All Things Wrong

Chapter 3071: laboratory

The sudden shock made everyone stand still, and the source of this vibration came from their feet. Yes, they obviously felt that the ground under their feet began to fall, just like what they had before. The same transmission array is the same. It seems that this transmission array is also similar to the role of the elevator. It is no wonder that Gaillah can easily open it.

But this time the elevator is slightly larger. The previous elevator was just a small piece of ground sinking. This time, the entire ground that Li Huailin saw before began to sink. Of course, the speed is also slower, sinking. The speed is still very much the same as climbing.

Li Huailin was a little anxious after getting used to the vibration. Yes, according to the situation of the elevator in the past, this thing should be lowered for a while. This speed is estimated to take half a day. As a result, Li Huailin’s unexpected things are in him. When I thought about it, the elevator on this side suddenly "clicked" and then stopped directly.

"What's wrong? Is it stuck?" Li Huailin asked. Yes, the elevator has only dropped for a while. It is probably the distance of one floor. It seems that something is wrong.

"It doesn't seem to be, you look over there." Blaines pointed directly to the side and said.

Li Huailin also looked at the direction of Blaines, and the results he saw were also quite surprising. Yes, the elevator is just down one level, and there is a very obvious door in front of them. Accurately speaking, it should be an entrance, because the original door has been broken, and a huge hole in the door will not function as a door.

Needless to say, everyone went over and just walked to the door, and a huge smell came out in the door. Li Huailin is okay, after all, there are players to correct, this odor is even bigger, it just makes you feel stinky, there will be no other situation, and the Gamma next to them is really stinky and has already shed tears, 捂With your nose, you ran to the shelter.

"It’s really horrible." Brians waved a hand, and a stream of air rushed directly to the scent of the squirting air. However, the surrounding area was still a stink, as if the light was blowing.

Li Huailin also went to the hole and looked inside. The result was dark and there was no lighting. Almost nothing could be seen, but the light from the hole made Li Huailin see that it was quite big.

Blaines continued to wave a hand, and soon a few light-emitting **** flew in and into it. It should be the magic of lighting, and all the interiors were lighted up. Seeing the situation inside, Li Huailin was slightly surprised, because it was obviously an artificial building, and the first reaction after seeing it was the laboratory.

Yes, Li Huailin inside the door actually saw a laboratory that looked very high-tech. Li Huailin saw a lot of equipment that didn’t know what to do, but he also saw a lot of things like the alchemy test bench next to it. The whole looks like a weird laboratory that combines science and occultism.

Of course, all that Li Huailin saw was a scene that had been destroyed. Yes, this laboratory is obviously destroyed, and all the surrounding instruments are damaged. The surrounding platforms and the ground are all mechanical fragments and a large number of alchemy props. This is not because of weathering and the like. The damage is obviously as if it is damaged.

"It seems that after a big fight." At this time several people have come in, although the taste inside is rather unpleasant, but this is basically a master, a little used to it, not to wait.

"It seems to be a long time." Blaines also picked up some scattered materials on the ground, but it is a pity that the paper recorded here is completely black, and nothing can be seen. At the same time that Blaines picked it up, the paper was turned into gray.

"Does this look like a scratch of a beast?" Li Huailin also found a very obvious scratch on the table next to it, went up and looked at it, and then looked at Collinho behind him. Corinho also understood the meaning of Li Huailin. He came up and compared his paw slightly. He said, "It seems that it is slightly smaller than my claws, but the style is right. Is it me... ”

"You can't remember?" Li Huailin basically confirmed that this is Corinho's work. After all, the scratches are a bit like, it should be a species, not a Corinho, but also their compatriots.

"I don't have memories," Corinho said. "I just learned that there is still such a place here. I have never found it before.

"There are corpses here." What Blaines found here, shouted directly. Li Huailin walked over and looked at it. What Blaines found was not so much a corpse as it was a cockroach. This thing has been completely weathered, and there is a skeleton left, but it can still be seen from the black blood on the floor. Out, this guy may have been killed by a monster, and there is a scratch on the ground. Of course, the pattern of scratches is still very similar to the scratches of Corinho.

"There is more here." Blaines said another, and then went on. Li Huailin found that the place was really big. There was still more room to move on, and Li Huailin saw it on the way. A lot of corpses (骷髅) seem to have been killed by something, and even some of the bodies are still incomplete, obviously they have been eaten, so in summary, basically can determine the murderer It is.

"In this case, the person attacking this side is obviously Corinho." Blaines said as he walked. "It’s just that this is the laboratory that people built. What are they studying here?" ......"

Just talking about it, Li Huailin found a lot of strange research equipment in front of them. Li Huailin is quite familiar with this thing. Of course, it is not what he has seen. It is often seen in science fiction movies. It is the kind of big jar. It seems to be called a culture warehouse. Of course, they see it. They are all those glass covers that have been damaged. Li Huailin went up and saw that the glass covers were basically destroyed by humans, and some claw marks were found on them.

“Does this look like a biological experiment?” Li Huailin said as he looked at Collinho next to him, “Biology experiment?”

"That is to say, this is only the World of Warcraft of Nemeya and the Warcraft of Corinio is not a natural species, but artificially created?" Bryant said.

"What?" Nemeya and Corinho are a glimpse of this side.

"Do you have any memories?" Li Huailin asked to Nehemiah next to him.

"I... I live alone in the forest from the moment I remember." Nemeya here replied, "I don't have any parents. I really don't know where I came from, but..."

Nemeya’s words were not finished, but it was obviously not a belief that he was a man-made species, but before he finished, the Blaines here found out.

"Look at this side, this should be to confirm this conjecture." Brians pointed directly to the side, Li Huailin looked at him in the direction he said, and found another skeleton, and saw the skeleton, Li Huailin looked at Collinho around him for the first time. This skeleton is obviously the skeleton left after the death of a huge cat. Look at this structure, and the nearby Corinho is almost exactly the same.

"Don't we really be born from here?" Seeing this, even Corinho has already believed in Li Huailin and Blaines's conjecture, but he really does not have this memory.

"In this way, these people are studying synthetic beasts here, so they created this new species. However, the experiment has caused an accident, resulting in a large number of experimental bodies escaped, including you." Brians said, "Of course this The situation may not be you, it’s just that other individuals flee, and then you can save them, so you don’t have any memories.”

This statement by Brians is to convince Nemeya and Corinho to believe that such a question can explain why they do not have these memories.

"But now I don't know who these people are, and why I want to do this test," continues Blaines.

"Since I found a special magical array outside, this problem..." Li Huailin said as he looked at Gamma next to him, while Gamila was observing some strange cracks on the surrounding walls.

"It seems to have something to do with my ancestors," said Gammail, pointing to the wall next to him. "This is a simple magical array. The role should be to regulate the air. Except my ancestors, the others should not." People will use these magical arrays, after all, their skills have long been lost. But how can my ancestors come here..."

"Since it is your ancestors, then the purpose is almost known." Li Huailin said, "Simply, the other party's purpose should also be to communicate with the so-called gods, but other people use manufacturing props and the like. And this group of people chooses to make creatures..."

"It turns out." Blaines nodded. "That is to say, these creatures were originally created to communicate with the gods, so they will have some special abilities. Is this the ability to communicate with the gods?"

"Who knows? Maybe the trial has not succeeded." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"What is that?" Suddenly Nemeya asked at another place.

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