All Things Wrong

Chapter 3056: Emergency contact

"It turns out that it is really a rare magical array." Brian's eyes here, revealing a curious look. Yes, this is another magical array that he has never seen. The strange magical structure. He came here this time yesterday. He did not find this large magical array. This really made him curious.

For the magic energy system that I have never seen, Blaines is of course very interested. Turning his head and whispering to Li Huailin next to him: "This woman still has some use, don't do it directly, give it to me."

"I didn't say that I have to do it." Li Huailin waved and said, "You want you to take it."

Yes, Blaines wants to cover Mila, of course, because the other party can activate this magical array. It is definitely knowing this magical system, so I want to study it, and Li Huailin certainly doesn’t care about this, but he really didn’t plan to get it directly. Dead Gaila, of course, it is no problem to lend to Blaines.

At this time, the onlookers next to them were shocked. Of course, they did not dare to go up and hinder Li Huailin. Now, this is not only the holy level of the broken leg before, but also many holy levels because yesterday’s Things have come back, but they also know that these two people are so powerful that they don’t dare to start the power of killing the holy level in an instant. When they saw that they were activated, the magic array, everyone was surprised, because they passed by many times here, and actually did not find a huge magical array here.

In the eyes of everyone, the ground on this square began to crack slowly, and then part of it and the surrounding ground split and began to sink down, as if it had become an elevator. Li Huailin and Blaines saw this situation. Of course, they also sat down directly. Others, though curious, did not dare to keep up. They only watched three people disappear in front of them.

"This...whatever thing, I always feel a little bad."

"I also have a bad feeling, but..." Although it seems that Li Huailin’s doing this will cause bad results for them, there is no way to stop them. A group of people is also very anxious, not to mention that their queen is not yet Knowing where to go, this is really not knowing how to deal with it.

Regardless of the urgency of the people, Li Huailin, they fell very smoothly, and soon the surrounding began to darken slowly, as if it was a little deeper, but the next moment, the light around them was restored again, but the color A little bit strange.

Yes, sitting in the elevator, they quickly fell into a space, and this space, and Li Huailin, the purple space they came in before, the purple light everywhere, the people turned purple. The elevator stopped at this time.

Li Huailin looked around and found that they did not seem to be in a cave like that, it felt like it was in the universe. Yes, it seems to be an independent space, although it is purple everywhere. They also have no place to stay, just stand on the elevator that descended before, and the surroundings look like an empty, very strange scene.

"I don't think it's a different space continent. I don't see a lot of things." Blaines looked very happy and couldn't help but look around.

"Oh..." Just as Blaines spoke, the next Melilla suddenly glanced, and then spit a blood. Li Huailin also said a little, and asked directly: "What happened, the injury suffered before?"

"No, I said before, this heterogeneous environment is not suitable for other living things. When I first came to this place, the wall of heaven has not yet been established. All the creatures are illuminated by these purple rays, and a lot of creatures die. After the establishment of the wall of heaven, the ancestors used the power of the artifact to concentrate all the purple energy in the wall of the sky to the seal here. By the way, it can prevent the artifact from being sneaked by others, so the concentration of purple energy here is very high. Ok, we can't stay long.

Li Huailin squatted a little, then looked at his status bar, and saw a new buff, unknown radiation, which increased his health by 8400 every 3 seconds. This is of course the state after Li Huailin’s reversal. The rest of the people’s words are of course bloodshed. This is really a bit embarrassing. There seems to be no problem with Brians next to him, but Gamma seems to be unable to stop the injury.

"Protect it." Li Huailin said to Blaines, then turned to Gamila and asked, "Speed, where is the thing?"

"The other side." Gemila pointed directly in one direction. Li Huailin looked at the past very much. Sure enough, he saw a black thing on it. It seemed to be a circular object. It is not too small to look at the distance. The location is also near the center of this space.

Li Huailin nodded to the side of Blaines, and Blaines here was also very skilled to reach out to the black object over there, and then... nothing happened.

"I can't pull it?" Brians squatted a little. Yes, it was originally intended to pull it over, but I didn't expect it to be a little bit of effort. Brians thought about it, and directly controlled the slate under his feet and flew over there.

Soon three people came to the front of this black sphere. It was only here that the volume of this thing was really big. It is estimated that there is a huge black ball of five meters in diameter. The top of the black ball is also covered with strange patterns, and this thing is not a complete sphere, and there are some corners. The whole thing is made of metal.

"This... is really a good material for research." Seeing this thing, Brians is excited again, and it seems to be something he has never seen before.

"..." Li Huailin asked the research madman directly, and asked directly to the next Gemila: "Is this black ball, move it directly back?"

Gammilla did not speak, went directly to the previous step, and then touched several places on the black ball. Li Huailin quickly saw that the black ball had changed, and the light blue stripes on it began to glow. The color of the entire black ball suddenly began to change, becoming a whiteish blue sphere, which can be said to be very magical.

And when Li Huailin is still paying attention to the change of the color of the sphere, the sphere here is also beginning to be deformed. Yes, the whole sphere began to fold, and then the outside seemed to start to fall off. The whole thing seemed to spread out from the inside. Soon, Li Huailin saw a beam of blue light shining from the inside.

Slightly adapted to this sudden light, Li Huailin looked over the inside of the sphere and found out where a blue cube appeared. This seems to be a cube-like thing, as if there was nothing particularly strange. Although it emits blue light, in the game world, this kind of thing is not very rare.

"Is this?" Li Huailin asked.

"The thing you want is this." Gamma here said to the blue cube.

"Oh, it’s a strange thing." Brians next to him is also very interested.

"Do you take it directly?" Li Huailin asked.

"I don't know, this thing, I am also seeing the real thing for the first time." Gammilla said, so it is estimated that she is also the first time to come to this space, what is estimated here is what is recorded, or other people Tell her.

Since Gemila didn't know, Li Huailin could only go directly to get this thing, although I don't know what it is and what it is, but I hope it is too pit. If you add a few hundred points of property after you get it, then you really have to cry. Of course, there is no way to do this. Anyway, I will get it first.

Just as Li Huailin reached out for a moment, suddenly the alarm sounded in the brain, and Li Huailin took a slight sigh and subconsciously shrank his hand back.

"What's wrong?" asked Brians next to him.

"Well?" Li Huailin is also a bit embarrassed. What is the alarm? Yes, this is not a strange feeling like a crisis warning. It is true that the alarm sound appears in his mind. Li Huailin squats a little, then looks at the system here to see if there is any prompt, and the result is found. It is.

"It turned out to be this." Yes, Li Huailin found the alarm because someone was calling him outside. Yes, this game bin has a function that is an emergency call. If someone is in a hurry to find you, press the button of the game bin, and there will be a prompt. Of course, this function was added after Li Huailin. I didn’t have this accessory when I made this thing. Now I added it, but I have never used it before. Li Huailin’s first hearing of this alarm is also a bit unprepared and scared. One jump.

"Who is." This emergency call is to press the button, which means that someone in the real world has entered his room and pressed this button. Who is it? There are not many people who can find themselves, and they lose Zhang Yonglin, that is, Su Ruoyan has the key to his own family. It should be anxious, otherwise he will not call himself at this time. Li Huailin thought about it, of course, still have to manage it, but things are already in sight, and Li Huailin took it first.

"I have something a little bit here." Li Huailin said, "I need to go down and take care of it. I will get off the line immediately after taking something."

"Oh, anxious things, what about your world?" Brians could understand and ask.

"Yes, I don't know what it is, but it should be urgent, so I took it right away." Li Huailin said, after the completion, Li Huailin directly reached out and grasped the blue square.

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