All Things Wrong

Chapter 805: Cofferdam

Secrabi couldn’t believe it, but he couldn’t help but he didn’t believe it, because at the same time as the soldier’s report, he had heard the shouting from the surroundings, and listening to the sound, the Sekrabi is basically sure. It is the army of the undead. ~

"This...this is impossible!" Sekrabi here knows what is going on. Now there is only one undead army in the dwarf country. He naturally knows which unit, but the other party should not Have you returned to the defensive? How would it appear here? Don't even have a hometown?

I have always paid attention to the Terran army. This time, Sekrabi found out that he had made a mistake. He actually forgot the undead troops that he thought had returned to the defense. The reconnaissance troops sent were mainly sent. The direction of the Terran forces did not go to the rear of the investigation, but it was too late to regret it.

"Collection! Array! Defensive formation!" Sekrabi on this side shouted to the surrounding, because suddenly attacked, and just when the soldiers on their side were preparing to rest, the soldiers had no formation at all. All of them are still sitting on the ground, so they hurriedly stood up and couldn’t find their own army’s own chiefs. It’s normal to add a group of enemies around, and panic is normal. Sekeraby here hurriedly shouted to reveal his position so that the troops could be concentrated.

Although this also has side effects, such a shouting, although the troops know where their generals are, the other side knows where the opposite general is, and when he hears the shouts of Sekrabi, the undead troops immediately find out. Directions, all coming towards Sekrabi.

At this time, the actual number of undead troops is not dominant. The dwarf's support force is 70,000, and the undead's troops are full of 41,000. However, the dwarven troops here are still defeated by the fight, and there is no feeling of resilience. The main reason is the sudden attack of the undead, and the second is the difference in physical strength.

Due to the rush of the road for several days, the soldiers of the Dwarf Force are basically in an empty physical state. It is already very fortunate to walk. They must also advance with armor weapons, because all the rear boundaries have been robbed by the Terran, without any supplies, which makes the dwarf soldiers more fortunate. When they arrived here, basically everyone has arrived at the station. I can't stand up, so once I get attacked, I don't even have the strength to hold a weapon, let alone counterattack.

The undead are just the opposite. The team has been resting here for a whole day, full of energy and replenishment, so it is very easy to fight with an offensive attack.

The result of this is that although the number of undead people is not dominant, but the dozens of people here immediately become unsuccessful. The troops that gathered around Secrabi were also defeated in an instant, and the circle of soldiers on the dwarf was quickly compressed. It was soon surrounded by a group.

"General, the soldiers are too tired, they can't stop the enemy's attack!" A general immediately reported to Secrabi.

"Can't stop it, but we must stop it. Otherwise we will be destroyed here. We are the last hope of His Royal Highness. If we all confess here, then the dwarf empire will really perish!" Sacramento muttered.

"But...but the general..." They all know that the problem is really unstoppable.

"Oh, this is the calculation of the Terran!" said Secrabi, who now understands why the Terran forces are not anxious to attack their main city but choose to slowly wait for their troops, completely It is to seduce them to speed up the road. Although Sekrabi has felt that something is wrong before, it is a pity that it is too late to see it now.

"General, the troops can't stand!" At this time a general of the dwarfs with blood was rushing from the front to the side of Secrabi.

"Katok God! Why do you want to abandon your people!" Knowing that you want to lose, here Sekerby yelled at the sky, said angrily, but naturally he would not get any response, there are still only constant dwarves around. The screams of the soldiers.

"I am the leader of the undead, thioc. Bansero! Which is the general of the dwarf, can dare to fight with me!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout here, and Sekrabi looked in the direction of the sound. A general of the undead who rode the undead horse appeared in his left direction. At first glance, he was the enemy's general-level character. Listening to the name of the thiok self-reported here, Secrabi immediately recognized him as an invading dwarf. One of the three undead lords.

The land was invaded, and the hatred of the compatriots was ignited in an instant. This time it seems that he can't escape, then he will die here, and even if he is dead, Secrabi wants to drag an enemy to die. . I thought of Sekerabi’s words, pulling the horses next to him and picking up his own weapons. He shouted at the thiok side: "The Supreme Second Army General Sergei is here, the undead is so horrible. Come and die!"

"Sekrabi? I seem to have heard of this name." The thiok here turned to look at the prevailing Secrabi, the name he really heard, but the first time against him is based on intelligence. Sekrabi should be a relatively famous general of the dwarfs. If it is taken down, it is estimated to be a great achievement. Thiek smiles slightly, and this credit is accepted by himself.

"Okay, it's you!" thiok selected the target and rushed straight toward Séléby. The same was true for Sekrabi, at least the same back to thiok, the two The distance quickly approached, and between the two, the two men were lucky at the same time and all the vindictiveness was cut towards the other side.

A loud bang, the two men's weapons violently collided, actually hit a tie, the impact of both were too fierce, causing both fell off, directly fell on the battlefield.

"Severe, it really is a general!" The thiol here is not light, but the advantage of the undead is still very obvious, that is, it will not bleed, a little dizzy, shake the head and sulphur will stand up again. .

Sekrabi is much worse here. The first thing is that he finds that his vindictiveness is not in a state of fullness, because he is also very tired. He has received much more damage from this blow, but because he originally It was a dead war, and I didn’t care about my physical condition at all. It was also a 120% strength. After a bloodthirsty roar, the Sekrabi was also standing up and rushing toward thiok.

"咣", the two slammed together again, but this time, the thiok here feels a lot easier, he can withstand the attack of the other side, and it seems that the other party's state is not very good.

"Old things, you can't move!" thiok said here with a smile.

"The **** undead, I want you to bury me!" Sekrabi also shouted.

When I was confronting, suddenly I slammed, I didn’t know where to fly a long arrow, and I shot it on the back of Sekrabi. The attention of Sekrabi is now all. In the front of the thiok, did not notice the surrounding situation, and this arrow is also very terrible, because this is just the key to the two people's confrontation.

"Wow", Sekrabi here directly spit out a blood, thiok can not see the arrow in the back of the other side, but also found this opportunity, directly raised his hand to the body of Sekrabi It is a knife.

"噗", this knife is cut from Secrabi's chest and directly hits the vital part. The blood seems to be spewing out of money, and it takes almost a moment to take Sekrabi's life away.

"Ha ha ha ha! The first work!" Phillips laughed here, directly pulling Syracius's hair, and then raising his hand is a knife, very perfect to be cut off by the other's head, and then high Lifting up and shouting around, "enemy Sekrabi, has been killed by my thiok!"

"What!" Hearing that his general was killed, the dwarf soldiers who were still fighting in the air immediately turned back and looked at the direction of the voice. I wanted to confirm the situation. As a result, I saw that I was sulphur. Keke’s head in the hands of Secrabi.

The dwarven soldiers here can't fight anymore. It's really too tired. Now I just want to go to sleep on the ground, but I will resist it with my will, but now my general is dead. In an instant, the final battle of the dwarven soldiers here will also collapse.

"The general is dead!" "The general is dead!"

"I surrender! Don't fight!"

Morale immediately fell to the lowest point. The dwarven troops that had to be assembled and collapsed completely collapsed. Soldiers who surrendered and fled immediately appeared. Unfortunately, the undead troops surrounding them did not seem to let them go, whether they were running away or If you surrender, it will be a knife.

The battle behind is no longer a battle. It is only a unilateral massacre. The dwarf forces that will collapse will not be able to withstand the embarrassment of the undead forces. The battle lasted for about 2 hours, but most of the time was chased by the undead forces. The dwarven troops killed. When the afternoon, the battlefield was basically cleaned up. Except for a few lucky dwarves who fled in the chaos, the remaining 70,000 dwarves returned to the army and were all encircled by the undead. Here it is.

At the same time, the second legion of mankind also just reached the city of the dwarf's main city, and this time the dwarves are still thinking about waiting for their reinforcements. (To be continued.)

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