All Things Wrong

Chapter 3050: liberation

The first thing I want to understand most is what is happening in the root. Li Huailin directly clicks on the equipment page and looks at the root cause. The result is that Li Huailin is slightly stunned. Yes, the introduction to the exceptions displayed on the equipment content introduction page. Previously, not a lot of artifact attributes have long explanatory texts, and now they are very clean.

Roots (liberation):? ? ? ?

" this question mark is more and more." Li Huailin lifted the amount, yes, when the world law appeared before, the root cause has already appeared a lot of question marks, and now it has become more, this is directly the whole thing It is displayed as a question mark, which makes Li Huailin play.

Looking at his status bar, Li Huailin found that he had an abnormal state. The abnormal state of the brilliant aura was gone. The state that was originally displayed would reduce the speed of magic recovery, but now this state is gone. Said that the halo did not work. So the root cause has lost its effect?

Li Huailin quickly looked at his skill bar again. Yes, if the root cause still has effect, all his skills should be displayed in 0 devilish, and now the situation is... the skill is indeed the display of 0 Yes, it is still the ability to release the skill without the mana value. This is not the case. Li Huailin can't understand it. If you say that the aura is out of action, the 0 demon should also be useless, but the problem is that the devil is obviously able to The effect is that the aura is gone, and this... I don’t know what the situation is.

Li Huailin quickly looked at his information bar again, because he had just received a lot of system prompts, but he hadn’t had time to look at it before. I don’t know if I could see what it was.

System Tip: You gain the power of the root cause.

System Tip: You combine some of the power of the world's laws.

System prompt: You accepted the sss level main line task world rule.

Task Tip:? ? ?

Mission progress: 1/7

mission rewards:? ? ?

"Ha?" Li Huailin really looked at the face, and the system prompts what is prompted, and can't understand it at all. Although he looked awkward, Li Huailin tried to analyze it a bit. First of all, he suggested that he had gained the power of the roots. In other words, is the root cause now combined with himself? Then the power of the world rule that suggests the fusion part may also refer to this point. After all, the world law was shown above the root cause, and now it is said that it has merged part of it, and it is estimated that it is because of the power of its own roots.

As for the task that appeared later, Li Huailin really did not see the three s missions. The previous missions were metamorphosed into two s. I really don't know that there are actually three s missions. There is almost no hint in this task, but when I see the only one that is this 1/7, Li Huailin thinks about one thing, that is what the "future self" said before, and the Excalibur and the debris. Related things.

Yes, he seemed to say that the robot controller was composed of seven pieces of debris, and then it seemed that the Excalibur was a piece of debris. Li Huailin let him see it. He said that the attribute of the Excalibur seems to be the attribute of the fragments of their world. If there is nothing wrong with the other party's words, Li Huailin thinks that the Excalibur is highly likely to be fragmented, so this task may be to let you collect debris and get the task of the robot controller.

According to Li Huailin's understanding, this robot controller may be the thing that controls those robots outside. In this case, this task is really worth the difficulty. In this way, the words of the future are correct, and the Excalibur is really the fragment of the robot controller?

However, what Li Huailin cares about is the difference between the two. It is the future that I don’t know about the Excalibur. The things he knows are only fragments. The other party will certainly not play away, so it should be no problem. Then the question comes. Why do the fragments of the two worlds have different shapes? The only explanation that Li Huailin can think of is, of course, the king of gods. Yes, the only difference between this world and the future of your own world is the emergence of the **** king, so to say why the fragmentation is not the same, it may be caused by this guy.

Li Huailin remembers that the former self seems to have said that the fragments he knows are several colored light balls. When talking about the light ball, Li Huailin suddenly thinks a little. Before the rescuers who had stolen the power of the Excalibur, after Li Huailin killed them, what appeared in front of his eyes seemed to be a light ball. It sounded a bit like the future description of the fragments, but only after the light The ball was absorbed back by the Excalibur. If you think about it, is it possible that the light ball is the body of the Excalibur? The sword that Li Huailin now sees is not a real Excalibur.

Li Huailin remembered what he had said to himself before, "the brilliance of the Excalibur released from the hard scabbard." This sentence sounds very strange. After all, Li Huailin's mind has no concept of scabbard. Yes, the Excalibur originally had no scabbard, so where did this scabbard come from? If you think about it this way, the sword that Li Huailin now sees is the so-called scabbard. The real sword, may not be such a real thing.

"The root cause." Li Huailin thought for a moment, then shouted directly to the side. Yes, I think it is better to ask someone directly, and I still ask myself. However, he screamed. Li Huailin’s side did not show the root of the projection. He looked at the sword in his hand. Li Huailin was not sure whether the thing was really bad. He tried it twice again. The root cause still did not appear. Li Huailin directly He shouted again.

The black light flashed, but the faint light appeared directly at the side of Li Huailin, but it was a look of discomfort.

"What happened to you? The root cause?" Li Huailin asked.

"Unfair, obviously I came first, why is she liberated first." The glory here said uncomfortable.

"What is Liberation?" Li Huailin asked directly because it was indeed seen on the display page of the root cause.

"Oh... anyway, it’s going back to the original way, probably that is the explanation." The light here said, "I don't know how to say..."

The light seems to be a little anxious and I don't know how to explain the situation with Li Huailin, but at this moment, the blue light flashed here, and Li Huailin saw the projection of the roots appear directly.

“In a nutshell, the so-called Excalibur is just a form of expression. This is a way for users to understand, including what I see now, and just a way you can understand.” The root of this is, "Once the user is familiar with the power of the source, this form is not limited to the Excalibur."

"Hey... can you not say so much?" Li Huailin helped the amount.

"Yeah, I can't understand it!" said the light next to it.

"You tnd still can't understand what is going on." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"I don't care, in short, she is better than me, I don't accept it, I want to liberate!" The light on this side took Li Huailin.

"I think too, you are talking about how to liberate, just the blade has been cut off, or you have been cut off?" Li Huailin said.

"That wasn't cut off." The source of this side suddenly said, "It's just the moment of liberation just in that moment."

"What is the timing of metaphysics?" Li Huailin helped the amount. "According to what you said, users are familiar with the power of the source, that is, if they are used for a long time, they will be automatically liberated?"

"The point is to understand." The roots said.

"I don't understand it at all, it's foggy, and you are a magic sword. I am not a magician at all. What about the magic, do you understand that Brians knows more than I understand?" ?" Li Huailin said.

"However, the fact is that this is the case now," said the root source. "I can't tell the reason. After all, as far as I know, you are the first user to reach this point."

“Hmmm?” Li Huailin nodded slightly. The current situation is that the Excalibur itself is very hoisted, and then in order to let the user understand that he has sealed himself, and now Li Huailin’s liberation is equal to saying that it is in use. The power of the sword itself and the like. As for the conditions of liberation, Li Huailin said that it is really unclear. Blaines did not liberate the Excalibur. Is it necessary for the players to come? The task of this fragmentation itself should be a task that only the player can accomplish. Is it related to this?

"If we say that the Excalibur is just for us to understand the form of existence, then your body can be said to be a kind of power." Li Huailin thought about it, "but why would it become a sword?" If you want to let you know what you are using, what kind of armor, spears, and the like are not all right, why did you choose the situation of the sword?"

"Hey?" The light on this side is also a glimpse of Li Huailin’s words. "Yes, it makes sense, why?"

"No, I asked you, big sister, you become like this. You ask me why it is a trouble." Li Huailin said, thinking about it and asking, "What does this matter have to do with the King of God?"

"God king?" The roots slammed a little. "Say, what happened at the time, do you remember the light?"

"Hey? This... How can I remember the things that happened so long ago, it is estimated who proposed it." Yuguang waved and said.

"Who, is it one of your Excaliburs?" Li Huailin asked.

"Well... it should be, we don't have to listen to other people's words," said Yuguang.

"So, the king of the gods is also the user of the Excalibur?" Li Huailin asked.

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