All Things Wrong

Chapter 3108: Sparring

Li Huailin tested it for a while and now it is getting better. Yes, since I discovered the specific way of thinking about something, Li Huailin found that the operation was indeed quite simple. To describe it in a relatively simple way, imagination also needs a carrier. Once it is specific, it can quickly understand the purpose of the thing, and it can be manipulated by itself. Of course, it is much simpler.

So Li Huailin's practice progress is also a lot faster, and he has developed a lot of strange skills and the like. While he is still practicing on his side, there is something out there in the Magnesia Forum on the other side. Of course, these things are also related to Li Huailin.

Yes, the discussion in the forum now is the situation of Li Huailin. In fact, most of the players in the Magnesia area do not know what happened. They know that there is a huge movement in the forest next to the main city. There is no special treasure, or a strange hidden task, but the problem is that there was some unexpected accident. A full-bomb launch allowed many players who went there to find hidden missions or hide bosses to get a meal ticket.

But what is going on here, the players here don’t really know how they died, because they didn’t see them and they were shot by a beam of light, but there is a systematic record here, yes they It was killed by the player's "Jianrui Lin". This record is available, and the players in the Magnesia area know each other.

This guy is not the captain of Huaxia District, how they were killed by this person. However, the first reaction of everyone is not to say that the person they are looking for is the captain of the Huaxia District, but because there is a unique treasure here, and Li Huailin is here to find this thing, just to see a bunch of The man is ready to grab him, and then he will use the skills directly to clear the situation.

Even the former Bodo gang who was closest to Li Huailin said that it was not clear what happened. Yes, they did see that the attack was free, and then he was shot and killed. They saw that they were killed by Li Huailin. In this case, should this thing be Li Huailin’s summoner? But the question is... What is Li Huailin doing here? In the previous earth-shattering situation, they could not imagine that this was Li Huailin’s, so Li Huailin’s purpose here is also very fascinating. However, according to common sense, the other party should also come directly to take things after seeing the movement. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

That Li Huailin has appeared. This unknown thing is even more precious. Although they look at Li Huailin’s unhappy, Li Huailin’s strength is still recognized, and the other party’s eye-catching things are definitely good things. That's too much. This thing is obviously something that was born in Magnesia. Li Huailin actually ran here to grab their things. How do you let them endure, so the players in Magnesia began to be filled with indignation.

Yes, Li Huailin’s image in the player area of ​​Magnesia is very bad. This is inexplicably taxed, and the players on their side are very painful. The players in the area have left the game, just to express the protest, and the actual results they found, no use, the game company simply ignored. This kind of obvious discrimination has made this group of Magnesium people very unhappy.

However, now people are blatantly running to their side to grab their talents, and they certainly can't look at Li Huailin to take things away, although they don't know what it is until now. But the question is what to do, yes, they are really a little scared of Li Huailin now, because the guys who have been looking for this guy have eaten a lot of losses, and they have a long time, even if they are very upset. But when they want to find Li Huailin's troubles, their hearts are still a bit imaginary.

So now the forum in Magnesia is really awkward. Of course, the most troubled person, I can’t wait to find Li Huailin’s troubles now, but will the most powerful people who are going to go? Of course it won't be, yes, they just stand and talk without hurting, just a slap in the face, provoke the anger of everyone, you let them go? Sorry, they are not stupid, just to see if there is no stupid 13 really go.

But although most of the people are joining in the fun, there are people who are seriously considering. Yes, Li Huailin’s behavior has really caused public outrage, and it has seriously affected the interests of some people. In this case, they must consider solving this problem, so since the last time, there have been some preparations for Li Huailin. The joint organization that started. The purpose of their joint efforts is very simple, that is to eliminate the trouble of Li Huailin, for which they have also made a lot of preparations for the targeted.

Yes, Li Huailin now has a lot of skills that are exposed in the front. Although these skills are very buggy, but the targeted research and response, it seems that it is not completely impossible to deal with, at least they think so. After this incident, these people also gathered together to open a meeting.

"The timing is not yet mature," one of them said. "Although we have done some research before, but so much time has passed, I am worried that this guy has some new abilities, so this is the best bird. Don't let us do it, otherwise it will be easy to have problems."

"Yeah." The people next to them also agreed. Yes, now they also know that Li Huailin is a difficult guy to deal with, so even if it is targeted, be cautious.

"Exactly we can also test his new abilities." Another person said, "Is this not a good opportunity? We don't need to expose it. Just send someone to test it. Just test our previous research tube. does not work."

Yes, he meant that they didn’t study some of Li Huailin’s previous skills, but they also had some coping, but these responses were also tested on Li Huailin’s body to be successful, so let’s just test them now. If these methods are useful, they can also force out some new skills of Li Huailin. When they get some new information, isn't that good?

"But if the other party is going to retaliate, what should I do?" Yes, Li Huailin, who likes to retaliate against others, has provoked the other party to be angry, and then gave them some revenge, such as the East Asian side. What to do if they are not allowed to go online.

"Then we don't provoke him to be angry, isn't it finished?" said another person here. "It's just a test. Anyway, when you don't want to tear your face with the other side, you don't expose us. Only, let us not go online, the guy should not be so embarrassed."

Yes, their purpose is not to kill Li Huailin. Even if he succeeded in killing Li Huailin, can he solve the current problem? Of course it is impossible. They have to do more than just deal with Li Huailin. They have to find a way to deal with Li Huailin’s men and disintegrate his rule. Therefore, the preparations are completely inadequate. They are just trials, so they do not use the truth. The death of Li Huailin made him angry. It’s enough to send someone to try Li Huailin’s skills now, and kill them by killing them. Send a wave, you can’t be angry and they can’t go online.

Others thought about it, it seems that this is also the case. Although Li Huailin is a guy who is very confusing, there is still reason to do things. The people in East Asia are being labeled as because they had actively invaded the Huaxia server, and there is a reason. And here they send people out to send a wave, as long as the purpose of the test is not exposed, you win, and you can't say it again.

So they started to prepare here. Of course, Li Huailin is completely unaware of this situation. He is still testing the root cause. He has tested a lot of changes here, but now he also encountered One problem, that is, if one is testing, there are many situations that cannot be tested.

"Looking for a few men to try?" Li Huailin thought about it, or else he would find some of his own holy hands to try out the effects of the battle, but really Li Huailin is worried about killing himself, now roots He is also not very clear about the situation. It is best to find a few enemies to test, or else you can't kill the players, but the magician players you know are really not many. Your fiancee Su Ruoyan counts one, the other is The national team's dream is true, but the other party can't help him test it. After all, it may die. For professional players, the level of experience is still very important.

When Li Huailin was a little bit guilty, the helpers appeared. Yes, Li Huailin now has a large open space. The former forest has been blown up by Li Huailin. Those who come to Li Huailin’s troubles can’t sneak up. After a little gathering, they appear. In front of Li Huailin.

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin was also slightly stunned, because he had not seen himself killing the player's battle record before. Li Huailin really didn't know that he had killed many people by mistake. It’s a bit strange to see this group of people appearing Li Huailin, but I quickly want to understand it. It’s estimated that when I called the magic energy before, it caused a huge movement, let the players think that there are bosses here, now it’s time to play. Boss. Of course, this is just right, I just want to try my ability, this gang is really a charity.

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