All Things Wrong

Chapter 3127: Adjustment equipment

Yes, Liu Wei and Liu Yanjun, the mother and son, Li Huailin certainly will not return. The information they know is a bit too much, although they are all in a state of arrogance.

Li Huailin looked at Liu Yanjun. The other party was too small to estimate what he could not understand. Liu Wei, here, can understand the situation, but obviously does not believe it. Yes, the other party estimates that this is the design inside the game. The plot, and the like, is that the human being in the game has encountered the task of a big crisis. Of course, she can’t connect with the real world. So the current situation is still worried about Li Huailin’s side, or afraid of Li Huailin. What to do with his husband.

Although the two did not understand all the current situations, Li Huailin could not just send them back. First, although they did not understand, but told Liu Heyun, the other party estimated that they could guess a lot of things, so this information Li Huailin is not Will be handed over to Liu Heyun, the reason has been said before.

On the other hand, Li Huailin is now coming back here at any time, and he is only a senior engineer. Like Hoffman, the third floor has no authority. If you don’t go down, you have to keep coming. Liu Yanjun came here, so of course he could not send people back.

Of course, it’s strange to buckle someone’s wife and children, but Li Huailin didn’t have a reason for it. It’s just taking your wife’s child as a hostage. Although it’s a reason for editing, I’m still following this. The reason is better. The two of them are of course directly on the side of Zhang Yonglin. Li Huailin has no time to take care of them. As for Zhang Yonglin, will this department and the two people inquire about the situation?

The current information, if uploaded, will be transmitted to the ears of the high-rises of China. It is not in the ears of the Group of Four. Li Huailin considered it a little. In the words of the Group of Four, Li Huailin really did not want to give them any information, but On the Huaxia side, he felt that he gave it a little bit, and the other party wanted to ask them to ask them.

"You two are currently living here for a few days now." Li Huailin said to Liu Wei, "I may find you something, of course, it is also a matter of opening the door. You should not contact the outside world in these few days. After going out here, I will let you see your husband in the right way, and prove that the other party has nothing to do now, but if you don't cooperate, I can't guarantee anything."

Li Huailin means that after going out, let the other party see if Liu Heyun is still alive and kicking. Of course, they are not allowed to communicate. The other party is indeed alive and kicking. This is not a lie, it should be able to convince Liu Wei.

Sure enough, Liu Wei thought about it here, but also chose to cooperate. She really does not understand what Li Huailin wants in the end, but since she can guarantee that her husband is fine, Liu Wei is also willing to do what Li Huailin said. After all, the other party now only needs to provide permission to open the door.

"Wow, you really look like a villain now," said the summoned jade emperor next to him.

"You can rest assured, I am definitely not, because the villains need to explain the ins and outs, and I can't figure out what the situation is, and there is no basic standard for the villains." Li Huailin said, "Go, go and study what senior engineer Suit, don't know what it is."

Although I don't know the road, there are ai guidelines here, and Li Huailin quickly found the so-called preparation room. Yes, this preparation room is not on the second floor, but on the first floor, just next to the room that was sent in. Li Huailin in this room had been there before, but there was nothing in it. Li Huailin was wondering what the room was doing before, but the first floor was a recreation room. They didn’t pay any attention, and left without leaving anything.

But this time there was a change in the back. Yes, there were a lot of new things in the wall, and the whole room was different. Li Huailin looked at it, mainly because there were two tables, one of which was clearly placed with two sets of things.

Li Huailin walked over and looked at it. The two sets of things in front of him should be the senior engineer suit that he had said before. Of course, he and the summoned Jade Emperor each had a set. Now these things are still in a glass cover, Li Huailin walks. When entering, one of the glass covers automatically opened and opened. It should be that ai detected that he came over and had permission to use it, so he opened it.

Looking at the things inside the glass cover, the first thing is like a tablet computer. Yes, Li Huailin saw that there is a monitor board. The first thing I thought of was the tablet. I don’t know what this thing is. use. In addition to this, Li Huailin also saw that there was a flashlight next to it, but it was a relatively small flashlight, and there was a relatively obvious circular light on it, but Li Huailin did not see any switch or something like this. It is estimated that it is not a real flashlight. What is the use... I still don’t know.

In addition to these two things, Li Huailin still saw a more familiar thing. What appeared in front of Li Huailin was two crystal-like things. This thing Li Huailin had seen, it was just like the gift that was obtained before, and then the shape is similar, but the color is slightly changed. The previous crystal was transparent, and the two in the hand were light blue. Of course, there is still something in it.

"This thing is very similar to the one we got before." Summon Jade Emperor said.

"Yeah." Li Huailin pointed to the table next to him and said, "Isn't the artificial ai mentioned in the preparation room to make adjustments? It seems to be adjusting this thing now. It seems that the engineer can get two more. The skill and the like, but this color seems to be a little different from the previous one, I don't know if there is any other function.

"Maybe... Is it a little more pt points?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"First...try it." Li Huailin walked to the side of the table, and sure enough, the table here also extended a slot directly. Seeing this familiar picture, Li Huailin also inserted one of the things directly into the handle. . Sure enough, here is a familiar page.

"Sure enough, is this thing?" Li Huailin said, "I see... what changes have come... I haven't found it, it seems to be 10 pt, not much."

Yes, the total pt above shows 10 points, Li Huailin did not see any difference. It’s strange that there’s a sudden sound next to it, of course not calling the voice of the Jade Emperor.

“It was detected that the engineer entered the paradise world for the first time, and he listened to the instructions for using the equipment.” The ai voice here said.

"Where, is there a manual? It’s been a long time since I have seen such an amiable thing." Yes, Li Huailin has encountered almost everything that needs to be studied by himself, such as the temple. The thing, finally saw a thing that comes with its own instructions, Li Huailin said that it is really very intimate, or modern technology is good.

"Quickly explain." Li Huailin immediately said.

“The advanced engineer suite, display device, terrain selection device, and two blue skill crystals here.” Ai said here, “display devices and terrain selection devices can help engineers detect game characters and terrain within the game. And adjustments, while the functional crystal test provides easy operation."

"People... Terrain adjustment?" Li Huailin suddenly realized a problem. Yes, he wanted these things to deal with the King of God, but these things were not originally used. The game engineer’s job is just to check the game. In the case of the npc, the situation of the terrain building, and then the exclusion of some bugs and the like, these things are also working for this, so this set of things in Li Huailin's hand... really only used for adjustment. On the other hand, it is estimated that the things in the hands of those in the Security Division are of the type of combat.

“The display device and terrain selection tool can be used after entering the paradise world. For details, please refer to the internal manual. The skill crystal skill can be adjusted on one side of the skill machine. Here, the displacement type skill is recommended to facilitate the engineer to work.” Ai here continues to say, "Compared skill flying skills, transfer skills."

Li Huailin listened to the other party and looked at the situation, then he found a different place. Yes, this is really different from the previous one. He found that the pt value corresponding to the inability of the skill effect has changed. For example, flying, Li Huailin found that the skill effect now consumes 0pt. Yes, Li Huailin does not remember. But certainly not 0, but now it is getting less. The transmission is also, I still need to remember a lot before, but it is still 0pt.

Seeing here, Li Huailin almost understands that the blue skill crystal used by this engineer is different from the general crystal. The displacement type skill needs to decrease the pt value, which means that you can make a few very hanging displacements. Skills, it is very convenient to use, it is estimated that it is convenient for you to fly around for inspection.

"Displacement skills." Li Huailin has a little headache. Yes, I can imagine that the pt is the displacement skill. The security department is estimated to be the pt value of the attack skill. This is obviously better for him. Unfortunately, I do not have this permission.

However, after a little look, Li Huailin had a little other discovery.

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