holy levels, so Hewensen asked: "You can now be the master here, before you said Can still be the master of the empire."

"Of course, I didn't say it. Her Majesty was sleeping by me. What else is that I can't be the master." Li Huailin waved and said, "What do you want to ask is I can abide by the agreement? I can only tell you." I will definitely do it. As long as you can win, I must abide by the agreement. As for not believing, it is your business."

Hevinson said that of course he really didn't believe it. If Li Huailin lost the money, Hewensen could get a better excuse. Even if the Holy War really started, he also had a place to talk. He decided to take the test, but he still wanted to confirm it a little.

"I can confirm this rule again," he asked Hewensen.

"As before, one-on-one, three-game two wins, you are three now, we also send three people here, as for other rules... The players can't leave the ground, the battlefield is an area here. Otherwise, if you run around in a chaotic manner, you can't read it." Li Huailin said as he stroked his hand around him, indicating that the scope of the battle was on the range of the flat land nearby.

“It’s that simple?” Hewensen asked. Yes, this rule seems to be really no big problem. If you can’t fly, it’s not a harsh rule. After all, there’s only a holy level, and they’re not here. Who will fly? So it is fair, he is strange why Li Huailin did not ask any harsh demands.

"As with the agreement, if we lose, we will go back eight hundred miles directly, and we will not take the initiative to attack within one month." Li Huailin said, "If you lose, you and your apprentices, all give me a hoe. apologize."

Hewensen, who heard Li Huailin’s words, was a little angry. When he saw Li Huailin’s arrogance, Hewensen thought about it and said: “Can you attach one? If I win, these prisoners will be returned to us.”

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. "We can't lose anyway, you just wait for the girl."

"I can't lose?" Hewensen still thinks that Li Huailin's condition seems to be a bit too good. Does the other party really think that he can't lose? If this is the case, it is really possible, but the question is... Why does this guy think that it is impossible to lose, is there something that he does not know?

"There is no problem, just start directly. Who are you here to play?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"Well?" Hevinson squatted a little. Li Huailin actually asked him who sent him. Isn't this what both sides said at the same time? "You haven't said who you are sending."

"Oh, I forgot to say it? After all, if you are a challenger, you should say it first." Li Huailin said, "I have already decided in my heart, but I must say it first here."

Hearing Li Huailin’s words, Hewensen suddenly understood the meaning of Li Huailin. Yes, he always thought that Li Huailin was the original conspiracy of conspiracy here. It is estimated that Li Huailin has two holy levels here, and then he thinks that they only have oneself on their side. People are holy, the other two can't have the level of the holy level, and the three games have two wins. Why do you want to propose this method? You just want to win two games on your own. Just arrange a little bit of the order to circumvent yourself. The two holy levels deal with the other two. It is of course secondary that you can win without winning. This should be Li Huailin’s conspiracy.

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