All Things Wrong

Chapter 3087: Promotional film

“Promo, is the company’s promo?” The first reaction of Li Huailin’s hearing of this thing is this. It’s a mature company. When faced with visitors, of course, it also has its own set of processes, such as bringing people. Visiting the company's work environment is like what they do now, and for example, looking at the company's promotional videos, this is also normal. And Li Huailin, they really want to see the company's promotional video, after all, they don't even know what company this company is, just looking for this information, then you introduce your own film, of course, the best.

And the navigation here can also direct them to the screening room, it is even better, Li Huailin quickly followed the voice of the followers to another room on the second floor, this screening room is also on the second floor, it seems office The area is on the second floor, and the third floor does not know where it is.

The door of the screening room here soon opened. Li Huailin walked in and looked at it. He found that there was actually an empty room. There was nothing in the whole room. Although it was very big, there was nothing at all.

However, when Li Huailin thought about it, the room suddenly angered two things from the ground. Li Huailin had a slight glimpse, but the thing that had risen directly became three chairs, and it was obvious that three Seat.

"Hey..." Li Huailin squatted a little, but the voice here also said directly: "Please ask Dr. Hoffman and two visitors to be seated immediately, and the promotion video will be played soon."

"Sit?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Sit first, take a look at the film and say it." Li Huailin went straight to the chair and made it down. What he didn't expect was that the chair looked like a very hard chair, but it was very soft after sitting down. It seems to be sitting on the sofa, and it is very comfortable to sit with Li Huailin's body.

“If you need a drink, you can pick it up at any time.” The chair here also gave a tone, which is really very intimate.

"Please also take Dr. Hoffman into the seat, the film is about to start playing." The voice here continues to remind, Li Huailin thought about it, and put the lantern on the handle on the seat next to it. The chair next to it shook a little. It is estimated that I didn't know how to adjust my position to make this lantern more comfortable. When Li Huailin thought that the system was going to crash, I didn't expect the prompt to appear again.

"The movie is about to start playing."

“叮”, Li Huailin saw a huge person suddenly appearing in the middle of the room, or a beautiful woman. Yes, it was so out of thin air. Li Huailin was shocked first, but soon realized that this is not a real person. .

Yes, seeing the movement of this beautiful woman, Li Huailin immediately understood what happened. This beauty is a so-called film, but this film is completely three-dimensional, similar to the effect of 3d projection, but it is very real, Li Huailin I almost thought that this person is a real person. After all, although the person is a little bigger, Li Huailin has not seen the giant family.

Of course, although a person was projected, Li Huailin did not see any more machines in the room. It was so out of thin air that it could only be said to be very dark black technology. Li Huailin did not speak, looked at the summoning jade emperor next to him, and the other party realized that it was something, so the two continued to read.

"Welcome two distinguished visitors to 'Paradise'." The projection here also knows that Li Huailin is from two people. Of course, Li Huailin is the first to know the name of this place, called the paradise, that is to say A place like a play center?

"Is still worrying about the long hibernation time? Still worried that I have never known the world at all? Welcome to the paradise world." The beauty here has already begun to introduce, "This is shared by the four major federations." The new hibernation system is completely different from the old sleep system. If you participate in this program, we will extract your DNA for preservation and extract your consciousness into this center. In this center, your consciousness You can participate in any company's open world and play in various worlds. When your hibernation time is over, we will use your DNA to copy your body and put your consciousness back into your body."

"Ha?" Li Huailin directly glimpsed, and the summoned Jade Emperor next to him was also surprised.

"Compared with the old hibernation system, our paradise system has a unique advantage. The most obvious thing is that you don't have to worry about your body. Your DNA is saved by system code. There is no real thing, don't worry about being If you are destroyed, you don't have to worry about being kidnapped by sleep. You just have to play in the virtual world built by the system. You don't have to worry about anything else. When you set the time, you can resurrect it. The beauty here is also showing a cute expression.

"Please don't worry about the dangers you will encounter. There are many choices in the virtual world we design, but no matter which one, there is no danger. You just need to choose the world you want to play and make a spiritual journey. Let’s have a carnival in those wonderful worlds.” The beauty here continues.

"The following is a brief introduction to the world we have opened up. Note that these are only temporarily open worlds. More worlds will continue one after another...continuously...continuously..." Li Huailin is still watching the introduction video here. Suddenly, the image here suddenly became stuck.

Yes, it is obvious that it is stuck, just like something like dvd has encountered such a kind of damage, and not only the sound is stuck, but the image here has also begun to collapse. Yes, the face of this beautiful woman has become a bit horrible, and began to wriggle with the mosaic.

The last time Li Huailin saw this situation, it seemed that he had stuck a bug when he entered the game. The next call to the Jade Emperor could not help but ask: "Does this high-tech thing also be stuck?"

"Boss, trouble changing the disc." Li Huailin said directly.

The sound of "嘶", after Li Huailin finished, the whole picture in front turned into grayish white, and a lot of black and white gray stripes appeared in front of Li Huailin, as if they were TV screens, but they What appears in front of it is a completely three-dimensional pattern, like a strange waterfall in black and white and gray.

"This... it’s okay to collapse directly." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"What a ghost." Summon Jade Emperor is also a sly look. After thinking about it, he said, "But what did you hear before? Did you hear that this server is a bit like a hibernation facility made by a company? Hibernation What is the name of the warehouse is the things that appear on the spaceships in the science fiction movie..."

"Well..." Li Huailin thought a little bit. Simply saying that the current understanding is like this. This server is a hibernation device, and is the game world in which he is located a subroutine? The simple thing about this thing is that you have to hibernate. You used to sleep. Now let you realize that you are here to play, and then play the time, you will come out, and the other party will copy you out, even if you sleep. It sounds quite convenient. However, the problem has not been completely solved. Although this thing sounds reasonable, the problem is that this thing is listening to what the current technology can't do, and what it meant before listening to this thing, they are here. A lot of people have chosen the old way of hibernation to spend time, but the problem is that no one on the earth is going to hibernate now, so is it not the current timeline thing, this thing is really something of the future? Then the question is coming again. How does this future thing come to their current timeline? This thing doesn't sound like the function of a light machine.

Just when Li Huailin couldn’t figure it out, suddenly the snowflake image in the middle suddenly shook. Li Huailin turned his head and saw the image appearing in the middle projection. However, this image is strange, but it appears. A figure, but the strange tattoos on the other side, plus a lot of black and white gray snowflakes around, can't see who it is.

"Hello, I am Dr. Hoffman." Just as Li Huailin was still thinking about who this figure is, the figure here suddenly spoke, not the voice of the beautiful woman before, nor the voice of the system prompt, yes. This is a vocal voice. It is obviously the kind of voice that has emotions. It is still spoken in English. Of course, Li Huailin can understand it.

When talking about Dr. Hoffman, Li Huailin directly looked at the lantern next to him. Yes, he knew that this lantern had a relationship with Dr. Hoffman. At least the dna is the same. I don’t know what it is. . However, when Li Huailin looked at the lantern, he found that this thing was no different.

"I don't know who you are, but if you see this image, I have a very important thing to tell you. All the propaganda content you have heard before is a lie! This paradise is just a zheng house. A conspiracy, there is also a plan called the Ark plan, which is the real purpose of the park, and you are just being..."

"Dr. Hoffman, they are coming!" Suddenly another voice slammed in, and Li Huailin took a look, because it should be the voice inside the video.

Just after the sound was finished, the video here was gone, and it suddenly ended.

"The promotion video has been played, now is the gift time for the company." The prompts here suddenly rang again.

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