All Things Wrong

Chapter 3089: Unreasonable skill

"No matter what, anyway, let's take it first." Li Huailin said to the next call to the jade emperor.

Summon the Jade Emperor nodded, the two also stood up directly, while standing up, the sofa they were sitting on was also directly down, this is really obvious. But at the same time, the other side of the table slowly rose, it is obvious that the two people go there to take things.

Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor quickly came to the side of the table and saw two pieces of crystal-sized things on the stage. Looking at this situation, is this a gift for them?

“Is this what?” Li Huailin picked up a piece and then observed it directly. There is nothing special about this crystal. It is a completely transparent crystal that looks like an ordinary crystal. They can't open the system status bar now, of course, they can't use the system's authentication function, so I don't know what it is, but how to look at it is not a special thing. Is it really a souvenir?

“Congratulations to the two special skills crystals donated by the company.” Suddenly there was a special sound on the table. This sound is different from the one they heard before. It’s a bit like the previous video. The sound of the arrival, very soon, there was a new influence in front of them. Just above the table, the person who appeared really was the shape of the beauty in the previous propaganda film, but it is obvious that this beauty is not Real people, estimated to be virtual characters.

"Skills crystal?" Li Huailin pays attention to the name of this thing, "that is, what can get skills? What skills?"

“This is a skill crystal specially made for the lucky ones who are qualified to visit the company. Its function is to enable you to create a special skill yourself. When you enter the world of paradise, you can use your own creation. Skills." The beauty here introduced.

“Create your own skills?” Li Huailin squatted a little. “It sounds like nothing special. Isn’t it just that you can trigger your own skills? But... sometimes it’s not possible to trigger yourself...”

Li Huailin also remembered that he had been trying to trigger a dragon flash for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was for the people who couldn't get it out for a long time to get the skills they wanted.

"What skills are all right?" asked the caller Jade Emperor here.

“Almost create all the skills you want,” said the beauty here.

"How do you get it?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Do you want to start creating this skill now?" said the beautiful woman here. Summon Jade Emperor and Li Huailin nodded. They were very curious. So the table here has changed a little again, very quickly. A new machine appeared in front of Li Huailin.

"Now insert this crystal and choose the effect of the skills you want. After the selection is complete, click on the confirmation to create the skills you want." The beauty here said.

Li Huailin looked at it. There is indeed a jack on the machine here, and this jack seems to be almost the same size as the crystal they hold in their hands. It is obvious that they are plugged in from here. Li Huailin looked at the summoning jade emperor next to him and summoned the Jade Emperor and nodded. "I will try first."

Summon the Jade Emperor to pick up the crystal directly, and then put it into the machine here, just at the moment of putting it in, the machine on this side has a huge screen. This screen appears directly on the top of the machine, of course, it is projected, Li Huailin and summoned Jade Emperor can see this screen.

"Now you can choose the skills you want." The beauty here also said.

The two quickly looked at the display on the screen and found that the screen displayed here was divided into several projects, and Li Huailin quickly understood the situation of these projects. Yes, this screen is roughly divided into several parts. First, the first part shows “must start (100%), 50% chance to launch, 30% chance to launch, 10% chance to launch, very small probability to launch (1%-5) %)......etc." These are obviously the probability of the skill being launched.

If you speculate this, the second line shows the target that was launched. Yes, there are enemy single targets, themselves, targets being attacked, enemy targets within 30 yards, all targets within 30 yards, etc. Wait for a bunch of options.

The third line is the specific effect of this skill, this effect is also very much, really what effect, including damage, percentage deduction of blood, plus buff and other normal, there is similar movement, transmission even the original Earth explosions and the like, and you can set specific options after you click in, especially complete.

After Li Huailin looked at the back, the latter is the option of the cooldown and cast time of this skill. This is easier to understand, so it is obvious that this homemade skill can really create a skill that you want. s things. Simply put, this is to let you choose the skill effect you want through these options, and then you can get this skill.

"Is this thing too buggy?" Li Huailin was also slightly stunned because he could already think of a combination of unsolvable skills, but he quickly found out that something was wrong, because it is obvious that these options are In addition to the effect, he also saw a strange number.

"What does this 5pt mean?" Li Huailin pointed to a number that appeared in it. Yes, what he said is the number that appears after the "must start" option in the option of launching. This number shows 5pt, don't know what meaning.

"The two skills that can be created have an upper limit on the score. This score is called the pt score. Just like the two see, each option has a certain score, and the total score of the skills you can create. Add up to no more than 10pt." The beauty here introduced.

"Oh... this way, is there a limit?" Li Huailin nodded. It turned out to be limited. Think about it too. Otherwise, the skills created are really too buggy? For example, if you create a skill that must be launched and all enemy units within 30 yards die, you are simply too exaggerated. But now look at it, this skill can not be done, yes must be launched is 5pt, all enemy targets within 30 yards 2pt, death effect 7pt, plus cooling and casting time, the total score is more than 10 points too much It is. If you have to do it, you can make a very small probability (1% - 5%) to let the enemy single target suddenly die, but the cooling time is 10 minutes, and the casting time is 1 second. What kind of tricks does this skill have? It is better to slash a 10-minute gambling, and it is better to cut it directly. So this self-created skill is obviously still a bit balanced.

This makes people feel a headache, and you need to think about it. Both Li Huailin and Summon Jade Emperor began to think about it. After a little bit, both of them found that the skills of comparing bugs could not be done. The scores were not enough.

"Md said that it is good to deal with the power of the gods? How is this kind of skill that is not up to the top, is it that I am looking for the wrong thing?" Li Huailin did not know that the future power of the gods is what he said. It’s not this gift, because this thing I want to deal with God King always feels wrong, or I haven’t found a special skill effect?

"In short, sending a skill is also good." Li Huailin said, "Be a skill first."

"What skills?" Summon the Jade Emperor did not think about it, asked Li Huailin.

"Right!" Li Huailin suddenly flashed a flash of light, this self-made skill has some useful places, he finally knows, that is the question of the rationality of skills. If you have ordinary skills, there is a question of rationality. The so-called rationality is of course in line with general thinking. For example, the skills added to your teammates are of course the skills of gain, and the skills given to the enemy are of course If you are deducting blood or weakening, it is impossible to add something that can only be added to your teammates. It is also a direct deduction of blood or weakened skills. This is simply unreasonable. But this thing can create such unreasonable skills, and Li Huailin, what is needed now is this unreasonable skill.

"Hey? No, what is the use of this skill?" Hearing Li Huailin’s statement, summoning Jade Emperor is also a glimpse. I don’t understand what Li Huailin is doing.

"Trust me, it's useless to others, but for me this skill is still very useful." Li Huailin said, "I will count on you this buff."

"Are you sure?" summoned the Jade Emperor to ask, although he is very convinced of Li Huailin, but this sounds really ridiculous.

"Definitely determined." Li Huailin said, "Try to see how many pt points you want."

"Overall rating? What is that?" Just after summoning the Jade Emperor's choice, there is also an overall rating option, summoning the skills selected by Jade Emperor to display an overall score of -5.

"This is a score based on the appraisal to confirm the practicality of the skill you selected. The combination of the skill combinations you have chosen currently fails. If you choose this effect, you can subtract 5pt from the original total score." The beauty here introduces.

"That means you can choose 15pt skills right, and finally you can reduce 5pt." Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." The beautiful woman here replied.

"Well, that's better, come here, try to get the biggest try here." Li Huailin nodded, then slammed a little, and summoned the skills of the Jade Emperor.

Must launch (5pt), target 30 yards within the friendly unit (1pt), moving speed and attack speed reduced, the effect is 2000%, duration 1 minute (7pt), instant (2pt), cooling time 1 minute (0pt) , a total of -5pt, a total of 10pt.

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