All Things Wrong

Chapter 825: Game start

On the last two sides, there was no conflict. It was not the face of each side of the sky, but Li Jianyi of this side just came back. He just spoke to the VIP room of GVS and Liu Yuntian. He heard that Li Huailin was coming, so he just rushed back to the south. The restroom, on the way, met the two sides of the confrontation, because it had been fined before, so quickly become a good person to persuade the two sides. [

"I am waiting for you in the ring." The heavens on this side said one and left.

Li Huailin did not feel that each side of the day was malicious. It should be to see if he can participate in the competition on time. However, the gun there is indeed a stinking mouth. If you pay 450, you can't keep him. Unfortunately, he and his game have already missed it. I really hope to meet him in the finals.

"What's wrong, General Li, it seems to have something to worry about." On the way to the lounge, Li Huailin always felt that Li Jianyi here was frowning, and he also asked habitually.

"Nothing, just a little bit of operation, you still have peace of mind to prepare for the competition. I will deal with other things." Li Jianyi seems to want to distract Li Huailin, so he immediately said.

"Speak, listen, I know that I can help." Li Huailin said.

"Hmm..." Li Jianyi here thought about it. Li Huailin is now the company's most important employee, so since he wants to know, he can also talk to him. "The people in the previous event called me to go and said something. This year's sponsorship, you also know that we are now the second echelon team, and the recommended number of s-machines has increased by one, so the event requires our sponsorship amount to increase by about 80%."

“Some difficulties?” Li Huailin asked.

"Really. So I just talked with Liu Dong of gvs about the problem of the broadcast split. I haven’t talked about it yet, so I’m upset.” Li Jianyi said, “But don’t worry, these are my things. You just have to win here. Just fine, how is it, there is nothing wrong with today's game."

"There should be no problem." Li Huailin said with confidence, "I am sorry that I will not come to the competition and give you trouble."

"Oh..." Li Jianyi here smiled. It really adds a lot of trouble. But I also shook my head. "Don't be disqualified directly."

"Big Brother, are you really good at playing against each other on that day? I just fought with him this morning and I feel that there is no chance." Jiang Xueyi next to him said.

"You played with him? What is the harvest?" Li Huailin asked.

"There is no harvest at all. It was smashed with blood... It turned out that I was not a level player at all." Jiang Xueyi said here.

"Then you will practice well. How can I be my younger brother?" Li Huailin said casually.

Everyone came to the lounge while talking. Li Huailin also talked with Li Jianyi about the situation of the company's players. Now the company's four players, the highest ranked is still the wind, and now the results are 9 wins and 1 loss. With the summoning Jade Emperor in the second place, the first one is still the other side of the day. This guy is now 9 wins and 0 losses. The game with Li Huailin is the 10th game. If Li Huailin defeats him, the wind will flow. Can go up one by one and go to the first place.

Li Huailin smashed two games in the morning, and now the score is 6 wins and 3 losses, ranking in the 8th position. This is because there are still many players who play less rounds. For example, if the wind is like the wind, the magic kitchen is a small round. Arranged behind Li Huailin, it is estimated that Li Huailin will fall down after this round.

The result of the famous general is 4 wins and 3 losses, a small round, and now ranked 18th. Jiang Xueyi is 5 wins and 5 losses, and is now ranked 15th.

"Not bad." The performance of people who looked at their company was not bad, Li Huailin said.

"Yeah, everyone's performance is good this time. Maybe the four s players can enter the finals." Li Jianyi also nodded.

"There are almost no time for the players, please go to the waiting area to prepare for the show." Just talking, the staff there came to inform, Li Huailin looked at the time, the game started 10 minutes, it is indeed going get ready.

"Big brother, you must win." Jiang Xueyi said here.

At this time, the arena has been filled with audiences. After all, this can be regarded as the early finals, and most of the audience in the factory are fans of the players on both sides, and as a fairly clear, one side is Li Huailin’s fan group. Naturally, the head of the group is led by the mountains and listening to the water. On the other side is the fan group of each side of the sky. The number of people on both sides is almost the same. Almost all the stands are filled, and the fans of the remaining players are almost crowded.

However, the audience were a little anxious at this time. They started to watch it in the morning. As a result, Li Huailin was absent in the morning. Even the fans of each side of the day were a little anxious because they also wanted to watch each other to defeat Li Huailin for the final of last season. Revenge, of course, Li Huailin’s fans are even more anxious.

"Head, do you contact the bulls, he will not come." A member of the group asked to see the mountains and listen to the water.

"Hey..." The side of the mountain listened to the water and suddenly smiled. "Do not worry, the cow will definitely come, I have received the news."

"Ha? What news?" asked the reunion next to him.

"Do you know that the bulls did not come because of the morning?" Seeing the mountains and listening to the water mysteriously said.

"What?" A group of people naturally did not know, strangely asked.

"At noon, I went offline to look at the forum. As a result, the forums have exploded. In the morning, outside the main city, npc besieged the city. As a result, the singer went out of the city and directly summoned a wild wave ss, then put the gang Npc has all been killed." This side of the mountain to listen to the water excitedly said that the forum is now a video of the mountains and plains, although the layout is a bit fuzzy, but still can see Li Huailin's heroic.

Of course, there are some players who are secretly close to want to make a clear picture. As a result, they are inexplicably shown that they have been killed by the player’s chest (that is, the aura is burned). These people can only put a screenshot on the depressed, indicating that they don’t know. what's the situation.

"What, what? Niubi brother alone npc?" Naturally, the fans are all fans of Niujie. I was immediately interested in hearing about this. "What happened in the end, I heard what happened in the morning. Is the voice of people talking? Is that the one?"

"I don't know this very well. On the Internet, there are a group of soldiers who have surrounded the main city. The main city has been temporarily closed. As a result, the cows jumped out of the city gate and then they got a ss-like creature. All of a sudden, the people on the opposite side were killed." Look at the mountains and listen to the water.

Asked by someone next to "Whiss? Where?"

"Probably where to fly the kite." Someone guessed.

"I just went to see it. The wave ss is said to have exploded afterwards." Another side said.

"What is the situation in the trough? This is a big news. I have to go down the line to see the forum." Someone immediately said.

"Wait, don't leave!" I immediately shouted at the mountain listening to the water. "The morning is over. Now the bulls are definitely coming back. It is his game right now. Everyone is left to cheer him up."

"Also." Although most people are a bit curious, but decided to finish the game first, since the bulls have come, it is a wonderful game.

Officially, the host on the stage also introduced Li Huailin here. Today, the host on the stage is the turn of Liu Su. It is not the Ke Xin who often presides over Li Huai-lin’s game. Because today, I can please take time off, Liu Su naturally comes. On behalf of the class.

"Southern Rest Area, this season, just became a professional game player, immediately entered the s-level professional competition, and directly won the finals of the last season with the thunder of lightning, he is our current defending champion, the legendary Niubi brother - the chest of the player!"

"Big brother! Niubi brother! Niubi brother!" On the stage, a neat shout broke out, and the arena was ignited in an instant.

With the shouting of earth-shattering, Li Huailin slowly walked out of the door of the lounge and saw that the bulls were actually playing. I don’t know that some of the audience that Li Huailin had returned were immediately joined by the shouting team, and at the same time, The race party and the gvs people are secretly relieved, but fortunately the most important game this guy is coming back.

"Northern rest area, I believe that I have not introduced much, I won the championship for four consecutive times, but I was defeated by Niubi last season, only won the second, but also the familiar champions - Tianyi players, today For him, it is also a revenge war. I don’t know if the players in each day can succeed in revenge? Let’s witness it.”

"Heavenly brother! God brother! God brother!" With the appearance of each side of the sky, his fans also kindly screamed the nickname of each side of the sky, the scene is also not lost Li Huailin, but the fans on both sides did not give each other a slap, not only The quality is high, mainly because the two also compose the same person this kind of thing, always feel...

As in the previous rules, the game won three games and the referee went to the stage. It was also a simple repetition of the rules. The host Liu Su also interviewed the two before the game, slightly setting the atmosphere and improving the ratings.

"Sports players, do you think you have the ability to revenge today?" Liu Su asked here.

Everyone in the day completely ignored the question of Liu Su, looked at Li Huailin, and then asked: "Are you ready?"

"At any time." Li Huailin said with a hand.

"Then let's get started." The heavens said one by one, "The host, let's get started."

"Hey..." Liu Su was a little depressed, but he immediately adjusted it and said: "The 21xx s-class career fourth season round robin, the 277th game, from the chest of the players against the players of the day, now , the game begins!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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