All Things Wrong

Chapter 3059: ability

The game affects the reality. Although Li Huailin already knew it before, but Li Huailin happened to be a little panic on his own body. It is really frustrating to play a game to kill himself. But fortunately, the result of the inspection now seems to have no major problems. It seems that according to the other party's statement, there is no other sequelae other than smarter. Is this really true? Li Huailin said that he is also a bit worried.

As for the result of what happened before, Li Huailin felt that the eight achievements were caused by the liberation of the roots. When it was said that in addition to the sting of the sorrow, it seems that the inexplicable seems to be able to see the movement of the gods. I can't explain what it is. After I saw it, I didn't show any special information, indicating that I got any special skills.

Thinking of this, Li Huailin suddenly had a whim and concentrated on the spirit. At this moment, Li Huailin felt that the things around him seemed to slow down. Yes, in Li Huailin’s vision, everything that I saw seems to have temporarily stopped the activity. It seems that time is stopping the general picture. He can even see that his side has been stopping in the air, even the insect. The look of flapping the wings seems to be still.

However, when Li Huailin wanted to raise his hand and try to hold the worm straight, he suddenly found that his body seemed to be still, and he could not move at all. Li Huailin panicked a little, then directly quit this state, and all the things around him began to move forward, and Li Huailin’s hand was lifted directly at this time.

"Well?" Seeing Li Huailin raising his hand, the eyes of everyone here have turned directly. I don't know what Li Huailin is doing.

"What's wrong?" asked Zhang Yonglin, who was a little bit wrong.

“Adding super dynamic vision?” Li Huailin looked at his hand, then blinked his eyes. When he opened it again, the whole world around him stopped again. Yes, Li Huailin almost understood, after he concentrated himself, It seems that the brain can turn very fast, which causes the surrounding situation to be static in his eyes, but the problem is that his body can't keep up, his thoughts are much faster than the movements, then it feels I can't move myself.

"It turns out that." Li Huailin gave a little experiment and probably knew what happened to his body. This is probably related to the increase in brain cell vigor that the doctor said before, and it seems to be like Superman.

"Wait..." Li Huailin suddenly understood. Why did he see the movement of the King of God and be able to fight against the King of God? He used his own body on the reality side, of course he could not keep up with the present. The speed of thinking about yourself. However, the game only extracts the brainwaves of the player, so you can think of more than one piece, how fast your character can move, and you don't have to think about what the body can't keep up with. So I think it's just a little invincible. .

"Are you jealous?" Zhang Yonglin asked here, because Li Huailin has been answering himself without saying anything.

"Nothing, just suddenly feel that I am invincible." Li Huailin spreads the hand and said, "A lonely feeling..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I thought you really want to bet." Zhang Yonglin helped the amount.

"No, I am really invincible." Li Huailin said, "I am optimistic, and now show you the best."

“What are you studying?” Zhang Yonglin asked.

"Seeing this fly is not." Li Huailin pointed to a flying insect next to him.

"It seems that it is not a fly," Zhang Yonglin said.

"It doesn't matter, it's optimistic." Although Li Huailin said that it is pretending to be forced, it is only to adapt to his current state. At the moment of the end, Li Huailin directly concentrated his spirits. Of course, he was still alive all the time. Of course, Li Huailin could not move himself, but he had time to calculate the advance amount.

Yes, Li Huailin directly saw the movement path of the flying insects, then exited the state and began to reach out. After pulling the distance, he went into the centralized state adjustment again, then retired and reached again. After four adjustments, Li Huailin had reached out to the flying insects. In front of him, of course, in the eyes of others, Li Huailin’s actions are all in one go, and he does not know that he has adjusted many times.

"Hey," Li Huailin directly flew at the flying insects. Of course, he directly flew the insects flying in the air. This scene made everyone in the scene a glimpse.

"Hanging is not hanging." Li Huailin said, "Is it the same as the martial arts master."

"How... how to do it?" Zhang Yonglin was also shocked by Li Huailin's operation.

"It turns out that." Professor Zhang next to him seems to understand what he said. His eyes are bright. "After the increase in the frequency of brain cell activity, the initial performance is enhanced. Is Comrade Xiao Li interested in doing something interesting with us?" test?"

Li Huailin said that he had a headache. Professor Zhang’s eyes seemed to have been seen there. Yes, he remembered it. It seems that Zhang Youdong had this look when he got new test materials. Are these researchers all urinary?

"No time, since there is nothing, I will go back first." Li Huailin waved his hand and said, fortunately, he is a bit of a skill, otherwise it is estimated that he will be directly taken to do human trials.

"Your situation is quite special. It is indeed no precedent, but it can't guarantee anything." Professor Zhang here said, "I still do a few experiments with me, but also look at your specific situation, and Are there any other symptoms and the like, staying in the hospital is also safe, and in case of an accident, you can also be rescued immediately..."

"What kind of ghost is the first aid?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say, but thinking about it, I seem to have to test my own ability. It is also necessary to get used to it. It seems that it is quite good for someone to look at it. As for helping with research, Li Huailin also wants to know the specific situation of his ability. When it comes to symptoms, this Li Huailin is also a bit curious. Is there any sequelae in this ability to use, and if it is violent nosebleeds, it seems that it is safer to stay here.

"That line, you can study it, but I still have something to do tomorrow, so I will be here now." Li Huailin said.

"That should start soon." Professor Zhang here said with great enthusiasm.

“Hey? Just do the research directly?” Zhang Yonglin asked.

"I am also a bit curious," Li Huailin said.

In short, Li Huailin decided to cooperate with Professor Zhang for a little research. Professor Zhang is a guest lecturer at the hospital. There is a hospital research room here. Of course, the trial is still very convenient.

Of course, Ye Gaoguan, they went straight back, although the other party said that they would wait for Li Huailin to be officially discharged, but after all, it seems to be very anxious, just polite. Li Huailin had no intention of letting them stay with them, so they would go back first. Zhang Yonglin always followed Li Huailin. After all, he waited until the test last night to pick him up.

Professor Zhang’s experiment lasted until two in the morning. Although Li Huailin was very cooperative, he did not know why he felt like a gorilla who was experimenting.

"It turns out that." Professor Zhang suddenly yelled and said, "This is really amazing."

“Hey?” Li Huailin asked with a stern look.

"Do you know? I have experimented with ten different numbers. The average adult has to remember that the average time is 2.2 seconds. In this respect, the human response is really very slow. Adult chimpanzees, remember the same. The number is only 0.4 seconds..." Professor Zhang said here.

"Where, do you really test me in the way of testing gorillas? It’s not my illusion," Li Huailin said.

"Gorillas and chimpanzees are two species." Zhang Yonglin, who was sleepy next to him, reminded him.

"It doesn't matter, what about the result?" Li Huailin asked.

"And your initial score is 0.15 seconds. Instantly remember 240 different numbers. It has completely surpassed the human limit. Even if it is trained, it is impossible to do this. This... This can be said that your brain has already Evolution has taken place," said Professor Zhang here.

"Where is the trough, is it so great?" Li Huailin’s support, so far, has been testing the numbers all the time. Is Li Hualin’s concentration and time still almost as good? Just look at it. Of course, Li Huailin is also testing his ability at this time. It seems that there have been no problems such as sequelae, and his ability seems to have no special restrictions. It can be used all the time. Thanks to these tests. Li Huailin is now adapting to a lot of this state, and it is not a harvest.

"You may not understand, the brain is the most mysterious of the human body... Hey, where are you going?" Without waiting for Professor Zhang to finish blowing, Li Huailin immediately went out.

"The test is over, I am going back." Li Huailin said casually.

"No, the experiment is not over yet, and this is the first test." Professor Zhang said here.

"I am tired, go home to sleep." Li Huailin waved his hand and said.

"No, this is a great experiment about the possibility of human evolution. Scientific research is not sleeping. Do you think that I am 74 years old, are you still with you? Wait a minute..." Professor Zhang wants to persuade Li Huailin, of course. Impossible, Li Huailin is tired of a little adaptation here, and is also directly prepared to go back to rest. He can really have something tomorrow.

However, what Li Huailin did not expect, the aftermath of this ability will soon appear.

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