All Things Wrong

Chapter 3129: aisle

"No, summon, you think about it. When you open the game, the opposite king of God is facing me and calling Dad. The scene is so spectacular. Is this really too hoist?" Strongly opposed, Li Huailin is really a little bit of this skill, although he really wants it, so he can finally try to convince the jade emperor, of course, still can't. Yes, this skill can barely be regarded as a control skill. This skill has nothing to do with control skills.

"Rejected, you give me a serious selection of attack skills. Our current skills don't seem to pose any threat to the King of God. Are you considering this issue?" Summon Jade Emperor said, "You use this power." What is the use of insulting the other's skills, why don't you choose a skill that shows Wang Ba on the other's face."

"Cute, summon you absolutely, I see if there is such a skill." Li Huailin is a shock, the expression of "still you will play", so that the summoned Jade Emperor really wants to hit people.

So she just played directly, which made Li Huailin find it hard to be beaten here. So this is really a very hanging skill or failed to pass, Li Huailin can only continue to look for.

"Hey, call, really have the skills to display text on others. Well, okay, I won't say it." Li Huailin looked at the jade emperor who was screaming on the head, or chose to shut up. In theory, this skill is really useless, but Li Huailin really wants it.

After thinking about it, it’s better to be serious. Calling the Jade Emperor is right. Now it’s true that you should find a skill that can threaten the King of God. Li Huailin has seen that the King of God has been injured only twice, once for himself. When the roots of the side were liberated, they cut each other, but the injury of the other side was quickly restored. The other time is that the future himself directly defeated the **** king with strange skills. His skill not only hurts the **** king, but also makes the other party unable to recover for a while, then the future self is used. What skills are coming? Is it a skill that can be pinched out here?

It’s a bit strange to think about God’s injury now. After all, God King is a player. Players here will not be hurt. At most, they add a debuff, but the gods look at the time. It seems that it is really hurt. In this case, the King of God is not a player, or it may be the same as Zhang Youdong, but it seems that it is useless.

When Li Huailin thought about it, he looked around at the skills and looked at the skills. He said that there are a lot of abilities, especially the ability to attack types, but unfortunately The number of points is not enough with these abilities. If pt does not have a bonus, it is a bit of a loss. The group does not have any special attack skills. Li Huailin did not know whether he would get a security guard's quota or a higher authority in the future. Otherwise, he could not find the skills that could threaten the king of God.

"Hey, this effect..." Looking at Li Huailin suddenly swept a special skill, and I saw this skill. Li Huailin also thought of something for the first time. This skill effect is called Space Unicom. After seeing this effect, Li Huailin also asked about the ai next to it. Isn't there an auxiliary ai here? Li Huailin can ask the specific situation.

Slightly asked, Li Huailin probably knows the situation. Yes, this skill is similar to what I think. It is to open two doors. Then the two doors are connected to each other. The first skill is to mark a place. Then mark another place, then the two places can be connected. Li Huailin specifically asked how big the door is. The answer is about a circular passage about 2.5 meters in diameter.

Li Huailin cares about this skill because this skill is similar to the skill in an old game that he has played. It is an orange door, and then a blue door, the game on both sides, and remember correctly. There is another usage of the portal in this game, that is, opening a door under your own feet, then opening a door at the top of the head, and then you jump down, it will continue to fall in the air.

Yes, if this can be done, isn't there a new application? Li Huailin has a skill that allows people to fall directly from the air, and it is still incapable of moving. On the way, Li Huailin chose to dig the ground directly for control, but this is still limited. However, only two doors can be opened here. If you pass it, you can keep the other party falling. With two skills, isn't this a perfect control skill?

It seems that not only can this skill be matched with this skill, is Li Huailin not having a floating skill before, if it acts on someone else's body, it can make the opponent's moving speed directly reduce to 0, unable to act, in addition, Can let the other party float directly, so that even if the other party is on the ground, Li Huailin seems to be able to let the other party fly, and then directly use the skills of the grandfather, and then open a door on each other's top and bottom, this is not a three skill match. Is the perfect imprisonment skill?

Of course, before this, Li Huailin still needs to know the scope of application of this skill. Yes, he knows that the game can only open the door on the wall. In this case, the set of strokes seems to be used indoors only, but Li Huailin asked a little. This skill does not require that it must be opened on the wall. It can be opened out of thin air, as long as Li Huailin chooses any position within 30 yards on the target selection.

In this case, the practicality of this skill is really high, of course, this is also a unique type of skill, not an attack skill, it is estimated that the original intention is only used for transmission. Of course, there is an engineer's crystal reduction on the displacement skill side, so it is still very cost-effective.

"Summon what do you think of this?" Li Huailin still asked the idea of ​​summoning Jade Emperor next to him. Yes, after all, the other party has been worrying about it. Of course, while talking about one side and summoning Jade Emperor to explain his own usage.

"Actually... it's quite reliable." After summoning the Jade Emperor, he nodded after listening. "It can be used as a displacement skill and as a control skill. It is quite cost-effective."

"So you see that the skill before me has already considered this situation, it is simply farsighted." Li Huailin said.

"Oh... I believe." Calling the Jade Emperor to help the amount, "but don't choose an attacking skill? So we still can't pose any threat to the King of God. If the skill is successful, it will only trap the other side, and it is not permanent."

Yes, the summoned Jade Emperor immediately saw it. Although this skill seems to be able to permanently trap the other party, there is still a limit, that is, the time to open the door. Of course, this portal has a continuous time, and this duration is not long. If the duration disappears, the natural gate will be gone. In other words, if you want to trap each other, you need to reduce the cooling time. Even if the duration is the same as the cooling time, that is to say, the door can be opened indefinitely, but the problem is that the caster must always be present, but also depends on the opportunity to pick the right time to pick up the skills.

It is impossible to summon the Jade Emperor. If this skill is the same as that of Li Huailin, the other party will always be in a falling state, and the falling state will always accelerate. This is affirmative. So when the end of the skill duration, the speed of the opponent has reached the level of metamorphosis, and it will fall to the ground in a short time. In such a short period of time, if you want to directly connect to the skill, it is estimated that it cannot be done, so the other party is sure. There is still a moment to move, this skill can not be put all the time.

Since this is the case, summoning the Jade Emperor feels that he still chooses a positively-funded skill. If the positive side just passes the other side, there is no need to trap any uncomfortable problems, right? It’s not awkward to come to the other side.

Li Huailin certainly knows this. Although this is a very short time, the King of God is sure to be able to react. It is almost impossible to control the other side. "But I looked at the attack skills here is really not suitable. We have no bonus points in the selection of attack skills here. It is a relatively bad situation. The group does not have any good skills. I have seen this skill. It is the most suitable now."

"Well..." Summon Jade Emperor is also nodding. She is not watching it. Li Huailin said that it is correct. "Let's see, there is still time, maybe even better."

Li Huailin nodded, but after a little reading, I still couldn't find any other skills. I thought about it and decided to use this portal skill. Trying to combine it, Li Huailin found that the total score of this skill is 0 points. Yes, this is a relatively normal skill. It is a pity that it cannot be continued. Li Huailin tried to pull the skill effect, and the final skill was like this.

Must be launched (5pt), target 30 yards arbitrary position (2pt), mark a transfer point, use the mark second transfer point again, after the two transfer point marks are completed, form a space link for 4 minutes (1pt, engineer crystal reduction Effect), instant (2pt), cooldown 1 minute (0pt), total rating 0pt, total 10pt.

Li Huailin tried it, 4 minutes is the highest duration, and the other options can't be changed. There is really no way. However, in general, the skill of controlling the other side for 4 minutes is already very abnormal. The general skills are so exaggerated.

"Well?" After the selection, Li Huailin asked the next call to the jade emperor.

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