All Things Wrong

Chapter 3131: Rule source

Seeing Li Huailin’s expression doesn’t seem to be a joke. Zhang Yonglin’s side is also a little more serious. If you think about it, you should listen to Li Huailin’s. However, it is true that Zhang Yonglin is a bit awkward. Their department was originally to monitor Li Huailin's department. Now it seems that it has become Li Huailin's younger brother department directly. Although some of the changes, but still take Liu Wei mother and son off the assembly line, ask the situation to say it.

Liu Wei and her mother and son are of course very cooperative. They didn't want to log in to the game. Now Liu Wei wants to meet her husband and see if he is safe. Of course, Li Huailin and Zhang Yonglin have told me before. Let them solve it themselves.

What is left now is to summon the Jade Emperor and Li Huailin. When they see other people leaving, summoning the Jade Emperor also asks: "Now? What?"

"Look at the system prompts, you have received it." Li Huailin said.

"Well, I have it here too, I just looked at it." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded.

"You wait, I will look at it first," Li Huailin said.

System Tip: You have obtained a Senior Engineer Suite and activated the Rule Source System.

System Tip: You learned new skills through crystal.

System Tip: You learned new skills through crystal.

System Tip: Some of the powers of the world's laws provide you with the power of the source of the law.

There are a few tips that make Li Huailin slightly squat, and the first few Li Huailin can understand it. For example, the source of activation law, such as learning new skills, is expected, but the power of this world law. What is the power of the source of the law?

Of course, Li Huailin must first know what the source of this law is, so Li Huailin also directly opened the character page, first see if you can see this thing intuitively, for example, in the character status or skill bar display. Li Huailin soon discovered that there is actually a project in the status bar of his character. The name is the source of the law, and there is still a numerical value here. When Li Huailin saw it, it was also a glimpse. Is there a value?

The value displayed here is currently 78, but Li Huailin does not know the meaning of this 78. This is a statement similar to a currency, that is to say, the rule of the remaining 78 points is still a similar mana, that is, Say that you can use 78 points of magic to release skills, it is really a bit unintelligible.

"How many points do you show here?" Li Huailin asked and asked the next caller Jade Emperor, because she must have found this.

"21 points." Summon the Jade Emperor replied.

"21 o'clock?" Li Huailin said a little. "Why is my side showing 78 points? Is this high point better or lower?"

"Do you have 78 points? Is it so high?" summoned the Jade Emperor. "Although I don't know the way, it should be a little higher. You can click this value, then choose the specific, then there is a source, you can see These values ​​come from where they are added."

"And this feature?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Crap, other values ​​do not have this function?" Summon Jade Emperor looked at Li Huailin with a stern look. Yes, this function has always been there. Other values ​​such as attack defense, etc. You can show where your attack power or defensive power comes from, what equipment or buff bonuses are added. This feature is also used by professional players. After all, equipment and skill adjustments are often done. So summoning Jade Emperor is also surprised that Li Huailin actually does not know this function.

Li Huailin can only smile, after all, he is a pseudo-professional player, but he also quickly opened this specific situation to look at, and then Li Huailin showed the source.

Ontology: 0;

Dead Sword Glow: 10;

The root of the magic energy roots liberator form: 50;

Senior Engineer's Set: 10

Nuclear of the World: 8

"Oh..." Li Huailin looked at it a little, probably understood. Yes, this source provides 10 points for the glory, 50 points for the roots, and 10 points for the senior engineer's suit. As for the nuclear of the world, this Li Hualin remembers. Yes, this thing is the secret treasure. Li Huailin’s task of collecting secret treasures before is to find the task of the world’s nuclear. I did not expect this thing to provide the points of the law source, and just 8 o'clock, it is exactly the number of 8 secret treasures.

In this case, summoning the situation of the Jade Emperor is estimated to be 10 points for the Life Excalibur, and then the Senior Engineer Set 10 points. The other 1 point does not know what it is. Is it provided by the Ontology? Speaking of the present, summoning the Jade Emperor is also the body of the ancient dragon. Did you go to a few abyss of the abyss before you realized something like that?

Of course, the most unexpected thing for Li Huailin is the root cause. This thing can provide 50 points. Although I don’t know what the concept is, it should be very rare. After all, a secret treasure is worth 1 point. It is called The gm suit's senior engineer's suit is also 10 points, and the root cause is 50. What's even more amazing is that the same sword's glory is also 10 points. There is no harm without comparison. Li Huailin said that this may be really powerful. The value.

Li Huailin, of course, also summoned the Jade Emperor to talk about his own value. Hearing the root cause can provide 50 points, and summoning Jade Emperor is also very surprised.

"Why, it is obviously a sword, why do you especially hang?" summoned the Jade Emperor and said, "What is the liberator's form?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Li Huailin said, "If I know, I will liberate the glory here, so I have more than 100 points?"

Li Huailin’s claim to summon the Jade Emperor also believes that Li Huailin does not know it himself. Otherwise, why should he liberate one? After listening to Li Huailin’s words, summoning the Jade Emperor is also beginning to study how to make his own sword liberate.

"Is it necessary to communicate slightly with the Excalibur? After all, what is the situation of liberation? We don't know very well. You have a liberation here, and you have not liberated. Let's have a discussion?" Summon the Jade Emperor.

"This is ok, but before we can know the role of the point of this law source, if the effect of this point is relatively large, we are trying to liberate the Excalibur to increase the number of points." Li Huailin said.

"Well, this point..." summoned the Jade Emperor to think about it. "I think this thing should be used to consume points. Let's try what method to reduce the number of points." Understand its role."

"Then try first, anyway, I am trying to try the skills." Li Huailin said.

Yes, the two are not newly acquired two skills. The situation of this skill is of course a little try to know. Li Huailin certainly agrees with this plan.

Since it is originally in the city, of course, the most important place is the arena. There is a copy of the special pk duel in the arena. It can simulate various situations. The most important thing is that there will be no dead inside. Li Huailin is of course not afraid of death. He summoned the Jade Emperor to say that he should not be afraid of death, but he has been killed by the King of God once, so the life sword is not invincible. If it is really dead, white It’s a bit too bad to lose 10% of the experience. It’s not so easy to summon Jade Emperor.

So the two went directly to the arena, of course, this road must have been seen by the players next to them, two of them are the captain of the Huaxia national team, one is the strongest female player in Huaxia District, together with the companion, Is it like a war? So many people heard the news and came to see the situation, but it was a pity that Li Huailin and Summon Jade opened a duel in the arena, but the duel was private, that is, there was no bystander, which made these players a bit Disappointed, but although the disappointment did not see, the news was still circulated.

Of course, there are some love stories in the game magazines that are particularly strong in the gossip. Although many people have received the news of Li Huailin’s engagement, they are already engaged, and the weight of this gossip is high. Normal communication, although it is a news, but always feel that it is not so explosive, and there are already fiancee cases, this news is enough.

Li Huailin, of course, they didn’t care about this. They also studied a few skills that they just learned in the arena and see if the situation they just thought could be realized in actual combat. Then they are the two. Cooperate to see if it can be like that.

Of course, this time is already very late. Li Huailin does not intend to go offline today. Summon Jade Emperor originally wanted to go offline, but it is also a matter of time, so I am going to spend a night in the game. The two are also studying skills in the arena for a while, a little rest for a while, and a nap. Anyway, when waiting for a little bit of results, it is already the morning of the next day.

"I am going to wash it here, and you will go to rest for a while." Although Li Huailin didn't sleep much, but the quality of sleep during the break was really good, plus the brain cells did not seem to be active, so Sleep time is also reduced a lot, in short, the mental state is still pretty good. Calling the Jade Emperor seems to be a bit ugly, and Li Huailin is also letting her take a little rest and go to eat something.

Summon Jade Emperor directly nodded here, and then off the assembly line, Li Huailin certainly followed.

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