All Things Wrong

Chapter 3117: office

"Speaking of how you escaped here?" Li Huailin asked, yes, the strange thing here is the company's problem, mainly the authority. Since I know that Hoffman has betrayed, I should eliminate it in the first place. The other party's authority, but the company here did not do this, Li Huailin is also very curious that Hoffman did this.

"At the time, we found out the company's plans behind it, so we were going to stop those who were going to use this server, but we couldn't leave the company directly. After all, the company had already begun to doubt us. If we leave casually, we will be the other party. Take away," Hoffman said. "So we discussed it a few times and decided to move the propaganda film. The first people who came in were definitely the reporters. I think those reporters would see this if they saw this. It should be possible to wear this message to the outside person."

"This way." Li Huailin nodded slightly, can not go out, it is also a way, but the success rate is not very high, after all, if someone has seen the promo, then it will be discovered.

"But I didn't expect that our action to modify the promo was discovered," Hoffman said.

This Li Huailin also knows that behind the propaganda film is not Hoffman said that he left directly, it is estimated that it was discovered by the company at that time.

"There is no way to go out. We thought of going into the paradise world to avoid it, but the other party chased it up." Hoffman continued. "The other people were caught back. At the time, I had no choice but to be right. Someone helped me at the time."

“Helped you? Who is it?” Li Huailin asked.

"It is an npc with self-awareness. The other party seems to have developed a strange system. Before we also cooperated, the other party said that it seems to be able to save my life information. Later, I didn't know much about it," Hoffman said. .

"So you don't know why this central person is gone now, is it?" Li Huailin said.

"Of course, I wouldn't be so surprised," Hoffman said. "What happened here? Looking at this situation, is it that our approach works? Someone who came in saw this promo, then Let the people know about it, then the plan is abandoned, so the people here are leaving here?"

"I don't think this is the case," Li Huailin said. "First of all, this possibility is too small. Yes, you have obviously betrayed here. The other side should also find that you are propagating the little tricks in the film, even if it is Check it out and check it out. It should still be necessary to eliminate this hidden danger, but it is not. The promotional film is still not modified. More importantly, if it is made by the Zheng government, even if it is discovered, it can be If I want to fool the past, I am more inclined to have any accidents, and after you have just escaped, there is an accident here. Otherwise, you cannot explain the authority problem on your side."

"What an accident?" Hoffman asked.

"How do I know, you ask me who I ask." Li Huailin spread his hand. "But this accident should happen suddenly. Otherwise, it will not be possible to eliminate your authority. Yes, this place has monitoring and the like. Something?"

"Monitoring... The image record should be there, but it should be managed by the security department. I may not have this permission here." Hoffman thought about it.

Li Huailin nodded. This is not very strange. After all, Hoffman is just a system engineer. It is strange to be able to look at the monitor casually. But without monitoring, there is naturally no way to know what happened.

"I thought about it." At this time, Hoffman suddenly said, "My personal computer, if it is still working, maybe the camera can take something."

"Personal computer? Where is it?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"This side." Hoffman directly led the way, it seems to be going to the second floor, but there was a problem in the process of going to the second floor. The elevator on the side asked Li Huailin’s identity. After all, the second floor was The work area is a restricted area, and Li Huailin’s current status is only the accompanying staff. But of course Hoffman is now, the identity is still relatively simple, so Li Huailin turned into a researcher under Hoffman, of course, Hoffman also has no right to go up to the position, he is this level The need for the upper level of the company to pass, but the identity of a researcher who helps research, he can still give.

With this identity, Li Huailin had the right to enter the second floor, so he quickly followed Hoffman to the second floor and went to the door of one of the rooms. Before this room, Li Huailin and Summon Jade Emperor had not come yet. The room here is still a lot. Before Li Huailin, not all of them had visited, and this should be Hoffman’s office. .

Hoffman also said while walking. He is the head of one of the information engineering teams here. He originally had six researchers, and the six researchers later participated in the operation with him. But they were all taken before Hoffman, and Hoffman should be the only one to escape and find a way to get out, and this lab, which is the lab of several of them, is

Sure enough, the door was slightly asked, and the door opened very quickly. In front of Li Huailin was a room that looked like the office that I had visited before. There was no difference in the furnishings, just a few desks. Almost nothing else, the only difference from the room I saw before is that the room here is particularly clean, and there are nothing on the desks.

"What?" Hoffman, who had just entered this side, immediately said, "This is not right, someone has moved my desk."

"This is what I see." Li Huailin looked at the empty table and said, "This investigation is quite normal."

Hoffman here immediately pressed on his desk, and soon a screen-like thing popped up here, but it was directly holographically displayed. Hoffman pressed a few times with his volley. The unlocked information pops up quickly.

"Oh... strange, although they checked my desk, but it didn't seem to move my personal computer." Hoffman looked at it a little, then said, "The information on the machine is still there."

"Is it?" Li Huailin was a little surprised. She had time to check the table. How could she not have time to check her personal computer? This seems to be a bit unreasonable. After thinking about it, Li Huailin did not care what happened, and asked directly, "What about the image data?"

", how are you so much?" Hoffman shouted directly. Li Huailin looked at it. Yes, Li Huailin, the operating system of this personal computer, has never seen it, but it can still be guessed by looking at icons and the like. To the basic role, Li Huailin saw that Hoffman’s side was really a bunch of documents, which were estimated to be video files.

"This... is there a year?" Hoffman slammed a little, "Well..."

"What a bad?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, I remembered it. Although the video file is available, the problem is that it seems that I will only record one year, and then it will replace the previous one." Hoffman said, "This... I have been dead for a long time, and there have been videos from a year ago. I have been in the company for 4 months."

After a long time, Li Huailin didn't know. Yes, he didn't tell Hoffman that this was in the game before the year ago. According to this calculation, this company may be considered a matter of thousands of years ago. However, it is not certain that the time flow rate inside the company is the same as in the game. However, it is estimated that the time of the plants in the garden outside is not too short. It must be empty for a long time.

Sure enough, Hoffman here also opened the earliest video file, recording the situation a year ago, the location of the recording is the situation around the personal computer, this video is also a 360-degree video of the holographic panorama, but a pity It’s no different from what I’ve seen so far. It’s true that a year ago, this room was what they saw now.

"This...we can't see anything." Hoffman thought about it and said, "The files that were deleted will be stored in the database, but if you want to go in, I will get the instructions above. .but now……"

"This way I can't see it." Li Huailin asked.

"Probably," Hoffman said. "Unfortunately, if you come here, there will be nothing to gain here. The important information should be on the third floor, but on the third floor, I can't go up like this..."

"Harvest... it’s not that there is no." Li Huailin suddenly said.

"Well?" Hoffman looked at Li Huailin a little strangely. Yes, it seems that he did not have any gains at all. He did not know what Li Huailin said.

"At least I thought of a possibility. It is obvious that someone checked your desk, but the information on the personal computer has not been deleted." Li Huailin said.

"And you said, they had an accident, didn't have time?" Hoffman asked.

"No, permission, and so on, I can't wait to change it, but this personal computer, open the deletion of such a simple thing, the other party did not do it, it is very likely that the other party can not open." Li Huailin said.

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