All Things Wrong

Chapter 3051: test

The change of the Excalibur should be from the King of God. It seems that the King of God knows the Excalibur is not a very surprising situation. It is estimated that after the arrival of the King, the King of God also tried to get the Excalibur, but the action seems to be not very good. Smoothly, I might have thought of another way. Now the situation of the Excalibur may be caused by the King of God, at least Li Huailin is so calculated.

Only the roots and the glory could not remember the situation at that time. Even if the light was not there, the root cause could not think of it and let Li Huailin feel a bit strange. I wonder if this is a bit of a relationship with the King of God, but after all, it is only speculation, and now it seems that it is useless to confirm this.

What Li Huailin cares about now is the root cause. Yes, there are a lot of question marks on the weapon. Nothing is shown. What Li Huailin wants to know is that the ability of the root cause can not be used. The root ability is still very easy to use, and if it can't be used now, Li Huailin still has a headache.

Asked about the roots here, but fortunately, the root cause immediately gave a positive answer: "Now my ability has been completely liberated, the master can not only use the previous abilities, but even directly control the power of the magic energy. ""

"Hey... It sounds very hoisted, how do you get it?" Li Huailin asked.

"Quiet the magic energy quietly." The source of this side said.

"Hey... is this metaphysical?" Li Huailin said that he had a headache. It is better to give himself a skill to help himself. Do you still have to feel it yourself? Li Huailin thought as he raised his hand directly. Soon, a blue ball appeared on his hand, feeling like a collection of magic energy. Li Huailin looked at it a little, then took control of the ball and turned it up. Yes, this ball is also very well matched and starts to rotate. It feels really weird, and I can control it, but it is not a very good feeling.

"Back to the blue." Li Huailin suddenly pointed at the side of the side of Blaines. With Li Huailin's words, there were a lot of shining blue spots around Blaines, and then directly into the body of Blaines.

"Back to blue?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"Can you not mess with this?" Brians said directly. "Are you arbitrarily destroying my enchantment? I don't know if it was discovered by the guy."

"The enchantment was also destroyed by me?" Li Huailin squatted a little. Of course, he couldn't see the enchantment. If Brians was right, then the blue skill that he just thought of was estimated to be control. The magic around can give another person a quick recharge. It is indeed a feeling of controlling the magic.

"It turns out." Although Li Huailin is still not very skilled, but probably knows what is happening now, simply saying that he should be able to control anything related to magic now, after all, magic is just a manifestation of borrowing magic energy. Forms only, if you can completely control the magic energy, anything that is driven by energy can control itself. It’s just that... the form of this control is a bit bit of metaphysics, and Li Huailin said that it’s hard to get used to it.

"Come on, return to the devil." Li Huailin directly pointed at Gamma on the ground, and the other side's body was also a blue flash, and then quickly fell into her body, it seems that I can now let everyone All of them are arbitrarily reminiscent. If you think about it, Li Huailin probably knows why the brilliant aura will disappear. It is better to increase the speed of returning to the magic. It is better to let him return instantly. According to Li Huailin’s current ability, this aura is really useless. It is.

Of course, this skill is just to make people back to the full magic, or not to return blood. However, Gamma on the ground estimates that life is not dangerous. It is estimated that the defensive magic used is relatively large. Li Huailin will return to his full magic and will soon wake up.

Taking advantage of some incidents, Li Huailin continued to study the current situation. One hand, the blue ball in his hand suddenly became a fireball. Li Huailin nodded, and once again, the fireball in his hand was very It quickly became a hockey puck.

"From the current situation, I seem to have been able to release any kind of magic." Li Huailin said, "At least it looks like this."

"Yeah, it's just an element that uses magic to simulate, and the general magic is the opposite logic." Brians couldn't help but say. The general magic is to use the magic energy of the body to trigger the resonance of the elements, trigger the element magic through the arrangement of certain hair tree nodes, and Li Huailin is an attack that directly controls the magic energy simulation elements, which is equivalent to forcibly degrading the magic energy. To put it simply, it is the practice of spending more money.

"Although it seems to be hanging, but the enemy to deal with now seems to be elemental magic is not useful." Li Huailin thought to say, yes, it sounds like a magician, he has no solution, Li Huailin can now even control The magic released by the other party, but the problem is... I have no solution to the cloth, this is not a promotion. As for the **** king he has to deal with, Li Huailin does not seem to feel that he can control the magic released by the other party. The golden lightning Li Huailin feels that his estimation is uncontrollable. After all, it is a law-level attack. It is so simple.

Dispersing the small ball in his hand, Li Huailin once again turned his gaze to the root of the handle of the hand. When it was before the king of the king, Li Huailin once injured the king of the gods, relying on the root cause. Li Huailin now wants to try the root cause here can be made into the state of lightsaber as before.

Of course, Li Huailin doesn't know what to do, let's try it first. Holding the hilt with both hands, Li Huailin imagined the situation of the blade slightly, then sighed and tried it. The result was unexpectedly simpler than he thought. One force, the hilt here is really The blue light flashed, the blue lightsaber appeared again, and it stabilized directly.

"Oh? Oh?" ​​Li Huailin was a little surprised, but as soon as he was distracted, the blue lightsaber here began to twist, and it seemed a bit unstable.

"Hey." Li Huailin quickly calmed down, and sure enough the lightsaber here was directly stabilized. So Li Huailin found out that this thing is probably going on. It seems that as long as he concentrates, the light sword seems to be easy to manipulate. Although it doesn't seem so difficult, the problem is... it's still a bit of metaphysics. It doesn't take time to adapt to Li Huailin.

"Hey, hello, can you stop playing this way?" Brians couldn't help but say, "When you show this thing, you are trying to absorb the magic around you. Any magic will collapse."

"Oh, it turns out." Li Huailin probably knows that once used, the lightsaber will desperately absorb the surrounding magical energy. The spectacular situation before it was estimated that it was not controlled. According to Blaines before, the crazy absorption of magic energy will lead to the destruction of energy balance, so it sounds really dangerous to hear it. Li Huailin hasn't really tried it. If there is no limit to the situation in which this thing absorbs magic power, then you can **** around everywhere, as if you can really destroy the whole world.

In short, a little experiment, Li Huailin probably understands the usefulness of the liberated roots, but many functions have to be tested before they can be determined, but now there is no such condition. After all, they still don’t know if the king is still Looking for them. Li Huailin, who has a new weapon, has a great increase in confidence. However, it seems that he has no confidence in defeating the king of God. In short, it is important to get what he wants first. As for the king of God, if you really want to swear, wait until something arrives. You can try to see him and see if you can win after the roots are liberated.

Speaking of this, Li Huailin turned his eyes to Gamma on the ground, and Gamma, who was just on the ground, woke up faintly: "This... here is... now..."

Obviously, the other party was still a little confused when he woke up, but when he saw Li Huailin, he showed a slightly more reassuring expression. Li Huailin estimated that the other side seemed to be more worried about falling into the hands of the gods. However, after sweeping around for four weeks, Gamma here suddenly became nervous: "Only Anna! But Anna! Where are you?"

"Where, right, and..." Li Huailin heard the call of Gamila and remembered that there was such a Queen. Yes, after all, in his impression, this was a help for him to find Gamma. Npc only, now that Gamila has found it, Li Huailin directly forgot the other side selectively.

"What about the little girl who looks like a hang?" Li Huailin asked directly to Brians next to him.

"I don't know, I didn't pay attention at all." Surely, Brians said directly that the idea is similar to Li Huailin.

Li Huailin did not want to care for Anna, but Anna was very important to Gemila, and now Li Huailin still needs to rely on her to find that thing. After thinking about it, Li Huailin said directly to Gamila: "Reassure, that guy is still alive, nothing."

Li Huailin is not casually speaking, because he still has a mark on Anna’s body. If the other party is dead, this mark is of course automatically invalidated, and now it is possible to check the position, indicating that the other party is still alive. . Of course, I don’t know what the situation is, and I am not sure of serious injuries and bloodshed.

"Where is she?" said Gamila here.

"Well..." Li Huailin had a headache. It seems that he couldn't find Anna's words. Gamma here would not cooperate with them to find things. It would be useless to force her away. This is troublesome.

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